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英文名称:Natural dragon-shaped decorations of sullen gold silk















英文翻译:The grain of golden silk nan is rich and changable add its peculiar move change shadow (wood is divided into Yin and Yang two sides different Angle is different color) its value and grain are proportional grain is more beautiful and rare its value is higher. There are at least 35 textures which are roughly divided into five levels: ordinary medium fine extreme and rare. The emperor's dragon chair is made by Jin Si Nan since ancient times known as the imperial wood is the special wood for the imperial court in Ho-Shen conviction there was a private gold si nanmu crime visible the precious wood.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Natural dragon-shaped decoration of Sullen Golden Silk

Glade: A Natural dragon-shaped glade of sullen gold silk

Specification: one piece

Category: Miscellaneous

Appearance: Beautiful

So-called dark gold nan is buried in the ground for thousands of years the carbide for a long time make its wood has changed become tightly solid color also become dark black treasure belongs to wood make the Buddha tea table smooth as a mirror to hide one thousand not bad nor by air drying and cracking belongs to top craft materials.

Can see this is like the fire roasted this also is the carbonization phenomenon of nature in theory any material will be carbonized just need time timber to carbonization time is shorter thousands of years can be found that the qualitative change other material need longer time so there will be a carbon 14 detection do effective basis for archaeology in s the golden nan carbide is clear clear wood grain for real.

It can be seen that the shape of this golden silk is very strange because the excess parts are all corroded off and the rest is all essence. In this way it looks like the famous landscape stone python emerging from the mountain in China and the top looks like the tongue of cobra. From the mountain peak the head comes out full of charm.

From this point of view it is a very graphic dinosaur shape crawling on the ground with its head stretched out in front of it its head is large its neck is long and thin and its image is very interesting.

The sulky wood has a high value and is known as the "mummy" of plants. With the development of science and technology gloomy wood has been gradually recognized by people. It is a naturally formed green wood with high density stable physical and mechanical properties and strong corrosion resistance and its unique material properties are more than any artificial synthesis.

Gold nan is not called the monarch wood ho-shen who was convicted is to use gold-rimmed nanmu visible to the royal family was nanmu is special and buried under and after thousands of years of carbonization natural form of art is rare and only have antiseptic antibacterial effect of wood to one thousand without decay deep underground material scarcity strange shape has a very high collection value.
