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小壁虎借尾巴带拼音全文(小壁虎借尾巴简单英语版)The little gecko can’t borrow a tail. He feels so tired and sad. So he goes back home. The little gecko comes to the grassland he sees a cow eating grass. He says to the cow: “ uncle cow can I borrow your tail?” The cow says: “ Sorry I need my tail to drive away mosquitoes.”He feels so sad. Then he sees a swallow swinging the tail and flying. He has an idea: I can borrow a tail. He asks the swa



The little gecko borrows tail

A little gecko is catching mosquitoes under the roof. A snake bites his tail. The little gecko struggles hard at last his tail breaks off and he runs away. He thinks: How ugly it is without a tail !

He feels so sad. Then he sees a swallow swinging the tail and flying. He has an idea: I can borrow a tail.

He asks the swallow: “Aunt swallow can I borrow your tail ?” The swallow says: “ Sorry I need my tail to steer the direction.”

The little gecko comes to the river he sees a fish swimming in the water. He says to the fish: “ sister fish can I borrow your tail ?” The fish says: “ Sorry I need my tail to swim.”

The little gecko comes to the grassland he sees a cow eating grass. He says to the cow: “ uncle cow can I borrow your tail?” The cow says: “ Sorry I need my tail to drive away mosquitoes.”

The little gecko can’t borrow a tail. He feels so tired and sad. So he goes back home.

After he goes home he tells his mother what happened today. His mother smiles and says: “my dear son don’t worry look back!” The little gecko looks back and sees that he has a new tail. He is very happy. He says: “ My tail is the best!”




gecko 壁虎 borrow 借(借入)

tail 尾巴 catch 抓

mosquito 蚊子 roof 屋顶,屋檐

snake 蛇 bite 咬,咬住

struggle 挣扎 hard 用力地,努力地

at last 最后,终于 break off 断掉,折断

run away 跑走,逃走 think 想,认为

ugly 丑的 how ugly 好丑啊,多难看啊

without 没有 feel 感觉

sad 伤心的 swing 摇摆,摆动

idea 主意 aunt 阿姨

need 需要 steer 驾驶,掌握

direction 方向 swallow 燕子

grassland 草地 grass 草

cow 牛 drive away 驱赶


tell 告诉 what happened 发生了什么

smile 笑 dear 亲爱的

son 儿子 look back 向后看

back 后面,返回,如:go back 返回

run back 往回跑,总之back 就是和前面


best 最好的





一只小壁虎在屋檐下抓蚊子。一条蛇咬住了他的尾巴。他用力挣扎,最终,他的尾巴断了,他逃走了。他想:没有尾巴多难看啊! 他觉得很伤心。这时,他看见一只燕子在摆动尾巴飞行。他有了一个主意:我可以借一条尾巴。

他对燕子说:“燕子阿姨,我可以借你的尾巴吗?” 燕子说:“对不起,我需要我的尾巴掌握方向呢!”







