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考研英语翻译唐静真题讲解(Doctors39)(6)Family members in the midst of one of the most confusing and emotional times of their lives are left to interpret euphemisms.(5) Doctors and nurses want to help but also want to avoid prosecution so they speak carefully parsing their words.(2) But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen in the rest.(3) Sick patients sometimes ask for help in hastening their deaths and some doctors will hint v


Doctors' Secret Language for Assisted Suicide

有关安乐死的话题在外刊经常出现,在考试中也曾经出现过(2002年第4篇 —— 一篇超难的文章)。今天分享的文章虽长难句不多,但考点词汇相当丰富。英语一的同学要求全文翻译。


(1) Physician-assisted suicide is illegal in all but five states.

(2) But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen in the rest.

(3) Sick patients sometimes ask for help in hastening their deaths and some doctors will hint vaguely how to do it.

(4) This leads to bizarre veiled conversations between medical professionals and overwhelmed families.

(5) Doctors and nurses want to help but also want to avoid prosecution so they speak carefully parsing their words.

(6)Family members in the midst of one of the most confusing and emotional times of their lives are left to interpret euphemisms.


问: 下面那个词汇可以描述医生协助病人自杀的行为:

[A] illegal

[B] aggressive

[C] compulsive

[D] tricky。


to hasten: v. 赶快;加速

hint:n. 暗示

vaguely: ad. 含糊地;模糊地

bizarre: a. 奇异的;怪诞的

veiled: a. 含糊地;模糊地

overwhelmed: a. 不知所措的

prosecution: n. 起诉

to parse*: v. 从语法上分析(超刚词)

euphemism*: 委婉表达(超刚词)












