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第1层次的心理健康水平是指(国际课程A-level心理学)Response 响应:Stimulus 刺激措施 :Ivan Pavlov discovered the concept of classical conditioning whilst investigating the salivation reflex of dogs. He observed that the dogs salivated in response to stimuli associated with food (for example the bowl) as well as the food itself. This led him to design his experiment involving the pairing of a bell with the food to produce a salivation response to the bell

Classical conditioning 古典条件反射

Conditioning is the process by which animals learn their behaviour patterns according to the perspective of behaviourism (founded by John B. Watson 1913).


This approach believes that only quantifiable evidence obtained through direct observation can be used to support psychological theories. Studies tend to use non-human animals and the conclusions are generalised to humans.


Ivan Pavlov discovered the concept of classical conditioning whilst investigating the salivation reflex of dogs. He observed that the dogs salivated in response to stimuli associated with food (for example the bowl) as well as the food itself. This led him to design his experiment involving the pairing of a bell with the food to produce a salivation response to the bell alone (Pavlov 1927).



Here is an outline of Pavlov's experiment 以下是巴甫洛夫实验的概要:

Stimulus 刺激措施 :

Response 响应:

Before conditioning

  • Forward conditioning: Occurs when the neutral stimulus (NS) appears just before and during the presentation of the unconditioned stimulus (UCS). 正向条件反射。当中性刺激(NS)在无条件刺激(UCS)出现之前和期间出现时发生。
  • Delayed conditioning: Involves a delay between the presentation of the NS and the arrival of the UCS. 延迟条件反射。涉及到NS的呈现和UCS的到来之间的延迟。
  • Trace conditioning: Relies on the animal's memory - it is when the presentation of the NS ceases before the arrival of the UCS. 追踪调节。依赖于动物的记忆--当NS的呈现在UCS的到来之前停止时。
  • Backward conditioning: Involves the presentation of the NS after the UCS and usually results in no learning at all! 逆向条件反射。涉及到在UCS之后呈现NS,通常不会产生任何学习效果!
  • The effectiveness of learning associated with these timings follow the 'Law of contiguity' - stimuli need to occur close together in time in order to be associated.

    与这些时间相关的学习效果遵循 "连续性法则"--刺激物需要在时间上接近,以便产生关联。

    Here is a summary of the timings of conditioning 以下是调理时间的摘要 :


    Other features of classical conditioning are outlined in the table below 下表概述了古典条件反射的其他特点 :

    Term 术语:

    Feature 特点:



    The CS no longer predicts the arrival of the UCS so the CR is lost.


    Stimulus generalisation


    A stimulus similar to the CS (for example a bell of a higher pitch) produces a CR.


    Spontaneous recovery


    A previously extinct CR reappears upon the presentation of the CS.


    Stimulus discrimination


    A stimulus significantly dissimilar to the CS (for example a bell of a much higher pitch) does not produce a CR.


    Higher order conditioning


    A NS is paired with a CS resulting in a new CS that induces the CR.


    There is evidence that classical conditioning can explain how some human behaviours are learned.


    The case of 'Little Albert' is an example of a boy learning to fear white rats with a significant stimulus generalisation to include cotton wool and a Father Christmas mask! (Watson & Rayner 1920). This was achieved through the pairing of the rat with a UCS (in this case a loud bang).

    小艾伯特 "的案例是一个男孩学会害怕白老鼠的例子,其重要的刺激泛化包括棉絮和圣诞老人的面具。(Watson & Rayner 1920)。这是通过将大鼠与UCS(在这种情况下,一声巨响)配对实现的。

    The theory of biological preparedness (Seligman 1970) explains why a fear response to snakes can be conditioned more easily than one to cars.

    生物准备理论(Seligman 1970)解释了为什么对蛇的恐惧反应比对汽车的恐惧反应更容易被调控。

    For example: It states that the process of evolution has predisposed organisms to readily learn to be afraid of things that might have caused our ancestors harm (hence snakes and not cars even though cars are far more dangerous).


    Although conditioning can explain the rise of phobias it is not clear to what extent it can explain the learning of more complex human behaviour patterns. Evidence suggests a more sophisticated language-based form of learning is available to humans (Dugdale & Lowe 1990).

    尽管条件反射可以解释恐惧症的出现,但不清楚它在多大程度上可以解释人类更复杂的行为模式的学习。有证据表明,人类有一种更复杂的基于语言的学习形式(Dugdale & Lowe 1990)。


    Operant conditioning 操作性条件反射

    Operant conditioning: This was first described by Torndike's (1898) 'Law of effect' - a behaviour resulting in a pleasant outcome tends to be repeated whereas behaviours followed by bad consequences are not.

    操作性条件反射:这首先是由Torndike(1898)的 "效果法则 "描述的--导致愉快结果的行为往往会被重复,而导致不良后果的行为则不会。

    This came about following a number of studies involving hungry cats learning to escape from puzzle boxes and thereby achieving the reward of some food. Over successive trials the cats got faster and faster at escaping from the boxes.


    This expression of operant conditioning was refined by Skinner who performed experiments using a different type of box. This is known as the Skinner box.


    The animal inside the box had to perform some kind of behaviour or operant (lever pressing for rats and disc pecking for pigeons) resulting in a consequence - a positive or negative reinforcement or punishment. According to Skinner these consequences shape and maintain the behaviours (Skinner 1938).


    Can you remember the consequences of the behaviours and their effects?


    Drag the correct consequence (pink) onto the blue text and then mark your answer 把正确的后果(粉红色)拖到蓝色文本上,然后标出你的答案 :

    1. Positive reinforcers (for example food). 正面强化物(例如食物)
    2. Negative reinforcers (for example electric shock). 负面强化物(例如:电击)
    3. Punishers (for example electric shock). 惩罚者(例如,电击)

    In the real world not all reinforcers are reinforcing in themselves.


    Those that are reinforcing themselves we call primary reinforcers for example water food and sex. These are natural reinforcers which result in a strengthening of the behaviours leading to them.


    Secondary reinforcers only strengthen behaviours because the animal has learned that they are reinforcing for example; we learn that money leads to positive consequences.


    The predictability of the reinforcement also has an influence on the behaviour of animals. Different schedules of reinforcement which vary the regularity of reinforcements can be applied and an assessment of the consequent patterns and rates of responses can be made.


    It seems that a continuous schedule when every response is reinforced is good for learning new responses but a partial schedule would be better at maintaining the behaviour and avoiding extinction.


    So far we have looked at the mechanisms of operant conditioning but how do these lead to the learning of new behaviours?


    Shaping: The animal learns a new behaviour by the reinforcement of responses that are a step closer to the desired behaviour. This is the method used to train animals. A form of shaping is used to teach people with learning difficulties to carry out tasks for themselves for example feeding using the toilet for example. This is called behaviour modification.


    Negative reinforcement: Can be used to escape or avoid an unpleasant stimulus.


    Punishments can only weaken existing behaviours so do not lead to the learning of new ones. Although they can be used to suppress undesirable behaviours whilst new ones are being reinforced.

