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gre英语单词试题(GRE单词五个三遍autonomy)■反: constraint duress 限制■同: independence liberty free will■反: dependence subjection 附属,依赖考点2: n.自我主导的自由,尤其是精神独立: self-directing freedom and especially moral independence■e.g. a teacher who encourages individual autonomy 一个鼓励精神独立的老师


autonomy 英 [ɔːˈtɒnəmi] 美 [ɔːˈtɑːnəmi] n. 自治,自治权

考点1: n.政治上的独立: the quality or state of being self-governing

e.g. The province has been granted autonomy 这个省份被授予了自治权

: self-governance sovereignty

: dependence subjection 附属,依赖

考点2: n.自我主导的自由,尤其是精神独立: self-directing freedom and especially moral independence

e.g. a teacher who encourages individual autonomy 一个鼓励精神独立的老师

: independence liberty free will

: constraint duress 限制

: autonomous adj自治的

console 英 [kənˈsəʊl; ˈkɒnsəʊl] 美 [ˈkɑːnsoʊl; kənˈsoʊl] n. [计] 控制台;[电] 操纵台;支撑架 vt. 安慰;慰藉

考点1: vt.安慰,藉慰: to alleviate the grief sense of loss or trouble of; comfort

e.g. Only her children could console her when her husband died 只有她的孩子们才能安抚她失去丈夫的悲痛

: comfort solace soothe calm

: distress torment torture 使痛苦

: consolation n 安慰

parry 英 [ˈpæri] 美 [ˈpæri] v. 挡开;回避 n. 挡开;搪塞

考点1: vt.躲避(问题): to evade especially by an adroit answer

e.g. He parried the embarrassing question with a clever reply. 他以巧妙的回答躲避了这个令人尴尬的问题

: avoid dodge elude eschew evade finesse scape shirk shun

: confront face meet 面对;embrace 欣然接受

collude 英 [kəˈluːd] 美 [kəˈluːd] vi. 勾结;串通;共谋

考点1: v.串通,共谋(做坏事): to act together secretly to achieve a fraudulent illegal or deceitful purpose; conspire

e.g. collude with competitors to control the price与竞争者合谋以控制价格

: connive conspire contrive intrigue machinate put up

: act independently 单独行动

impotent 英 [ˈɪmpətənt] 美 [ˈɪmpətənt] adj. 无力的;无效的;虚弱的;阳萎的

考点1: adj.无生育能力的: unable to produce fruit or offspring

e.g. Most mules are impotent. 绝大多数的骡子都无法生育

: barren fruitless infertile unfruitful

: fecund fertile fruitful productive高产的,硕果累累的

考点2: adj.无力的,无能的: lacking in power strength or vigor

e.g. an impotent ruler who was just a figurehead 一个无能的傀儡统治者

: hamstrung handcuffed helpless impuissant paralyzed weak

: mighty potent powerful puissant strong 强大的,有能力的
