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擅长察言观色的人性格(经济学人察颜观色)Or do they? An analysis of hundreds of research papers that examined the relationship between facial expressions and underlying emotions has uncovered a surprising conclusion: there is no good scientific evidence to suggest that there are such things as recognisable facial expressions for basic emotions which are universal across cultures. Just because a person is not smiling the researchers foun



Do not rely on facial expressions for how people are feeling


A smile does not always mean someone is happy


Aristotle reckoned the face was a window onto a person’s mind. Cicero agreed. Two millennia on facial expressions are still commonly thought to be a universally valid way to gauge other people’s feelings irrespective of age sex and culture. A raised eyebrow suggests confusion. A smile denotes happiness. A frown indicates sadness.


Or do they? An analysis of hundreds of research papers that examined the relationship between facial expressions and underlying emotions has uncovered a surprising conclusion: there is no good scientific evidence to suggest that there are such things as recognisable facial expressions for basic emotions which are universal across cultures. Just because a person is not smiling the researchers found does not mean that person is unhappy.


As Lisa Feldman Barrett one of the authors of the study published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest told the AAAS meeting in Seattle “We surprised ourselves”.


Dr Feldman Barrett is a psychologist at Northeastern University in Boston Massachusetts and along with her colleagues she found that on average adults in urban cultures scowled when they were angry 30% of the time. Which meant that some 70% of the time they did not scowl when angry.


Instead they did something else with their faces. People also scowled when they were not angry. “They scowl when they’re concentrating they scowl when someone tells them a bad joke they scowl when they have gas they scowl for lots of reasons ” says Dr Feldman Barrett.


A scowl the researchers concluded is certainly one expression of anger. But it is not the only way people express that emotion. The ambiguous nature of facial expressions was not restricted to anger but seemed valid for all six of the emotional categories that they examined: anger disgust fear happiness sadness and surprise.


All this raises questions about the efforts of information-technology companies to develop artificial-intelligence algorithms which can recognise facial expressions and work out a person’s underlying emotional state. Microsoft for example claims its “Emotion API” is able to detect what people are feeling by examining video footage of them.

所有这些都让人们对信息技术公司开发可识别面部表情并计算出一个人潜在情绪状态的人智能算法的努力提出了质疑。例如,微软声称其“Emotion API”能够通过检阅视频片段来察觉人们的情绪。

Another of the study’s authors however expressed scepticism. Aleix Martinez a computer engineer at Ohio State University said that companies attempting to extract emotions from images of faces have failed to understand the importance of context.


For a start facial expression is but one of a number of non-verbal cues such as body posture that people use to communicate with each other. Machine recognition of emotion needs to take account of these as well.


But context can reach further than that. Dr Martinez cited an experiment in which participants were shown a close-up picture of a man’s face which was bright red with his mouth open in a scream.


Based on this alone most participants said the man was extremely angry. Then the view zoomed out to show a football player with his arms outstretched celebrating a goal. His angry-looking face was in fact a show of pure joy.


Given that people cannot guess each other’s emotional states most of the time Dr Martinez sees no reason computers would be able to. “There are companies right now claiming to be able to do that and apply this to places I find really scary and dangerous for example in hiring people ” he says. “Some companies require you to submit a video CV and then this is analysed by a machine-learning system. And depending on your facial expressions they hire you or not which I find really stunningand not only based on the wrong hypothesis but a dangerous hypothesis.”



irrespective [ ɪrɪ'spɛktɪv] adj. 不考虑的,不顾的 adv. 不顾地

scepticism [ˈskeptɪsɪzəm] n. 怀疑;怀疑主义

stunning [ˈstʌnɪŋ] adj. 极好的;令人震惊的


