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初中英语非谓语动词专题练习答案(中考英语语法练习非谓语动词的用法专项训练)4.—Where are all the boys?A. with mend B. mend C. to mend D. mending2. I often hear her ________ this song in the classroom after class.A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sings3. They are busy ________ the old car.



1. — Jack seems like a good student. — He is always the first_____his work.

A. finishes B. finishing C. finished D. to finish

2. I often hear her ________ this song in the classroom after class.

A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sings

3. They are busy ________ the old car.

A. with mend B. mend C. to mend D. mending

4.—Where are all the boys?

—I saw them_____on the playground.

A. to play B. played C. plays D. playing

5. I’m sorry ______ you that you didn’t pass the math exam.

A. tell B. told C. to tell D. telling

6. —Remember ________ him about it before he goes away.

—Sure I will.

A. tell B. to tell C. telling D. to telling

7. We must keep the classroom ________.

A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned

8. The headmaster told us_____at the Summer Palace on time.

A. arrive B. arrived C. arriving D. to arrive

9. You’d better_____an umbrella with you. It is going to rain later on.

A. to take B. taking C. take D. taken

10. I told Jane_____her homework before Friday.

A. finish B. finishes C. finishing D. to finish

11. Would you please ________ some water with you? It’s so hot today and you’ll feel thirsty.

A. to take B. take C. not take D. taking

12. Please stop ________ a rest if you feel tired.

A. to have B. having C. have D. has

13. Although they are tired they still go on_____.

A. working B. to work C. work D. worked

14. His grandparents don’t work any more because they want_____their life.

A. enjoy B. enjoyed C. enjoying D. to enjoy

15. Your son has kept_____for two hours. You’d better ask him to have a rest.

A. study B. studied C. to study D. studying


1. (2009·宁夏)She won’t let her daughter_____by the river.

A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing

2. (2009·义乌)—I’ve just borrowed a CD player but I don’t know_____. —You can read the instructions.

A. how to use it B. where to buy it

C. when to return it D. where to put it

3. (2009·江西)—Why did you buy a radio?


A. Learn B. Learning C. To learn D. Be learning

4. (2009·泰安)The girl was often heard_____happily in her room.

A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sings

5. (2009·泸州)My father always asks me_____too much junk food.

A. don’t eat B. not to eat C. not eat

6. (2009·河北)More and more young people are trying to do something_____the old. A. served B. to serve C. serves D. serve

7. (2009·兰州)Why not_____your teacher for help when you can’t finish_____it by yourself?

A. ask;write B. to ask;writing

C. ask;writing D. asking;write

8. (2009·绵阳)Please don’t forget ______ the room while I am away in Beijing.

A. clean B. to clean

C. cleaned D. cleaning

9. (2009·南充)Mr. Green asked us to stop_____ . So we stopped_____to him at once.

A. talking; listening

B. to talk; listening

C. talking; to listen

10. (2009·长沙)—Don’t forget_____my parents when you are in Beijing.

—OK! I won’t.

A. to see B. sees C. seeing

11. (2009·黄冈)—Have you seen the TV play My Ugly Mother?

—Yes it’s well worth ______. It’s ______ moving that I’ve seen it twice.

A. seeing; too B. to see; enough

C. seeing; so D. to see; such

12. (2009·宿迁)The global financial crisis(金融危机)has made many people_____their money.

A. to care for B. took care of

C. be careful with D. to be cared about

13. (2009·成都)Peter is busy_____at school,but he never forgets_____exercise every day.

A. working;doing

B. working;to do

C. at work;doing

14. (2009·通化)The woman made his son_____finally after she told him some jokes. A. laughed B. to laugh

C. laugh D. laughing

15. (2009·黄冈)—I’m very tired these days because of studying for physics.

—Why not _____music. It can make you_____.

A. listen to; to relax B. to listen to; to relax

C. listening to; relax D. listen to; relax



解析1: D 不定式作后置定语。意为“他总是第一个完成工作的”。

解析2:A 考查非谓语动词。hear sb doing sth听到某人在做某事;hear sb do sth听到某人做某事(指全过程或经常发生)。

解析3: D 考查非谓语动词。固定搭配:忙于做某事be busy doing sth或be busy with 名词。

解析4: D 解析:本题考查的是感官动词see的用法。依题意“——男孩们都在哪里?——我刚才看见他们正在操场玩。”用“see sb. doing sth. ”表示“看到某人正在做某事”,故选择D。

解析5: C 解析:本题考查的是动词不定式作状语的用法。动词不定式用在形容词“sorry(对不起)”后作状语,表示原因,故选择C。

解析6: B 考查remember to do sth 和remember doing sth的用法区别。前者表示“记住做某事”,即不要忘了做某事;后者表示“记得曾经做过某事”。

