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七年级冀教版英语上册31课笔记(课本重点知识一网尽收)3.1play with sb.和某人玩耍3.We can play with our friends and get together with our families during holidays. 在节日期间,我们可以和我们的朋友们玩耍,和我们的家人团聚。2.I would like to talk about holidays in China.我想要谈一谈中国的节日。2.1 I would like to do sth.我想要干某事2.2talk about谈论

F.Lesson 41 Holiday


1 Ming is presenting his report about holidays.李明正在介绍他的关于节日的报告。


present sth. about sth.关于……的介绍。

2.I would like to talk about holidays in China.我想要谈一谈中国的节日。

2.1 I would like to do sth.我想要干某事

2.2talk about谈论

3.We can play with our friends and get together with our families during holidays. 在节日期间,我们可以和我们的朋友们玩耍,和我们的家人团聚。

3.1play with sb.和某人玩耍

3.2get together with sb.和某人团聚


4.We have many holidays in China.

International Workers' Day国际劳动节

Children's Day 儿童节

Teachers' Day 教师节

National Day国庆节

Spring Festival春节

New Year's Day元旦

5.Spring Festival is usually in January or February.春节通常在一月或二月。

5.1 in用在岁份前。


6.New Year's Day is on January 1. It's only eleven days from today.


7.Happy New Year to you everyone!


everyone只能用来指人,相当于everybody,可以单独作一个词来使用。而every one是两个词,既可用来指人,也可用来指物,相当于each one。everyone在它后面不能跟介词of,而every one 后面可跟介词of。

8. What do you like to do on holidays?在节日里你喜欢做什么?

on holidays在节日里


9.My family likes to watch a movie on New Year's Day.


9.1watch a movie看一场电影

9.2on New Year's Day在元旦当天

10.My mum and I like to go shopping during the SpringFestival.我和我的妈妈喜欢在春节期间去购物。

11.My little brother and sister like to go to the zoo onChildren's Day.我的小弟弟和小妹妹喜欢在儿童节那天去动物园。

11.1go to the zoo去动物园

11.2on Children's Day在儿童节当天

12.I like to go mountain climbing on National Day with my cousin.我喜欢和我的表弟在国庆节那天去爬山。

12.1go mountain climbing去爬山

12.2on National Day 在国庆节

13.My friends and I like to play sports on Children's Day.我和我的朋友喜欢在儿童节这天参加体育运动。

play sports 参加体育运动

14.We have International Workers' Day on May 1.我们在5月1日过国际劳动节。

15.My mum and dad like to stay at home on that day.我的妈妈和爸爸在那一天喜欢待在家里。

stay at home呆在家里

16. We go to the park on National Day. 我们在国庆节那天去公园。

go to the park 去公园

17.The Spring Festival is in January or February. My family and I eat dumplings during that holiday.


eat dumplings 吃饺子

18.September 10 is Teachers' Day. My classmates and I like to make cards for our teachers on that day.9月10日是教师节。我和我的同学们喜欢在那一天为我们的老师制作卡片。

make cards for sb.为某人制作卡片。


G.Lesson42 Happy Holiday!

1.It's December 23 and Christmas is coming!今天是12月23日,圣诞节就要来了!

Christmas is coming!用现在进行时表示将来时。

2.I am so excited . 我是如此兴奋。


be excited to do sth.兴奋地做某事

be excited about(doing)sth.对(做)某事感到兴奋。

3.Christmas is so fun but it is very cold now. 圣诞节那么有趣,但是现在天气很冷。

4.We have long winters.我们拥有漫长的冬天。

long winters漫长的冬天

summer months 夏天的月份

5.I like to go swimming in summer. I also like to go to the beach


go swimming 去游泳

go to the beach 去沙滩

6.I hope to go to Australia and

see Anne next Christmas.


hope to do sth希望做某事

hope sb. to do sth是错误表示法,正确地应用wish sb. to do sth.

next Christmas明年圣诞节

7. Do you have any plans for your holidays?你假期有什么计划吗?

have some plans for sth.为某事做些计划。

8.Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!节日快乐,新年快乐。


H.Unit Review

1.unjumble the words整理单词

the answer to the riddle谜底

2.On a calendar Sunday comes before Monday.在日历上,星期日在星期一之前到。

come before在……之前到来

3.Saturday is the seventh day of the week.


Sunday is the first day of the week.


4.She likes to look at the beautiful Christmas lights.她喜欢看美丽的圣诞灯。

5.I can talk about seasons and weather in English.我可以用英语谈论季节和天气。

6.I can use ordinal and cardinal numbers properly.我可以正确地使用序数词和基数词。

7.Month by Month

January January ice and cold.

Brrrr brrr brrrr! Wear your coat.

February February snow snow snow.

Let's make a snowwman! A man of snow!

March March March the sun is high.

I love March but I don't know why.

April April grass starts to grow.

Hurray! Hurray! No more snow!

May May May get your garden in.

June June June let's go for a swim.

July is summer August is too.

Sit in the shade and stay real cool.

September and October

The leaves will fall.

It's back to school with our soccer ball.

November and December

And the weather is clear.

That's 12 whole months

And it makes one year.


一月 一月 天然地冻!


二月 二月 漫天飞雪。


三月 三月 三月 太阳高高挂。

我爱三月 但我不知道为什么。

四月 四月 草开始生长。


五月 五月 五月 进入你的花园。

六月 六月 六月 让我们去游泳。

七月是夏天 八月也是。

坐在树荫下面 保持真正的凉爽。






那是整整 12 个月,


