朴素贝叶斯代码,高斯朴素贝叶斯分类的原理解释和手写代码实现#Exploring dataset: sns.pairplot(df kind="scatter" hue="dx") plt.show()可以使用框线图检查这三组的分布,看看哪些特征可以更好的区分出类别from statsmodels.graphics.gofplots import qqplot from matplotlib import pyplot #q-q plot: fig axs = pyplot.subplots(1 3 figsize=(15 5)) qqplot(df['FEV1'] line='s' ax=axs[0]) qqplot(df['FeNO'] line='s' ax=axs[1]) qqplot(df['BD'] li
高斯朴素贝叶斯 (GNB) 是一种基于概率方法和高斯分布的机器学习的分类技术。 高斯朴素贝叶斯假设每个参数(也称为特征或预测变量)具有预测输出变量的独立能力。 所有参数的预测组合是最终预测,它返回因变量被分类到每个组中的概率,最后的分类被分配给概率较高的分组(类)。
什么是高斯分布?高斯分布也称为正态分布,是描述自然界中连续随机变量的统计分布的统计模型。 正态分布由其钟形曲线定义, 正态分布中两个最重要的特征是均值 (μ) 和标准差 (σ)。 平均值是分布的平均值,标准差是分布在平均值周围的“宽度”。
重要的是要知道正态分布的变量 (X) 从 -∞ < X < ∞ 连续分布(连续变量),并且模型曲线下的总面积为 1。
from random import random
from random import randint
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import statistics
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from mlxtend.plotting import plot_decision_regions
#Creating values for FeNO with 3 classes:
FeNO_0 = np.random.normal(20 19 200)
FeNO_1 = np.random.normal(40 20 200)
FeNO_2 = np.random.normal(60 20 200)
#Creating values for FEV1 with 3 classes:
FEV1_0 = np.random.normal(4.65 1 200)
FEV1_1 = np.random.normal(3.75 1.2 200)
FEV1_2 = np.random.normal(2.85 1.2 200)
#Creating values for Broncho Dilation with 3 classes:
BD_0 = np.random.normal(150 49 200)
BD_1 = np.random.normal(201 50 200)
BD_2 = np.random.normal(251 50 200)
#Creating labels variable with three classes:(2)disease (1)possible disease (0)no disease:
not_asthma = np.zeros((200 ) dtype=int)
poss_asthma = np.ones((200 ) dtype=int)
asthma = np.full((200 ) 2 dtype=int)
#Concatenate classes into one variable:
FeNO = np.concatenate([FeNO_0 FeNO_1 FeNO_2])
FEV1 = np.concatenate([FEV1_0 FEV1_1 FEV1_2])
BD = np.concatenate([BD_0 BD_1 BD_2])
dx = np.concatenate([not_asthma poss_asthma asthma])
#Create DataFrame:
df = pd.DataFrame()
#Add variables to DataFrame:
df['FeNO'] = FeNO.tolist()
df['FEV1'] = FEV1.tolist()
df['BD'] = BD.tolist()
df['dx'] = dx.tolist()
#Check database:
我们的df有 600 行和 4 列。 现在我们可以通过可视化检查变量的分布:
fig axs = plt.subplots(2 3 figsize=(14 7))
sns.kdeplot(df['FEV1'] shade=True color="b" ax=axs[0 0])
sns.kdeplot(df['FeNO'] shade=True color="b" ax=axs[0 1])
sns.kdeplot(df['BD'] shade=True color="b" ax=axs[0 2])
sns.distplot( a=df["FEV1"] hist=True kde=True rug=False ax=axs[1 0])
sns.distplot( a=df["FeNO"] hist=True kde=True rug=False ax=axs[1 1])
sns.distplot( a=df["BD"] hist=True kde=True rug=False ax=axs[1 2])
通过人肉的检查,数据似乎接近高斯分布。 还可以使用 qq-plots仔细检查:
from statsmodels.graphics.gofplots import qqplot
from matplotlib import pyplot
#q-q plot:
fig axs = pyplot.subplots(1 3 figsize=(15 5))
