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be动词和行为动词的转换 讲解(让你彻底搞明白be动词的11种用法)

be动词和行为动词的转换 讲解(让你彻底搞明白be动词的11种用法)e.g. The magazines are not to be taken out of the reading-room.杂志不准带出阅览室。2.“is/are not to be 过去分词”含有“禁止”的意思。注意:1.“is/are to be 过去分词”这种结构含有can be must be的意思。e.g. These rules of the roads are to be strictly observed.=These rules of the roads must be strictly observed.这些交通规则必须严格遵守。

Be动词的11种用法1. be 名词,译为:“......是......”
  • I am Chinese.我是中国人。
  • You are German.你们是德国人。
  • He is a doctor.他是一名医生。
  • This is an eraser.这是一块橡皮。

be动词和行为动词的转换 讲解(让你彻底搞明白be动词的11种用法)(1)

2.be 形容词,译为:“......怎么样”
  • The information is useful.这些信息很有用。
  • You are very clever.你很聪明的

be动词和行为动词的转换 讲解(让你彻底搞明白be动词的11种用法)(2)

3.be v-ing,译为:“......正在......”
  • They are playing basketball now.现在,他们正在打篮球。
  • We're far from home. What are our parents doing at the moment? 现在,我们远离家了,我们的父母此刻在干什么呢?
  • Mr Brian is visiting our village this month.这个月,布莱恩先生在我们村访问
  • Listen! Our English teacher is singing the popular English song.听!我们英语老师正在唱那首流行的英文歌曲。


be 动名词是“系表结构”,

e.g. Our task is building a new TV tower.我们的任务是建造一座新的电视塔。


4.be 状语,表示地点,位置。
  • He is from Japan.他来自日本。
  • The ticket is here.票在这儿。
  • The apples are on the table.苹果在桌子上。
5.be 不定式,表示计划、安排或约定要实行的行为。
  • He is to leave at eight o'clock this evening.他要在今晚八点钟离
  • When love has gone away whomever it has happened to the only outlet is to give it up and let it go. 当爱远走,无论它是发生在自己或者对方身上,放弃和放手都是惟一的出路。

be动词和行为动词的转换 讲解(让你彻底搞明白be动词的11种用法)(3)


1.“is/are to be 过去分词”这种结构含有can be must be的意思。

e.g. These rules of the roads are to be strictly observed.=These rules of the roads must be strictly observed.这些交通规则必须严格遵守。

2.“is/are not to be 过去分词”含有“禁止”的意思。

e.g. The magazines are not to be taken out of the reading-room.杂志不准带出阅览室。


e.g. The main aim is to get good results.主要的目的在于取的好成绩。

"to get good results"作表语。

6.be going 不定式,表示:“打算,计划,准备做......”
  • There is going to be a video conference tomorrow.明天准备召开一次电视会议。
  • It is going to rain.天就要下雨了。
7.be about to v,译为:“就要...即将...”
  • She is about to have a baby in 8 month.她8个月后就会生小孩了。
8.be on the point of,译为:“马上就......”
  • They are on the point of repairing the mobile phone.他们马上就修理这部手机。
9.be certain(likely/unlikely/sure等) 不定式,
  • In the end he is certain to succeed.最后他必定成功!
  • He is likely to win the game. 他很有可能赢得比赛.
  • Such things are.这种情况是存在的
  • Be it late I must finish this work.尽管晚了,但我仍须结束这项工作。
