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外国人临时居留证怎么申请(外国人如何申请永久居留证)1.外国人永久居留证件有效期满;1.The validity period of the Permanent Residence ID has expired;申请条件Foreigners who hold valid permanent residence certificates and have not lost their permanent residence qualifications in China may apply for a replacement or re-issuance of their permanent residence certificates if they meet one of the following conditions:外国人持有效永久居留证件,且未丧失在中国永久居留资格规定情形的,有下列条件之一,可以申请换发或者补发永久居留证件:


Application for Permanent Residence of Foreigners in China


(Reissue or Reissue)


Application conditions


Foreigners who hold valid permanent residence certificates and have not lost their permanent residence qualifications in China may apply for a replacement or re-issuance of their permanent residence certificates if they meet one of the following conditions:


1.The validity period of the Permanent Residence ID has expired;


2.Changes to the Contents of Permanent Residence ID;


3. Damaged or lost the foreigner's permanent residence ID.


Application materials (in triplicate)


1. Fill in the "Application Form for Renewal or Reissuance of Residence Permit for Foreigners" and submit 4 recent color photos (size: 48×33mm) of the applicant who have passed the test without a hat and blue background;


2. Valid passport


3. The Foreigner’s Permanent Residence ID;


4. Proof materials before and after the change of relevant information (submission of content change);


5.The loss report certificate issued by the public security organ of the place where the loss was reported or the loss statement written and signed by the person (submission of lost documents);


6. Other certificates deemed necessary by the public security organ.


Acceptance Department


Applications for renewal or reissuance of certificates shall in principle be accepted by the original accepting authority and if the long-term residence has indeed changed the public security authority at the current residence may also accept the application.


Points for attention


1.The application form must be filled in with a black pen or signature pen and the originals should be submitted; other materials should be in triplicate and copies (A4 size) of the originals must be submitted for inspection and the original materials must be submitted as required.


2.The certificate issued by the relevant foreign institution must be authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate in that country.


3.Foreign language materials must be translated into Chinese and the official seal of the translation company should be stamped on the translation and the copy of the translation company's business license.


4.If the applicant needs to print the Chinese name on the foreigner's permanent residence certificate he should fill in "the Chinese name should be printed when making the certificate: XXX" in the "Other Items to be Explained" column on the application form otherwise fill in "None".

4.申请人如须在外国人永久居留证件上打印中文姓名,应在申请表上“其他需说明的事项”栏目中填写“制证时需要打印中文姓名:XXX” 否则填写“无”。

5.Foreigners who hold the Permanent Residence ID certificates should apply for a replacement within one month before the expiration date of the certificate; if the content of the certificate is changed they should apply for a replacement within one month after the change of circumstances; if the certificate is damaged or lost they should apply for a replacement in time. hair or replacement.


Time limit for processing: If the Permanent Residence ID expires the content is changed damaged or lost the public security organ will renew or reissue the certificate within one month if there is no loss of permanent residence qualification in China after review; relevant matters require the public security organ If the investigation is verified the investigation time will not be counted as working days.


Fees: 300 yuan per person for Permanent Residence ID; 600 yuan per person for Permanent Residence ID if lost or damaged.

