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最新人教版五年级下英语期末试卷(人教版五年级英语下册期末考试试卷及答案)3. be room a there living will .2. see the to she’s doctor going .四、听录音,看图填上你听到的英语单词完成对话。(12分)五、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(12分)1. in you stay should bed .












1. in you stay should bed .

2. see the to she’s doctor going .

3. be room a there living will .

4. break he window the did ?

5. away your put toys can you ?

6. like what be the will weather ?



It’s Sunday . There’s . Lucy is in her

. She wants to the TV. She’s going to some . They’re going to

a on Tuesday.




It was sunny and warm last week. Kimmy’s family were on vacation. They came from Canada. They were in Chongqing and Hubei. They liked the food there. It was spicy and tasty. They visited the Three Gorges(长江三峡) by boat. It was very nice. Kimmy’s mother is going to see the Great Wall in Beijing next year. She’s going to meet her aunt.

( )1. It was last week.

A. windy and cool B. cloudy and hot C. sunny and warm

( )2. Kimmy came from .

A. Thailand B. China C. Canada

( )3. Kimmy went to with his father and mother.

A. Chongqing and Hubei B. Sichuan and Hainan C. Harbin

( )4. The food was .

A. spicy and tasty B. spicy and yucky C. bad

( )5. Kimmy’s family visited the Three Gorges .

A. by car B. by boat C. by taxi

( )6. Kimmy’s mother is going to in Beijing next year.

A. get a haircut B. see the pandas C. meet her aunt



1. What did Miss Hoo do this morning?

She drank some water.

2. Did the girl eat bananas?

No she didn’t. She ate oranges.

3. What’s the matter with you?

I have a stomachache.

You should take some medicine.

4. There will be rain tomorrow. It will be hot.

5. Are you going to visit relatives after breakfast?

Yes we are.

6. Can you hang up your clothes?

Sure. I’ll hang them up in a minute.


1. What are you going to do?

We’re going to clean up the room.

2. What happened to you Gogo?

I went skating and fell. I should go to the hospital.

3. What will the weather be like this afternoon?

It will be sunny.

4. What did Jimmy do on Friday?

He made models.

5. Will there be vegetables in your kitchen?

No there won’t. But there will be some fruit.

6. Can you take out the trash?

OK. I’ll do it later.


1. bowl bowl box box bank bank

What are the boys doing? They’re practicing basketball.

2. fish fish swim swim ship ship

Two big pandas sit and talk on the grass.

3. head head bed bed leg leg

This is Lisa’s pen. She wants to buy some bread.

4. cherry cherry children children cheese cheese

We had chicken for dinner. But Ben liked chocolate.

5. pants pants purple purple paper paper

There are peaches and pears in my sister’s bag.


1. Is Jenny going to shop for clothes next month?

No she isn’t. She’s going to plant a tree in the garden.

2. What happened to Peter yesterday?

He had a fever. He didn’t go to school.

3. What are you going to do the day after tomorrow?

We’re going to have a picnic.



1. Y 2. Y 3. N 4. N 5. Y 6. Y




1. boys basketball 2. big sit 3. pen bread

4. chicken chocolate 5. peaches pears


1. month ( 2分 ) ,

in the garden ( in the各占0.5分,garden占1分 )

2. What happened ( 每个单词各占1分 ) ,

a fever ( a占0.5分,fever占1.5分 )

3. the day after tomorrow ( 每个单词各占0.5分 ) ,

have a picnic ( have a各占0.5分,picnic占1分 )


1. You should stay in bed.

2. She’s going to see the doctor.

3. There will be a living room.

4. Did he break the window?

5. Can you put away your toys?

6. What will the weather be like?


evening rain bedroom/ room turn off read books take test


1. play with friends ( play占1分,with friends各占0.5分 ),

put on ( 每个单词各占1分 ) ,

be snowy ( be占0.5分,snowy占1.5分 )

2. have a party ( have a 各占0.5分,party占1分 ) ,

is drinking ( is 占0.5分,drinking占1.5分 ) ,

take some photos ( take some各占0.5分,photos占1分)


1. C 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. C