解析7: A “keep n. adj. ”表示“使处于某种状态”,形容词作宾语补足语。

解析8:D 本题考查的是tell加动词不定式的用法。“tell sb. to do sth. ”表示“告诉某人做某事”,故选择D。

解析9: C 解析:本题考查的是不带to的动词不定式的用法。根据had better后接不带to的动词不定式的用法,即“had better do sth. ”表示“某人最好做某事”,故选择C。

解析10:D 解析:本题考查的是tell后接动词不定式的用法。根据“tell sb. to do sth.”表示“告诉某人做某事”,可推断选择“to finish”,故选择D。

解析11:B 此题易误选为A或C。这是由于思维定势或忽略语境引起的,因为would you like „后面常接动词不定式,那么很多同学认为would you please „后面也要接动词不定式。其实,would you please后面常接省去to的动词不定式。一些同学知道这个知识点,但是忽略了It’s so hot today and you’ll feel thirsty这句话,就误选为C。正确答案为B。

解析12: A 考查stop to do sth与stop doing sth的用法区别。stop to do sth意为“停下来去做某事”;stop doing sth意为“停止做某事”。

解析13:A 解析:本题考查的是介词后用动名词的用法。根据“go on doing sth”表示“继续做某事”可推断用working,故选择A。

解析14:D 解析:本题考查的是动词不定式的用法。根据“want后接动词不定式”,表示“想要做某事”,可推断选择to enjoy,故选择D。

解析15:D 解析:本题考查的是动名词的用法。根据“keep后接动名词”表示“保持或持续做某事”可推断选择studying,故选择D。


解析1:A 本题考查省去to的动词不定式。根据题干中动词let的用法“let sb. do sth. ”即let的宾语补足语是不带to的动词不定式,可判断用动词原形play,故选择A。

解析2:A 本题考查“疑问词 动词不定式”的形式。根据答语“你可以读读说明书。”可推断选择表示使用的方式,用疑问词how,故选择A。

解析3:C 本题考查动词不定式作目的状语的用法。根据问句“你为什么买一台收音机?”又因为动词不定式有表目的之意,本题用“to learn”来表达“为了学”,故选择C。

解析4:B 本题考查在hear的被动形式之后,使用带协的动词不定式。形式为“be heard to do sth. ”,根据句意“(人们) 经常听到女孩在屋子里快乐地歌唱”,故选B。

解析5:B 本题考查动词不定式的否定形式。根据“ask sb. to do sth. ”的用法,其否定形式为“ask sb. not to do sth. ”又根据句意为“我爸爸总是叫我不要吃太多垃圾食品”,故选择B。

解析6:B 本题考查动词不定式作目的状语的用法。动词不定式有表目的之意,本题应用to serve,故选择B。

解析7:C 本题考查省略to的动词不定式和动名词的用法。第一空考查的是Why not加不带to的动词不定式的用法,即“why not do sth. ”,表示“某人为什么不做某事”;第二空考查的是finish后接动名词的用法,即“finish doing sth,”表示“完成做某事”,故选择C。

解析8:B 本题考查forget后接动名词和动词不定式的用法。forget后加动名词表示“忘记做过的某事”,forget后加不定式表示“忘记要做某事”,依题意“当我不在北京时,请不要忘记打扫房间”,应选用forget to clean,故选择B。

解析9:C 本题考查stop后接动词不定式和动名词的区别。“stop to do”意为“停下来去做某事”,“stop doing”意为“停止做某事”,又根据句意“格林先生叫我们不要说话了,所以我们立刻停下来听他讲课。”可判断,故选择C。

解析10:A 本题考查forget后接动名词和动词不定式的用法。依题意“到北京别忘了去看看我的父母”可知用“forget to do”表示“忘记要去做”,故选择A。

解析11:C 本题考查动名词用法和so. . . that句型。第一空考查动名词的用法,即固定搭配“be worth doing sth. ”,表示“值得做某事”;第二空考查句型“so. . . that”的用法,表示“太„„以至于„„”moving为形容词,用so来.修饰,such后面加名词,故选择C。

解析12:C 本题考查省去to的动词不定式。根据题干中“make”的用法为“make sb. do sth. ”,即后接省去to的动词不定式,选项中只有“be careful with”是动词原形开头,故选择C。

解析13:B 本题考查动词后接动名词和动词不定式的用法。第一空考查be busy 动名词的结构,表示“忙于做某事”;第二空考查forget的用法,“forget doing”表示“忘记做过的某事”,“forget to do”表示“忘记要做某事”,依题意“彼得在学校忙于工作,但是他从没忘记每天要锻炼。”应选用表示忘记要做某事的“forget to do”来表达,故选择B。

解析14:C 本题考查省去to的动词不定式。make加不带协的动词不定式,“make sb. do sth. ”表示“使某人做某事”,故选择C。

解析15:D 本题考查省去to的动词不定式。第一空考查的是“why not do sth. ”,表示“某人为什么不做某事”;第二空考查的是“make sb. do sth. ”表示“使某人做某事”,故选择D。
