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单词词性的固定搭配(词词有道表示)2,Consult: 咨询,请教(正式)特别提示:当我们说“要求某人”时,不说‘ask to someone’,而是要说‘ask someone’。Ask Cally what she'd like for her birthday. 问问卡莉,她喜欢啥样的生日礼物。I asked why but they would not give a reason. 我问了为什么,但他们却不给出理由。She asked if/whether I was looking for accomodation.她问了我是否正在找住的地方。




一,问问题(to ask questions )

1,Ask: 询问,打听

Would anyone like to ask me any questions? 有没有人问我问题?

Ask Cally what she'd like for her birthday. 问问卡莉,她喜欢啥样的生日礼物。

I asked why but they would not give a reason. 我问了为什么,但他们却不给出理由。

She asked if/whether I was looking for accomodation.她问了我是否正在找住的地方。

特别提示:当我们说“要求某人”时,不说‘ask to someone’,而是要说‘ask someone’。

2,Consult: 咨询,请教(正式)

You should consult your doctor before starting any exercise activity. 在你开始进行任何锻炼性的活动之前,你应该咨询一下你的医生。

You should have consulted your advisors about this before taking any action.在你采取任何行动之前,你本来应该就此事咨询一下你的顾问们。

3,Question: 询问;审问,盘问

Most of the people we questioned thought the President should resign. 我们咨询的大部分人认为总统应该辞职。

The police have already questioned the thief about the money.警察已经盘问过那贼关于那笔钱的事了。

4,Interrogate: 审问,盘问

Police officers interrogated the man non-stop for 12 hours until he confessed.警察12小时不间断的审问这人,直到他招供。


5,Make inquiries/enquiries: 询问,问询,打听消息

We went at last to the Chinese Embassy to make inquiries. 最终我们前往中国大使馆打听消息。

A police was here earlier today making inquiries about your friend Cally. 今天早些时候,有一名警察来过这里,打听你朋友卡莉的事。

特别提示:你咨询(consult)的人一定知道你要问的答案,因为这是他的工作;如果当你询问(make inquiries)一些情况时,你得问很多人。

二,要求获得某物(to ask for sth.)

1 Ask:要求,请求

If you need any help just ask please. 如果你们需要任何帮助,请尽管提出了。

You know a lot of people don't like asking for help. 你知道,有很多不喜欢向人求助

She walked right in here and asked to speak to the boss. 她直接走进了这里面,要求同老板说话。

特别提示:不要说ask to someone,要说ask someone。

2,Order: 订购,点菜

Have you ordered the beer yet? 你要啤酒了吗?

Cally orders a lot of her clothes from catalogues.卡莉从购物清单上订购了一些衣物。

3,Demand: 要求,强求

This is outrageous! I demand an explanation. 这简直太蛮横霸道了,我要求作出解释!

She demanded to know what I was doing there. 她非要知道我当时在那干什么。

4,beg: 乞求,哀求,恳求

The poors were begging for mercy. 那些穷人乞求怜悯。

She begged and begged until they agreed to let her come.她不断地乞求,直到他们同意让她过来。

Cally begged Cindy not to tell Green about it. 卡莉恳求辛迪不要把这件事告诉格林。

5,Nag: 唠叨

My parents keep nagging me to get my hair cut. 我父母总是唠叨不停,要我把头发剪掉

Oh no stop nagging --- I will do it at once! 噢,不要, 别再唠叨了,我立马就去干!

特别提示:当你要求(demand)某事时,说明你的立场坚定或你很气愤,但如果你是恳求(beg)时,说明你很着急并且很想得到它。如果一个人一直唠唠叨叨(beg) 那他/她会以十分烦人的方式不停滴提出要求。

三,正式要求获得某物(to ask for sth. officially)

1 Apply: 申请

Why don't you apply for a loan?


In the 1960s thousands of people applied to emigate to the US. 在1960年代,有成千上万的人申请移民到美国。

2 Claim: 认领;索取;声称有...的权利;对...提出要求

Ms Joanna believes She was unfairly dismissed and is claiming compensation from her former boss. 琼娜女士认为自己被解雇是不公平的,她目前正在向她的前老板索赔。

Thousands of people who should get welfare payments never even bother to claim them. 成千上万的应该得到福利金的人却嫌麻烦,从来连提都不提任何要求。

3 Appeal: 强烈呼吁;恳求;请求

Police appealed to the public for any information about the missing girl. 警察呼吁民众提供有关那个失踪女孩的任何信息。

We are appealing for food and clothes for the poors. 我们在呼吁为那些穷人捐献食物和衣物。

特别提示: 当你claim(索要)钱财时,说明你对此有合法的权利,但如果你是appeal for(恳求)某物时,说明你是为了帮助他人而向公众要求获得某物?

4 request: 请求,要求(正式)

The pilot requested permission to land the plane at Hithrow airport. 飞行员请求允许把飞机降落到希斯罗机场。

特别提示: 在使用request时,不要说request for sth. ,要说request sth. 。


在这里主要指beg(乞讨)这个单词,而其在美式英语里的同义词是panhandle 。

An old man panhandling outside the bus terminal. 一个在公共汽车站外面乞讨的老人。


1,question: 问题,疑问

That's a very difficult question.

There were several questions she wanted to ask. 她有好几个问题要问。

Does anyone have any questions about the namelist? 有没有人对这个名单有任何疑问?

2,request: 要求,请求

He refused all requests for an interview. 他拒绝了所有的采访要求。

Information about the exam is available on request. 有关考试的信息一问就知道。

3,demand: 要求,请求

The terrorists sent a list of demands to a national newspaper. 恐怖分子将一个条件清单寄给了一家国家报纸。

On a demand for a 10% pay increase 关于加薪10%的要求


1,survey: 调查

We are conducting/carrying out a survey into the effects of TV violence on children. 我们正在进行一项调查,以便了解电视暴力对孩子们的影响。

A national survey of sexual behaviours among young people一次有关年轻人性行为的全国性调查

2,opinion poll: 民意调查,民意测验

Opinion polls show that the Conservative Party is way ahead.民调显示,保守党遥遥领先。

特别提示: 这个短语往往是用来反映政治的。

3,questionnaire: 问卷调查

Hi everyone Complete our questionnaire and you might win a new car!完成我们的问卷调查,你有可能会赢得一辆崭新的轿车!

