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有关节日的英语句子(日常英语短语及佳句)7.aim to 旨在(做某事)6.important components of sth. ……的重要组成部分3.pray for 祈求4.be greatly influenced by (sth.) 深受……的影响5.mix with与……相融合



1.serve as 担任(某职务)

2.have the fame of being… 以……著称

3.pray for 祈求

4.be greatly influenced by (sth.) 深受……的影响

5.mix with与……相融合

6.important components of sth. ……的重要组成部分

7.aim to 旨在(做某事)

8.for a particular purpose 为了一个特殊的目的

9.go through 经历

10.the majority of the population大部分人口

11.date back to 可追溯到

12.owe much to the influence of sth. 深受……的影响

13.make up组成;占比

14.feel the need to do sth. 觉得有必要(做某事)

15.become convinced that 深信,确信


16.begin one’s…career 开始了他的…生涯

17.speed limits 速度限制

18.commit oneself to sth. 献身于,致力于

19.in the face of sth. 面对……

20.give instructions to sb. 给(某人)指示

21.before witnesses 在证人面前

22.have sth. in common 有一些共同点

23.rich and diverse 丰富多样

24.be represented by (sth.) 由……作为代表

25.be associated with 与……相关

26.be widespread among 在……中很流行

27.customs and traditions习俗和传统

28.be increasing in popularity 越来越受欢迎

29.be of importance to sb. 对某人重要

30.make contribution to 为……作出贡献

31.differ significantly from 与…有明显差异



1. The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see. 你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。

2. A belief is not merely an idea that mind possesses. It is an idea that possesses the mind. 信仰不只是一种受头脑支配的思想,它也是一种可以支配头脑的思想。

3. Measure not the work until the day’s out and the labor done. 在没尽全力之前不作评价。

4. While the world is full of suffering it is also full of overcoming it. 虽然世界充满苦难,但是苦难总是可以战胜的。

5. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. 如同明日将死那样生活,如同永远不死那样求知。

6. In China masks are thought to have originated in ancient religious ceremonies.在中国,面具被认为是起源于古代的宗教仪式。

7. Starting in the late 16th century a large number of African slaves were brought to Latin America especially to Brazil and the Caribbean.从16世纪后期开始,大批的非洲奴隶被运往拉丁美洲,特别是巴西和加勒比地区。

8. According to a 2002 study the U.S. was one of the most religious developed countries where a majority of citizens reported that religion played a very important role in their lives. 2002年的一项研究指出,美国是最笃信宗教的发达国家之一,其大部分国民称宗教在他们的生活中有极重要的地位。

9. Many Japanese festivals have their roots in Chinese festivals but some of them are quite different from the original festivals despite sharing the same name and date. 一些日本节日起源于中国节日,但其中一些和原来的节日已完全不同,只有名称和日期是相同的。

10. Timers help pedestrians to know if there is enough time to attempt to cross the street before the light turns red.计时器让行人知道在交通灯转红前是否有足够的时间过马路。
