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驴得水完整(驴的幸福驴得水)Once upon a time there was such a donkey who was unwilling to be lonely. He always felt that it was useless to grind his noodles every day. He wanted to make a career out of it and what he clung to in his heart was the beauty in the dense fog in the middle of the lake. At last the thinking donkey took a chance and lost himself on his way to the fair. The donkey actually was not frightened at all














Once upon a time there was such a donkey who was unwilling to be lonely. He always felt that it was useless to grind his noodles every day. He wanted to make a career out of it and what he clung to in his heart was the beauty in the dense fog in the middle of the lake. At last the thinking donkey took a chance and lost himself on his way to the fair. The donkey actually was not frightened at all slowly walked stroll to find the way to go home and returned to the lake heart daze area that all the village person were afraid of.

A curl of smoke rose over the water. Every now and then there was a smell of fireworks especially like the smell of village wives preparing dinner in the evening. People from the village came following the donkey and they had long heard that they could see what everyone wanted to see in the fog. It is said that some bachelors have seen beautiful women in the smoke; Some girls have seen soldiers marching with knives; Others had seen huge piles of gold in the smoke. If you are not carefully into this thick fog you will immediately become eye hair dazed and you will even forget what you are doing so everyone called this the ecstasy area.

I am the donkey that strayed into the vertigo zone. After seeing the beauty in the fog I always fantasize that I can become a handsome man who can do a great job and marry a beautiful woman in the fog. In fact fishing in this lake is not easy and there is a lot of knowledge to learn. To judge the depth of the water by its colour to judge the strength of the wind by the size of the waves to know the temper of the sky by the shape of the clouds...The net could only catch barely enough fish to live on for us. Here in addition to the water is the mountain how to no longer worry about money how to get a house to mary a wife?

Wandering around the lake I met an old man a wiry man dressed as a city slicker who had just stepped off the ferry. I don't think he like local resident. With my usual kindness I went to the old man's side. After greeting each other I was asked if there was a stone wall in the area. What's there to see in rocks? I'm not at all interested. The old man saw that I was not interested in then promised to pay me some money. As soon as I heard of the money my spirit came and I took the old man to the village to eat a mountain delicious meal before I went up the mountain. Horse tooth vegetables leek eggs pumpkin flowers with hand roll noodles the old people liked them. Then the old man insisted on paying for our dinner our way and our lodging and we were so happy.

Above all from then on at the ferry by the lake I was the object of an endless stream of townspeople vying to see me first. Because last time the old man took my picture under the stone wall on the mountain and sent it to the newspaper with his name on it saying that it was about the wall of the state of Chu. From then on young people from the city often came here and they were all history students from various universities all to see the wall of the state of Chu. Donkey myself also get business flourishing. At first I received tourists in the thatched hut then at the last Chu Lake inn and I really began my great career. I really appreciate the fog in the ecstasy area to let me dreamed of beauty career. And finally my dream realized. I am really a happy donkey.

Quality is all around us. My father expected me to work hard on the field. As a result after failing the college entrance examination I was unwilling to feel lonely wandering in the lake all day long. I thanked my old father for the name he chooses for me. Donkey water such a charming name with personality made me succeed. I am really a happy donkey and I even laugh when sleeping.


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