双语阅读及翻译(双语阅读二百零二十三)判定一个事物的好坏,应该从本质上进行鉴定,而不是从浮华的外表来下结论。工之侨献琴工之侨得到一棵上好的桐树,砍来后做成了一张琴,装上琴弦弹奏起来,优美的琴声就像是金属与玉石相互应和。他认为这是天下最好的琴了,就把琴献给了官府。官府的乐官让最有名的乐师辨别它,乐师说:“不够古老。” 便把琴退还回来。工之侨拿着琴回到了家,找来漆匠商量,在琴身上漆上不齐的花纹;又让刻工在琴上雕刻古代文字;还把它装了厘子埋在泥土中。过了一年后挖出来,工之侨抱着它到集市上。有个大官看到了琴,就用很多钱买了它,把它献给了朝廷。乐官传递着观赏,都说:“这真是世上少有的珍宝啊!” 工之侨听说了,感叹道:“这样的社会真可悲啊!难道仅是一张琴吗?世风无不如此啊。” 于是隐居到一座山中,没人知道他的去向了。
Gong Zhi Qiao Offers a Qin
Gongzhiqiao got a fine tung tree cut it down and made it into a musical instrument. When it was played it made a beautiful sound just like metal and jade. He thought it was the best instrument in the world so he presented it to the government. The official music officer asked the most famous musician to identify it and the musician said "Not old enough." He returned the instrument. Gong Zhiqiao returned home with the instrument and asked a painter to discuss how to paint the instrument with uneven patterns. He also asked the engraver to carve ancient characters on the qin; It was stuffed with cherries and buried in soil.
After a year he dug it up and carried it to the market. A high official passed by and saw Qin. He bought it with a lot of money and presented it to the court. Music officials passed on the appreciation saying: "This is really a rare treasure in the world!" When Gongzhiqiao heard about this he sighed: "What a pathetic society! Is it just a harp? It's the way of the world." So he retired to a mountain no one knows where he went.
Judge the good or bad of a thing should be judged from the essence not from the flashy appearance to conclude.
工之侨得到一棵上好的桐树,砍来后做成了一张琴,装上琴弦弹奏起来,优美的琴声就像是金属与玉石相互应和。他认为这是天下最好的琴了,就把琴献给了官府。官府的乐官让最有名的乐师辨别它,乐师说:“不够古老。” 便把琴退还回来。工之侨拿着琴回到了家,找来漆匠商量,在琴身上漆上不齐的花纹;又让刻工在琴上雕刻古代文字;还把它装了厘子埋在泥土中。
过了一年后挖出来,工之侨抱着它到集市上。有个大官看到了琴,就用很多钱买了它,把它献给了朝廷。乐官传递着观赏,都说:“这真是世上少有的珍宝啊!” 工之侨听说了,感叹道:“这样的社会真可悲啊!难道仅是一张琴吗?世风无不如此啊。” 于是隐居到一座山中,没人知道他的去向了。