绘本故事英语版超过两分钟且简单(绘本磨耳朵thewheels)首先观察书的封面。爸爸妈妈们可以给小朋友们指读画面上所看到的,或者使用brown bear系列里学习过的句型what do you see来跟小朋友们进行对话。封面 这个磨耳朵绘本视频是由一首经典童谣改编过来的,是一个经典的韵律感很强的歌曲版本 而且绘本里出现的人物比如司机,小朋友也都是卡通样子的,小朋友看到会更喜欢。 三、 读绘本
这本书描绘了人们搭乘公共汽车时的场景,《the wheels on the bus》,中文《车轮转呀转》。这本书其实美国一个广为流传的童谣,节奏郎朗上口,整本书只是一句The XXXon the bus go XXX 不断重复,语言简单且重复率很高,配合欢快的语调,很是朗朗上口。书中的特殊洞洞书设计,非常巧妙精美,深受小朋友喜爱,是启蒙期必读的绘本之一。
一、 听绘本
二、 看绘本
这个磨耳朵绘本视频是由一首经典童谣改编过来的,是一个经典的韵律感很强的歌曲版本 而且绘本里出现的人物比如司机,小朋友也都是卡通样子的,小朋友看到会更喜欢。
三、 读绘本
首先观察书的封面。爸爸妈妈们可以给小朋友们指读画面上所看到的,或者使用brown bear系列里学习过的句型what do you see来跟小朋友们进行对话。
What do you see on the cover? 你在封面上看到了什么?
I see a big bus;我看到一辆大车。
The wheels are very colorful。 How many colors are there? There are blue green yellow purple and light yellow five colors on the wheels. 车轮上一共有五种颜色。
What else do you see?你还看到了什么?
I see a driver,a rabbit raindrops an umbrella a clown children babies and gifts. 我看到司机、兔子、雨滴、雨伞、小丑、小孩、宝宝,还有礼物。
What's more?What else on the cover do you see?还有吗?封面上还有什么呢?
I also see different ['dɪfrənt] animals. 我还看到各种小动物。
What kind of animals do you see?你看到哪几种小动物?
I see a butterfly. I see two butterflies;我看到一只蝴蝶,我看到两只蝴蝶;
I see a bird; I see---one two three four birds. 我看到一只小鸟,我看到四只小鸟。
I see a frog; I see two frogs. 我看到一只青蛙;我看到两只青蛙。
I see a mouse [maʊs]. 我看到一只老鼠。
I see a snail [sneɪl]; I see two snails. 我看到一只蜗牛;我看到两只蜗牛;
What's more?还有吗?
We see a hen,a cat,and a hedgepig ['hedʒpɪg];我们看到一只母鸡、一只猫、一只刺猬。除了车下方的两只蜗牛,车顶上还有两只蜗牛。
Besides the two snails there are two balloons [bə'luːn] on the top of the bus。除了蜗牛,车顶上还飘着两只气球,还有像小蝌蚪一样的,那是音符musical notes。
The wheels on the bus go Round and Round Round and Round Round and Round.The Wheels on the bus go Round and Round All day long!
观察一下车轮有什么变化吗?右边的车轮是个洞,由grey green yellow purple blue green and red circles组成,一共七个圈儿。
再观察一下坐在车里的乘客:In the first row there are a lady with black curly hair and her little girl. 第一排坐着一位黑色卷发的女士,旁边是她的女儿,小女孩正在玩玩具熊。
In the second row there are a man with yellow hair and his little boy. 在第二排,坐着一个男士和他的儿子。
What are they doing? 他们在做什么呢?
The man is reading newspapers ['njuːzpeɪpə(r)]. 小男孩的爸爸在读报纸,
what is the little boy doing?小男孩在做什么呢?
He is looking out of the window. 他正在看窗外呢。
In the third row there are two kids. 第三排坐着两个小孩,
They are reading books。In the fourth row there are a lady with black hair and a little girl. 第四排坐着一位女士和她的女儿。
The wipers on the bus go Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish.The wipers on the bus go Swish Swish Swish All day long.
这页上雨刷的位置出现了一个洞,洞旁边标着swish swish swish。
they are playing with their toy car and toy airplane. 车后面又有一个人在追车,这次是个老爷爷。There is a rabbit on his shoulder and a snail and a rabbit on his umbrella。老爷爷的肩上,趴着一只小兔子,他的雨伞上,也趴着一个小兔子,还有一只蜗牛。看起来非常有趣!
