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如何快速判断6大从句(地表最强的初中语法分析讲解)When 后面用过去时, When you came in ,I was reading books 当你进来的时候,我正在读书。When 和While的区别I will help you as soon as you are in trouble 你一有困难,我就帮助你I will help you as long as you are in trouble 只要你有困难,我就帮助你I won't help you unless you are in trouble 除非你有困难,否则,我将不会帮助你




例如:I will help you if you are in trouble 如果你有困难,我将会帮助你

I will help you when you are in trouble 当你有困难的时候,我将会帮助你

I will help you as soon as you are in trouble 你一有困难,我就帮助你

I will help you as long as you are in trouble 只要你有困难,我就帮助你

I won't help you unless you are in trouble 除非你有困难,否则,我将不会帮助你

When 和While的区别

When 后面用过去时, When you came in ,I was reading books 当你进来的时候,我正在读书。

While 后面用进行时, While I was reading ,he came in 当我正在阅读的时候,他进来了


He was reading while he was eating 他一边读书,一边吃东西。


例如: I sad that you were right 我说你是对的

I asked if you were in China 我问你是否在中国(一般疑问句,中间通常用if 连接)

I wanted to know what your name was 我想要知道你的名字是什么

I don't know who you are 我不知道你是谁(特殊疑问句,必须用陈述语气)

My teacher said the earth is round 老师说地球是圆的(事实真理,都用一般现在时。)



物:which(主语,宾语),that (主语, 宾语省略)


I see a man who is tall 我看见一个高高的男人

I see a man that is tall 我看见一个很高的男人。

I see the man whom you are talking with 我看见你和他聊天的那个男人

I see the man (that,可省略)you are talking with

I see a desk which is clean 我看见一个很干净的桌子

I see a desk that is clean 我看见一个很干净的桌子

I see a desk which you clean 我看见一张你打扫的桌子

I see a desk (that 可省略)you clean 我看见一张你打扫的桌子

I know a man whose name is Tom 我认识一个叫做汤姆的男人。


1, He is the only man that is tall 他是一个唯一高的男人。(不定代词)

2, He is the first man who comes to my class 他是到我的教室的第一个人(序数词)

3, He is the shortest man that is from Japan 那个来自日本的男人是最矮的。(最高级)
