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电动车的备用电(电动车的短板)想提高英语,请下载“英语流利说”电池电量有限,充电站少,是电动车主面临的最大的难题。尽管对于拥堵严重的北京和上海来说,新能源汽车是最好的解决拥堵的办法。在北京和上海,要想获得一个传统的汽油动力车的车牌及其困难。Many electric car owners have had similar experiences.许多电动车主都有类似的经历。Limited battery range and a lack of charging stations are the biggest problems facing drivers of electric cars. That's despite the fact that new energy vehicles are the best option in congested cities such as Beijing and Shangh

Despite government policies designed to reduce traffic jams and control pollution wider adoption of electric cars is being hampered by a lack of charging facilities nationwide.


Although she was sweating in her car Ms Li an office worker in Beijing couldn't risk turning on the air conditioning as she drove to work under the blazing summer sun.


Many electric car owners have had similar experiences.


Limited battery range and a lack of charging stations are the biggest problems facing drivers of electric cars. That's despite the fact that new energy vehicles are the best option in congested cities such as Beijing and Shanghai where it's extremely difficult to obtain license plates for traditional gas-powered vehicles.




