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sat考试阅读解题思路步骤(SAT写作高分技巧14Metaphor技巧点与练习)作者呼吁人们重视最低收入人群,提高社会最低工资标准。然而加利福尼亚州商会把这个政策比作是“工作杀手”,商会这么说也不无道理,这样的政策确实可能会导致部分雇主裁员,减少工时等消极举措。文章在开篇就点出这项政策实施所收到的阻力,下文用充足的证据表明提高最低工资是民众生活所需,国家经济所需,好处远比坏处多。请在实战片段中检测自己的实力:A last-minute compromise between state legislative leaders and Gov. Jerry Brown has cleared the way for a bill that would significantly increase the minimum wage in California over the next 2 1/2 years. Not surprisingly the California


Metaphor 暗喻

It is like a simile also makes a comparison between two different elements but unlike a simile this comparison is implied rather than stated without using verbal signals such as “like” or “as”. In order to emphasize meaning metaphors provide a more visual description of the word or phrase being used often used to indicate the author’s certain implication or attitude.

暗喻与明喻非常类似,也是讲具有某个共同特征的两个不同事物联系在一起,但是不用as,as…as,as if,like,seem等的比喻词。


与明喻相似,隐喻能把描述的对象更形象的呈现给读者。因为不使用比喻词,所以通常我们会更加关注与隐喻背后的引申义(implied meaning),而不是仅仅是它的字面义(literal meaning)。请看以下例子:

  • Hope is a good breakfast but it is a bad supper.
  • Some books are to be tasted others swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested.
  • The sunshine of happiness is made up of very little beams.
  • Money is a bottomless sea in which honor conscience and truth may be drowned.



A last-minute compromise between state legislative leaders and Gov. Jerry Brown has cleared the way for a bill that would significantly increase the minimum wage in California over the next 2 1/2 years. Not surprisingly the California Chamber of Commerce called it a "job killer." The chamber is probably right about that to a degree; some employers will eliminate jobs reduce hours or expand their payrolls more slowly as a consequence of the higher entry-level wage. But the measure will bring much-needed relief to thousands of Californians struggling to get by on the minimum wage today as well as help the businesses where they'll spend their extra dollars. Because the gains clearly offset the costs Brown should sign the bill into law.

(节选自Patrick T. Fallon,“Raise the Minimum Wage”)