qqplot(df['FEV1'] line='s' ax=axs[0])
qqplot(df['FeNO'] line='s' ax=axs[1])
qqplot(df['BD'] line='s' ax=axs[2])
#Exploring dataset:
sns.pairplot(df kind="scatter" hue="dx")
# plotting both distibutions on the same figure
fig axs = plt.subplots(2 3 figsize=(14 7))
fig = sns.kdeplot(df['FEV1'] hue= df['dx'] shade=True color="r" ax=axs[0 0])
fig = sns.kdeplot(df['FeNO'] hue= df['dx'] shade=True color="r" ax=axs[0 1])
fig = sns.kdeplot(df['BD'] hue= df['dx'] shade=True color="r" ax=axs[0 2])
sns.boxplot(x=df["dx"] y=df["FEV1"] palette = 'magma' ax=axs[1 0])
sns.boxplot(x=df["dx"] y=df["FeNO"] palette = 'magma' ax=axs[1 1])
sns.boxplot(x=df["dx"] y=df["BD"] palette = 'magma' ax=axs[1 2])
def normal_dist(x mean sd):
prob_density = (1/sd*np.sqrt(2*np.pi)) * np.exp(-0.5*((x-mean)/sd)**2)
return prob_density
知道正态分布公式,就可以计算该样本在三个分组(分类)概率。 首先,需要计算所有预测特征和组的均值和标准差:
#Group 0:
group_0 = df[df['dx'] == 0]print('Mean FEV1 group 0: ' statistics.mean(group_0['FEV1']))
print('SD FEV1 group 0: ' statistics.stdev(group_0['FEV1']))
print('Mean FeNO group 0: ' statistics.mean(group_0['FeNO']))
print('SD FeNO group 0: ' statistics.stdev(group_0['FeNO']))
print('Mean BD group 0: ' statistics.mean(group_0['BD']))
print('SD BD group 0: ' statistics.stdev(group_0['BD']))
#Group 1:
group_1 = df[df['dx'] == 1]
print('Mean FEV1 group 1: ' statistics.mean(group_1['FEV1']))
print('SD FEV1 group 1: ' statistics.stdev(group_1['FEV1']))
print('Mean FeNO group 1: ' statistics.mean(group_1['FeNO']))
print('SD FeNO group 1: ' statistics.stdev(group_1['FeNO']))
print('Mean BD group 1: ' statistics.mean(group_1['BD']))
print('SD BD group 1: ' statistics.stdev(group_1['BD']))
#Group 2:
group_2 = df[df['dx'] == 2]
print('Mean FEV1 group 2: ' statistics.mean(group_2['FEV1']))
print('SD FEV1 group 2: ' statistics.stdev(group_2['FEV1']))
print('Mean FeNO group 2: ' statistics.mean(group_2['FeNO']))
print('SD FeNO group 2: ' statistics.stdev(group_2['FeNO']))
print('Mean BD group 2: ' statistics.mean(group_2['BD']))
print('SD BD group 2: ' statistics.stdev(group_2['BD']))
FEV1 = 2.75
FeNO = 27
BD = 125
#Probability for:
#FEV1 = 2.75
#FeNO = 27
#BD = 125
#We have the same number of observations so the general probability is: 0.33
Prob_geral = round(0.333 3)
#Prob FEV1:
Prob_FEV1_0 = round(normal_dist(2.75 4.70 1.08) 10)
print('Prob FEV1 0: ' Prob_FEV1_0)
Prob_FEV1_1 = round(normal_dist(2.75 3.70 1.13) 10)
print('Prob FEV1 1: ' Prob_FEV1_1)
Prob_FEV1_2 = round(normal_dist(2.75 3.01 1.22) 10)
print('Prob FEV1 2: ' Prob_FEV1_2)
#Prob FeNO:
Prob_FeNO_0 = round(normal_dist(27 19.71 19.29) 10)
print('Prob FeNO 0: ' Prob_FeNO_0)