The horn on the bus goes Beep! Beep! Beep!Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!The horn on the bus goes Beep! Beep! Beep!All day long!
这一页上,在喇叭的位置,也出现了一个洞,洞里是喇叭,洞旁边是喇叭发出来的声音,beep beep beep。
车里,the clown is playing with a red ball;小丑在玩一个红色的球,他旁边的小朋友呢,在吹小喇叭。
第三排的两个小朋友停止玩玩具了,One is having a lollipop ['lɒlipɒp] and the other is drinking orange juice.
第四排的母女这会儿在做什么?They are reading. 这次追车的人是谁呢?
Look at the paint brushes and the paint box! She must be a painter ['peɪntə(r)]. 看看她手里拿的画笔和颜料盒,我猜她一定是个画家。
The driver on the bus says "Tickets Please!Tickets Please! Tickets Please!"The driver on the bus says "Tickets Please!All day long!
这页上,公交车司机的位置出现了一个洞,洞旁边是司机说的话"Tickets please!"那听到司机叔叔说买票,大家都把手里的票拿出来了。
All of the passengers are showing the tickets. 车的第三排,画画的女士上车了,并且把两个小朋友的脸都涂上了漂亮的颜色,一个涂成了大老虎tiger。
How funny it is!公交车的喇叭还在响,为什么呀,因为车前面跑来来一只小狗a dog.
小狗正在看着一个女孩。女孩身上环绕着彩带color stripes [straɪp],看起来很美丽,I guess she is a dancer 我猜她一定是个舞者。她的身后,飞来了好多的蝴蝶呀!
The parents on the bus go Chat Chat Chat Chat Chat Chat Chat Chat Chat.The parents on the bus go Chat Chat Chat All day long.
这一页上,在第一排的位置,出现了一个洞,洞里的小丑和黑色卷发的女士正在聊天,因此旁边的文字就是chat chat chat!
车里的其他乘客在做什么?What are the other passengers doing now?
第一排的小宝宝在做什么?It starts to cry.
第二排的大人在聊天,小宝宝呢?It is sleeping。
第三排的两个小朋友的脸可好玩了。一个画上了老虎tiger,一个画上了蜜蜂honeybee['hʌnibiː]。车前面,跑过来一只母鸡和两只小鸡。The hen and its two chicks are running.
车后面又追来了一个男士。Look at his drum and the musical notes following him. 他身上有一只大鼓,身后还跟着好多音符呢。He must be a music man. 他一定是个音乐家。
The babies on the bus go "Wah Wah Wah Wah Wah Wah Wah Wah Wah."The babies on the bus go "Wah Wah Wah."All day long!
这页上在小宝贝哭的位置,也开了一个洞,洞里是小宝贝在哭,旁边的文字是宝贝的哭声wah wah wah。
Two rabbits are running near the bus。车后面追来了一个男孩。
There are many balloons in the boy's hand。男孩的手里抓着一串气球。他的手里肩膀上,有两只气球兔子!他的口袋里还有没吹开的气球。原来这个男孩是专门卖气球的呀!
The people on the bus go "Ssh Ssh Ssh Ssh Ssh Ssh Ssh Ssh Ssh."The people on the bus go "Ssh Ssh Ssh."All day long!
The children on the bus say "Party Time!"公交车上的小孩说,"聚会时间到!"
车前面跑来了三只刺猬three hedgepigs one big and the other two small。
车后面追来一位女士,她手里拿着一个蛋糕。There are five candles ['kændl] on the cake。看到这里,我们明白啦,原来车上的人们是去参加生日party的呀。最后一页上,生日聚会已经开始啦!横幅上写着happy birthday!
画面上大家都在开心地参加聚会,有的在吃蛋糕,有的在画画,有的在耍魔术,看到这里,我们才知道,原来老爷爷是个魔法师呢!还有的人在奏乐,有的在跳舞,有的在吹气球。What a happy party!
四、 玩绘本
五、 总结绘本
比如the wipers on the bus go swish swish swish
汽车部位:车轮wheels,巴士bus,雨刷wipers 喇叭horn.
人物名称:宝宝babies 妈妈momies 居民people.
拟声词:swish,beep,wah ssh.
1个句型:The XXX on the bus go XXX