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逻辑心理学需要选什么科目(A-level心理学重点知识点笔记)Tutoring is an active process in which one animal invests time and energy teaching a conspecific an appropriate behaviour.证据来自于这样一个事实:如果一只猫事先观察到另一只猫在学习逃跑,它就会更快地从拼图箱中逃脱(Herbert & Harsh 1944)。这种类型的社会学习是被动的,仅仅基于观察。Imitation involves the appropriate behaviour being demonstrated to a conspecific (member of the same species) and that conspecific replicating the behaviour at a later stage.模仿包括向同种动物(同一物种


Role of social learning in animal behaviour 社会学习在动物行为中的作用

Social learning occurs when other individuals have a direct influence on the acquisition of a new skill. Therefore this does not include contagion but can occur by imitation tutoring mimicry and stimulus enhancement.


Contagion involves an animal copying what another animal is doing using an already known behaviour. This is not imitation because no new behaviour is learned - the animal is simply using a response from its range of behaviours. An example of this is yawning in humans - very contagious!


Imitation involves the appropriate behaviour being demonstrated to a conspecific (member of the same species) and that conspecific replicating the behaviour at a later stage.


Evidence comes from the fact that a cat will escape more quickly from a puzzle box if it has observed another cat learning to escape beforehand (Herbert & Harsh 1944). This type of social learning is passive based on observation alone.

证据来自于这样一个事实:如果一只猫事先观察到另一只猫在学习逃跑,它就会更快地从拼图箱中逃脱(Herbert & Harsh 1944)。这种类型的社会学习是被动的,仅仅基于观察。

Tutoring is an active process in which one animal invests time and energy teaching a conspecific an appropriate behaviour.


Boesch (1991) observed tutoring of nut cracking in chimpanzees which included such things as mothers' correctly positioning hammers and intact nuts and a mother slowing down and modifying her nut cracking for the benefit of her offspring.


Mimicry is similar to imitation although there is no obvious reward following the behaviour.


These examples of facilitation help conspecifics to adopt the appropriate behaviour without the need for the tedious trial-and-error associated with conditioning. Through imitation there is no need to re-invent the wheel!



Animals may get an idea of the behaviours to be imitated from stimulus enhancement. That is the animal is attracted to things that are attractive to conspecifics. So it may be that the behaviour itself is not imitated but animals are just plain nosey!


Evidence for stimulus enhancement comes from McQuoid & Galef (1992) who studied jungle fowl. These birds have a curiosity for feeding bowls visited by conspecifics.


Not all animals are prone to stimulus enhancement it seems that observation of a conspecific finding food actually impairs a pigeons performance (Burt & Guilford 1999)!

并非所有的动物都容易出现刺激增强,似乎观察同种动物寻找食物实际上会损害鸽子的表现(Burt & Guilford 1999)!这是因为鸽子对食物的需求量很大。

It is difficult to tell what type of social learning is going on. A foraging study using ravens showed inexperienced birds did copy trained birds to open boxes to get food (Fritz & Kotrschal 1999). But this could be explained by both imitation and stimulus enhancement.

很难说是什么类型的社会学习在进行。一项用乌鸦进行的觅食研究表明,没有经验的鸟儿确实模仿受过训练的鸟儿打开箱子来获取食物(Fritz & Kotrschal 1999)。但这可以用模仿和刺激增强来解释。

Social learning in foraging and hunting 觅食和狩猎中的社会学习

The classic example of social learning in foraging comes from the potato washing of a group of Japanese macaques (Kawamura 1959 Kawai 1965). A young female of this species started to wash human-provisioned potatoes that had become sandy and this behaviour spread to other group members possibly as they imitated one another's behaviour.

觅食中社会学习的典型例子来自于一群日本猕猴的土豆清洗行为(Kawamura 1959 Kawai 1965)。该物种的一只年轻雌性猕猴开始清洗人类提供的已经起沙的土豆,这种行为传播给了其他群体成员,可能是因为它们互相模仿对方的行为。


However evidence suggests that this may not be an example of behaviour transmitted by imitation.


As it took a long time for the behaviour to spread through the group Galef (1992) suggested that individual Japanese macaques most likely learned to wash potatoes on their own (as had the original inventor) not by imitation.


He also noted that the young following their mothers into the water were finding potatoes there thus providing an opportunity for individual learning. Furthermore Visalberghi and Fragaszy (1990) found that other macaques could learn this behaviour on their own fairly quickly if given sandy fruits and bowls of water.


Another behaviour thought to be transmitted by social learning is milk bottle raiding by blue tits Fisher & Hinde (1949). The birds peck open the foil lid to get to the cream underneath. This behaviour was first observed in southern England in 1921 and spread very rapidly.

另一个被认为是通过社会学习传播的行为是蓝山雀的抢奶瓶行为,Fisher & Hinde(1949)。这些鸟儿啄开铝箔盖子,以获取下面的奶油。这种行为在1921年首次在英格兰南部观察到,并迅速蔓延。


It has been shown that this may in part be an imitated behaviour but independent learning and birds having encountered an opened bottle before are also significant factors (Sherry & Galef 1984). Furthermore social facilitation may also encourage birds to peck at bottle tops (Sherry & Galef 1990).

已经证明,这可能部分是一种模仿行为,但独立学习和鸟类以前遇到过开过的瓶子也是重要因素(Sherry & Galef 1984)。此外,社会促进作用也可能鼓励鸟类啄食瓶口(Sherry & Galef 1990)。

Social learning is important for predators. The ability to teach young to hunt provides a selective advantage over competitors learning through trial-and-error. Lions learn from play and observing the behaviour of other members of the pride (Schaller 1972). Cheetahs provide their young with injured prey and actively tutor them in the skills of hunting (Eaton 1970).

社会学习对捕食者很重要。教导幼崽捕猎的能力提供了比竞争对手通过试错学习的选择优势。狮子从游戏和观察狮群中其他成员的行为中学习(Schaller 1972)。猎豹为它们的孩子提供受伤的猎物,并积极辅导它们的狩猎技巧(Eaton 1970)。

