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内蒙古科技大学研究生值得读吗(内蒙古科技大学)Inner Mongolia University of Science&Technology referred to as the "University of Internal Medicine" is located in Baotou one of the first national civilized cities and a beautiful steel city on the grassland. It has been selected into the national "Basic Ability Construction Project for Colleges and Universities in Central and Western China" "Excellent Engineer Educati


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内蒙古科技大学(Inner Mongolia University of Science&Technology),简称“内科大”,坐落在首批全国文明城市、美丽的草原钢城—包头,入选国家“中西部高校基础能力建设工程”“卓越工程师教育培养计划2.0”“新工科研究与实践项目”。[1]内蒙古科技大学始建于1956年,最初为包头钢铁工业学校和包头建筑工程学校,1958年两校合并组建包头工学院,1960年更名为包头钢铁学院,隶属原冶金工业部,1998年划归内蒙古自治区管理,成为中央与地方共建的高等学校。2000年内蒙古煤炭工业学校并入,2003年与包头师范学院、包头医学院联合组建内蒙古科技大学,2013年博士点建设顺利通过验收。 据2016年1月内科大官网信息显示,学校占地113万平方米,建筑面积58万平方米,馆藏纸本图书115万余册、电子图书215万种(册),中外文数据库检索系统60多个,中外文电子期刊5万多种;设有15个教学院系,开办64个本科专业;1700多名专任教师精心培育着23000多名全日制在校生。

Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology

Comprehensive public general undergraduate course

Inner Mongolia University of Science&Technology referred to as the "University of Internal Medicine" is located in Baotou one of the first national civilized cities and a beautiful steel city on the grassland. It has been selected into the national "Basic Ability Construction Project for Colleges and Universities in Central and Western China" "Excellent Engineer Education and Training Plan 2.0" and "New Engineering Research and Practice Project". [1] Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology (Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology) was founded in 1956 as Baotou Iron and Steel Industrial School and Baotou Architectural Engineering School. In 1958 the two schools merged to form Baotou Institute of Technology. In 1960 the university was renamed Baotou Institute of Iron and Steel which was under the former Ministry of Metallurgical Industry. In 2000 Inner Mongolia Coal Industry School was merged into Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology. In 2003 Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology was jointly established with Baotou Normal University and Baotou Medical College. In 2013 the construction of doctoral program passed the acceptance inspection smoothly. According to the official website of University of Internal Medicine in January 2016 the university covers an area of 1.13 million square meters with a building area of 580 000 square meters. It has a collection of more than 1.15 million volumes of paper books and 2.15 million kinds of electronic books more than 60 database retrieval systems in Chinese and foreign languages and more than 50 000 kinds of electronic periodicals in Chinese and foreign languages. It has 15 teaching schools and departments offering 64 undergraduate majors. More than 1 700 full-time teachers carefully nurture more than 23 000 full-time students.
