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3-6年级英语同义词(中学英语同义词讲解6)A pair of pandas have been presented to Japan.The happy pair on their honeymoon.a pair of socksa pair of compassesa pair of 主要表示物件,有时也用来表示人或动物。

a pair of a couple of


a pair of phr. "一双···、一对···"指同一类的两样东西有机的结合在一起,缺一不可。

a pair of glasses

a pair of socks

a pair of compasses

a pair of 主要表示物件,有时也用来表示人或动物。

The happy pair on their honeymoon.

A pair of pandas have been presented to Japan.

a couple of phr. 单纯指“一双···、一对···或两个同样的东西”,可分可合。它的复数形式一般在末尾加s,也可不加。

a couple of rabbits

a couple of twins

a couple of 可以表示人或动物,也可以表示事物,表示人和事物时,是“两三个、几个”的意思。

Don't worry.We've got a couple of tickets left over.

in couple in pair 表示“成对的、双双”的意思。

Please do it in pairs.

They are working in couples.


area region district


area n. 泛指面积较大的地区,但不是行政上的地理单位,如粮区、棉区等。

As you study a globe you may notice that most of the large land areas are connected or amost so.


The Pacific is by far the largest occan and covers almost exactly half of the total ocean area.

region n. 指在地理上有自然界线,或具有某种特色,自成一个单位的“地区”,在这个意义上,它可以与area通用。但它也指较大的行政单位,如自治区、中南区、西北区和西南地区等。

There are three regions in Great Britain.They are English Scotland and Wales.

Most of the forests are found in regions in the Northeast and Southwest.

district n.一般比region小,相当于我国的“区、城区”。

But Abraham Lincoln who led the United states through these years was murdered on April 14 1865 at theatre in Washington D.C.

Mr. Robinson appeared with nearly forty of the people of that district.


army force troop


army n. “军队、部队”,着重整体。

join the army 或 jion the forces 参军

army在与navy和air force并列时,特指“陆军”

Where did your sister study before she joined the army?

He explained that his friend was a Swede and knew no French; but he admired Napoleon so much that He wanted to join the French army and fight for him.

force n. 常用复数,是陆海空军的总称,着重力量和素质。

He says he's going to jion the air force and become a pilot.

The guards took the American to General Howe commander of the British forces.

troop n. 一般不是表示一个整体的“军”。如 to station troops(驻军)中的“troop”不能用“army”替换。

The captain and his group moved on but later that afternoon the main body of troops moved up toward the front passing the place where the boy's body lay covered with the flag.

