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Unit4Earthquakes-2022年高考英语一轮复习教材词汇通关(Unit4Earthquakes-2022年高考英语一轮复习教材词汇通关)五、根据所给词的适当形式填空A 1 (记者) is writing an 2 (大纲) of an article about the public welfare activities to express the 3 (真诚的) 4 (祝贺). The 5 (大字标题) is 6 (自行车手) Ready to Go on the Road for 7 (灾难)-Hit Areas. This time they will leave for the Dangshan City where a deadly 8 (地震) once took place.三、助记译文为了表达真诚的祝愿,一名记者正在写一篇关于公益活动的文章纲要。这篇文章的标题就是——前往曾经受灾地区的自行车手们。这一次他们将前往唐山市,在那里曾经发生过一场致命的地震。四、根据所给的汉语意思填空





A reporter is writing an outline of an article about the public welfare activities to express the sincere congratulations. The headline is Cyclists Ready to Go on the Road for Disaster-Hit Areas. This time they will leave for the Dangshan City where a deadly earthquake once took place.




A 1 (记者) is writing an 2 (大纲) of an article about the public welfare activities to express the 3 (真诚的) 4 (祝贺). The 5 (大字标题) is 6 (自行车手) Ready to Go on the Road for 7 (灾难)-Hit Areas. This time they will leave for the Dangshan City where a deadly 8 (地震) once took place.


A 1 (report) is writing an outline of an article about the public welfare activities to express the 2 (sincerely) 3 (congratulate). The headline is 4 (cycle) Ready to Go on the Road for Disaster-Hit Areas. This time they will leave for the Dangshan City where a deadly earthquake once took place.


1. You should draw up an (大纲) for the essay before writing.

2. She (遮盖) her face in her hands and began to sob.

3. We followed the bear’s (足迹) in the snow.

4. You (营救) me from an embarrassing situation.

5. That balloon will (爆裂) if you blow it up any more.


Eleven-year-old Angela was stricken with a disease involving her nervous system. The doctors did not hold out much hope of her ever recovering 1 this illness. They predict she’d spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. 2 Angela firmly believed that she was definitely going to be walking again some day.
