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干货关于PPT的十个隐藏技巧(干货关于laugh)3. laugh all the way to the bank解释:(saying) used to tell sb not to be too proud of their present success; in the end another person may be more successful 别高兴得太早‘Will your dad lend you the money?’——‘Don't make me laugh!’“你父亲会借给你钱吗?”——“别开玩笑了!”2. he who laughs last laughs longest




1. don't make me laugh

解释:(informal) used to show that you think what sb has just said is impossible or stupid(认为不可能或愚蠢)别让我笑掉大牙了,别开玩笑了


‘Will your dad lend you the money?’——‘Don't make me laugh!’


2. he who laughs last laughs longest

解释:(saying) used to tell sb not to be too proud of their present success; in the end another person may be more successful 别高兴得太早

3. laugh all the way to the bank

解释:(informal) to make a lot of money easily and feel very pleased about it 发大财而喜笑颜开

4. laugh in sb's face

解释:to show in a very obvious way that you have no respect for sb 当面嘲笑;公然蔑视

5. laugh like a drain

解释:(BrE)to laugh very loudly 哈哈大笑;放声大笑

6. laugh on the other side of your face

解释:(BrE informal)to be forced to change from feeling pleased or satisfied to feeling disappointed or annoyed 转喜为忧;得意变成失意;笑脸变为苦脸

7. laugh sb/sth out of court

解释:(BrE informal) to completely reject an idea a story etc. that you think is not worth taking seriously at all 对(某主意、说法等)一笑置之;置之不理;不屑一顾

8. laugh till/until you cry

解释:to laugh so long and hard that there are tears in your eyes 笑到流泪;笑出眼泪

9. laugh up your sleeve (at sb/sth)

解释:(informal)to be secretly amused about sth 暗自发笑;窃笑

10. laugh your head off

解释:to laugh very loudly and for a long time 大笑不止;狂笑不已

11. not know whether to laugh or cry

解释:(informal)to be unable to decide how to react to a bad or unfortunate situation (面对恶劣或不幸情况)不知所措,哭笑不得

12. you have/you've got to laugh

解释:(informal) used to say that you think there is a funny side to a situation 还是值得一笑;还有可笑之处


Well I'm sorry you've lost your shoes but you've got to laugh haven't you?


13. kill yourself laughing

解释:(BrE) to laugh a lot笑得前仰后合;笑破肚皮例句:

He was killing himself laughing.


14. piss yourself (laughing)

解释:to laugh very hard 大笑不止;笑破肚皮

15. do sth for a laugh/for laughs

解释:to do sth for fun or as a joke 逗趣;开玩笑


I just did it for a laugh but it got out of hand.


16. have a (good) laugh (about sth)

解释:to find sth amusing 觉得可笑(或有趣)


I was angry at the time but we had a good laugh about it afterwards.


17. have the last laugh

解释:(在本未指望时)to be successful when you were not expected to be making your opponents look stupid笑在最后,取得最后胜利


1. laugh at sb/sth

解释:to make sb/sth seem stupid or not serious by making jokes about them/it 嘲笑;讥笑

同义词: ridicule


Everybody laughs at my accent.大家都拿我的口音取笑。

She is not afraid to laugh at herself (= not be too serious about herself) .她不怕取笑自己。

2. laugh sth off

解释:(informal) to try to make people think that sth is not serious or important especially by making a joke about it一笑置之;付之一笑(尤指用笑话摆脱)


He laughed off suggestions that he was going to resign.有人猜测他要辞职,他一笑置之。

三、拓展资料:different ways of laughing笑的不同方式

cackle:to laugh in a loud unpleasant way especially in a high voice 意为讨厌地嘎嘎大笑,尤指高声笑

chuckle:to laugh quietly especially because you are thinking about something funny 意为轻声笑,尤指想到滑稽事时发笑

giggle:to laugh in a silly way because you are amused embarrassed or nervous 意为开心、难堪或紧张而傻笑

guffaw:to laugh noisily 意为哄笑、狂笑、大笑

roar:to laugh very loudly 意为放声大笑

snigger / snicker:to laugh in a quiet unpleasant way especially at something rude or at someone’s problems or mistakes 意为窃笑、暗笑,尤指对无礼行为或因他人的问题或错误发笑

titter:to laugh quietly especially in a nervous or embarrassed way 意为窃笑,尤指紧张或尴尬地笑

备注:You can also be convulsed with laughter or dissolve into laughter when you find something very funny. In BrE people also shriek with laughter or howl with laughter . 认为某事非常滑稽可笑亦可用be convulsed with laughter(笑得前仰后合)或dissolve into laughter(不禁大笑)。在英国英语中亦用shriek with laughter(尖声大笑)或howl with laughter(狂笑)。
