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每个人都在刷存在感英文怎么说(刷存在感用英语怎么说)【解释】A publicity stunt is something done just to get the attention of the publiccraft a publicity stunt 精心炮制宣传噱头;刷存在感【例句】He was here there and everywhere all day making his presence felt.他整天到处游荡,刷存在感。【2】



make one's presence felt/heard/known 刷存在感;突显自己;引发关注

【解释】If someone or something makes their presence felt they do something that makes you notice them or pay attention to them.

【例句】He was here there and everywhere all day making his presence felt.




craft a publicity stunt 精心炮制宣传噱头;刷存在感

【解释】A publicity stunt is something done just to get the attention of the public

【例句】A piece of advice for him: do some homework before crafting a publicity stunt so as not to make a fool of himself.


Globe and Mail: Canada's ambassador to the UN Bob Rae has said there is no question that there's aspects of what China is doing in Xinjiang that fits into the definition of genocide in the genocide convention. What is China's response? Will the Chinese government allow independent investigators into Xinjiang to investigate allegations of genocide?

Zhao Lijian: Thank you for your question. I've also got a question for you. Do you know the growth rate of population in Canada?

Journalist: No.

Zhao Lijian: Before I came I checked the relevant figures. Canada's population growth rate in 2019 was 1.42% and most of the increase came from immigrants.

I would also like to share with you some more figures. From 2010 to 2018 the population of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang rose from 10.17 million to 12.72 million an increase of 2.55 million or 25% which is about twice the increase of the whole Xinjiang population which stood at 14%. The growth rate was also significantly higher than or in fact 12.5 times that of the Han population which stood at 2% and about 18 times that of the Canadian population.


I would like to ask this ambassador if his logic is plausible in finding out who best fits the label of genocide it seems that it is not the Uighurs who are persecuted but rather the people of Canada am I right? You can see how ridiculous the ambassador's statement is. A piece of advice for him: do some homework before crafting a publicity stunt so as not to make a fool of himself.

seek attention 刷存在感;寻求关注

attention seeking 刷存在感/博得关注的行为

attention seeker 刷存在感/寻求关注的人

He made up the whole story just to seek attention in his class.


