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应急管理体系第一章内容(每日一词应急管理体系)【相关词汇】——2018年10月10日,主持召开中央财经委员会第三次会议并发表讲话【重要讲话】加强自然灾害防治关系国计民生,要建立高效科学的自然灾害防治体系,提高全社会自然灾害防治能力,为保护人民群众生命财产安全和国家安全提供有力保障。As a stronger capability of safeguarding against natural disasters concerns the economy and people's livelihood China will set up an efficient and scientific system and improve the capability of the whole society in a bid to protect people's lives and property and national securit

中共中央政治局11月29日下午就我国应急管理体系和能力建设进行第十九次集体学习。中共中央在主持学习时强调,要发挥我国应急管理体系的特色和优势,积极推进我国应急管理体系和能力现代化。Xi Jinping general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has underscored efforts to further modernize the system and capability of China's emergency management by giving full play to the system's features and advantages. Xi made the remarks on Friday while presiding over a group study session of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau on building the system and capability of China's emergency management.







As a stronger capability of safeguarding against natural disasters concerns the economy and people's livelihood China will set up an efficient and scientific system and improve the capability of the whole society in a bid to protect people's lives and property and national security.



防范化解风险prevent and defuse risks

风险评估risk assessment

应急救援队伍emergency rescue teams