Prob_FeNO_1 = round(normal_dist(27 42.34 19.85) 10)
print('Prob FeNO 1: ' Prob_FeNO_1)
Prob_FeNO_2 = round(normal_dist(27 61.78 21.39) 10)
print('Prob FeNO 2: ' Prob_FeNO_2)
#Prob BD:
Prob_BD_0 = round(normal_dist(125 152.59 50.33) 10)
print('Prob BD 0: ' Prob_BD_0)
Prob_BD_1 = round(normal_dist(125 199.14 50.81) 10)
print('Prob BD 1: ' Prob_BD_1)
Prob_BD_2 = round(normal_dist(125 256.13 47.04) 10)
print('Prob BD 2: ' Prob_BD_2)
#Compute probability:
Prob_group_0 = Prob_geral*Prob_FEV1_0*Prob_FeNO_0*Prob_BD_0
print('Prob group 0: ' Prob_group_0)
Prob_group_1 = Prob_geral*Prob_FEV1_1*Prob_FeNO_1*Prob_BD_1
print('Prob group 1: ' Prob_group_1)
Prob_group_2 = Prob_geral*Prob_FEV1_2*Prob_FeNO_2*Prob_BD_2
print('Prob group 2: ' Prob_group_2)
可以看到,这个样本具有属于第 2 组的概率最高。这就是朴素贝叶斯手动计算的的流程,但是这种成熟的算法可以使用来自 Scikit-Learn 的更高效的实现。
Scikit-Learn的分类器样例Scikit-Learn的GaussianNB为我们提供了更加高效的方法,下面我们使用GaussianNB进行完整的分类实例。首先创建 X 和 y 变量,并执行训练和测试拆分:
#Creating X and y:
X = df.drop('dx' axis=1)
y = df['dx']
#Data split into train and test:
X_train X_test y_train y_test = train_test_split(X y test_size=0.30)
在输入之前还需要使用 standardscaler 对数据进行标准化:
sc = StandardScaler()
X_train = sc.fit_transform(X_train)
X_test = sc.transform(X_test)
#Build the model:
classifier = GaussianNB()
classifier.fit(X_train y_train)
#Evaluate the model:
print("training set score: %f" % classifier.score(X_train y_train))
print("test set score: %f" % classifier.score(X_test y_test))
# Predicting the Test set results
y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test)
#Confusion Matrix:
cm = confusion_matrix(y_test y_pred)
通过混淆矩阵可以看到,的模型最适合预测类别 0,但类别 1 和 2 的错误率很高。为了查看这个问题,我们使用变量构建决策边界图:
df.to_csv('data.csv' index = False)
data = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
def gaussian_nb_a(data):
x = data[['BD' 'FeNO' ]].values
y = data['dx'].astype(int).values
Gauss_nb = GaussianNB()
Gauss_nb.fit(x y)
print(Gauss_nb.score(x y))
#Plot decision region:
plot_decision_regions(x y clf=Gauss_nb legend=1)
#Adding axes annotations:
plt.title('Gaussian Naive Bayes')
def gaussian_nb_b(data):
x = data[['BD' 'FEV1' ]].values
y = data['dx'].astype(int).values
Gauss_nb = GaussianNB()
Gauss_nb.fit(x y)
print(Gauss_nb.score(x y))
#Plot decision region:
plot_decision_regions(x y clf=Gauss_nb legend=1)
#Adding axes annotations:
plt.title('Gaussian Naive Bayes')
def gaussian_nb_c(data):
x = data[['FEV1' 'FeNO' ]].values
y = data['dx'].astype(int).values
Gauss_nb = GaussianNB()
Gauss_nb.fit(x y)
print(Gauss_nb.score(x y))
#Plot decision region:
plot_decision_regions(x y clf=Gauss_nb legend=1)
#Adding axes annotations:
plt.title('Gaussian Naive Bayes')
作者:Carla Martins