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英语聚会口语(实用口语新编聚会英语)138.I need another beer.再来一瓶啤酒。137.It's a rewarding trip!不虚此行!134.It's pretty late.已经很晚了。135.Are you alone?你是一个人来吗?136.I'll walk you out.我带你出去。



131.I was so wasted!我喝大了!

132.I am still sober.我很清醒。

133.Don't leave now!现在先别走!

134.It's pretty late.已经很晚了。

135.Are you alone?你是一个人来吗?

136.I'll walk you out.我带你出去。

137.It's a rewarding trip!不虚此行!

138.I need another beer.再来一瓶啤酒。

139.I prefer cocktails.我更喜欢鸡尾酒。

140.It's time to go home.是时候要回家了。


151.You really should have another drink.你真的应该再喝一杯。

152.I thought a university was for studying.我以为上大学是来念书的。

153.This party will go until five o'clock.这个派对要一直到5点结束。

154.I didn't know you had such wild friends. 我不知道你朋友这么疯狂。

155.You can ask your friends to come to the party.你可以叫你朋友一起来。

156.She likes dancing. Go and ask her to dance.她喜欢跳舞,去邀请她跳支舞。

157.Today is Saturday.Let's enjoy the party.今天是周六,一起享受这个派对吧。

158.Why not stay out and drink with us?为什么不呆晚一点和我们一起喝酒?

159.I like living here.People know how to party here.我很喜欢在这生活。这里的人都知道怎么派对。

160.We study hard all week,so we need to relax at weekends.我们一周读书都很辛苦,所以周末要好好放松一下。
