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美剧暴君第四季在线(美剧暴君Tyrant)This is Fauzi Nadal.【剧本】: 导演过最近四部《哈利波特》电影的David Yates执导该剧。该剧由《国土》(Homeland)的两位创作人Howard Gordon和Gideon Raff联合资深制片人Craig Wright一起开发。故事以动荡的中东局势为背景,重点描述一个美国家庭在中东工作的种种经历。Bassam “Barry” Al Fayeed是某中东国家统治者的儿子,在自我流放20年之后,他带着美国妻子和孩子回到了饱受战火折磨的祖国——来参加侄子的婚礼。他一回来就卷入了危险的政治游戏,迫使他再次面对那个他年少时就已经抛弃的家庭。英国演员Adam Rayner扮演主人公Barry;Jennifer Finnigan扮演Barry的妻子Molly;Anne Winters扮演Barry和Molly的女儿Emma;Noah Silver扮演Barry的儿子Sam

[美剧] 暴君/Tyrant 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版

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导演过最近四部《哈利波特》电影的David Yates执导该剧。

该剧由《国土》(Homeland)的两位创作人Howard Gordon和Gideon Raff联合资深制片人Craig Wright一起开发。故事以动荡的中东局势为背景,重点描述一个美国家庭在中东工作的种种经历。Bassam “Barry” Al Fayeed是某中东国家统治者的儿子,在自我流放20年之后,他带着美国妻子和孩子回[展开全文]


导演过最近四部《哈利波特》电影的David Yates执导该剧。

该剧由《国土》(Homeland)的两位创作人Howard Gordon和Gideon Raff联合资深制片人Craig Wright一起开发。故事以动荡的中东局势为背景,重点描述一个美国家庭在中东工作的种种经历。Bassam “Barry” Al Fayeed是某中东国家统治者的儿子,在自我流放20年之后,他带着美国妻子和孩子回到了饱受战火折磨的祖国——来参加侄子的婚礼。他一回来就卷入了危险的政治游戏,迫使他再次面对那个他年少时就已经抛弃的家庭。

英国演员Adam Rayner扮演主人公Barry;Jennifer Finnigan扮演Barry的妻子Molly;Anne Winters扮演Barry和Molly的女儿Emma;Noah Silver扮演Barry的儿子Sammy;Fares Fares扮演Barry的旧友Fauzi Nadal;Justin Kirk扮演神秘的美国外交官John Tucker;Jordana Spiro扮演John的 Tucker妻子、美国大使馆文化专员Dana;Mehdi Dehbi扮演英俊的年轻人Abdul,受雇照看Barry的儿子Sammy;Moran Atias扮演扮演美丽、高贵、聪明的Leila,是Barry的嫂子,Barry此次回来就是为了参加Leila的儿子Ahmed的婚礼;Sibylla Deen扮演Ahmad的新婚妻子Nusrat。


This is Fauzi Nadal.

=>这是Fauzi Nadal。

Leave a message and I'll call you back.

=> 留言,我会给你回电话。

Fauzi it's uh It's me again.

=> 法西,这是,呃这是我。


=> 巴里。

Um Bassam.

=> 呃,Bassam。

Uh I'm not sure if you're getting my messages but um I'm coming for my nephew's wedding.

=> 呃,我不确定你是否收到我的信息,但是,我是来为我侄子的婚礼而来的。

Uh arriving tomorrow.

=> 呃,明天到。

My US cell number should work so uh so call me.

=> 我的美国手机号码应该可以工作,所以,给我打电话。

It would be good to see you.

=> 很高兴见到你。

Khaled! Khaled! Khaled! Khaled! Jamal fix your button.

=> 哈立德!哈立德!哈立德!哈立德!贾马尔,修复你的按钮。

How do you expect people to respect you if you can't dress yourself? Jamal! Bassam! Come out Jamal! Come out! Khaled! Khaled! Khaled! Khaled! Wave Jamal.

=> 如果你不能打扮自己,你如何期望人们尊重你?贾马尔!巴萨姆!出来,贾马尔!出来!哈立德!哈立德!哈立德!哈立德!波,贾马尔。

Not like a girl.

=> 不像一个女孩。

Wave! Jamal go stand over there.

=> 波!贾迈勒,站在那边。

- Mr.

=> - 先生。


=> 主席。

- My son will cut the ribbon.

=> - 我的儿子会剪彩

It is a great honor to be standing here with you the good people of Ma'an.

=> 与你站在一起,是马安的好人,这是一种荣幸。

This ground once stained with the blood and tears of conflict has been cleansed by the sweat of your good work.

=> 这个曾经被冲突的血泪所染的地面,已经被你的好工作的汗水洗净了。

This bridge is more than just steel and concrete.

=> 这座桥不仅仅是钢铁和混凝土。

It is a symbol that despite our differences Get down Bassam! Hello Mrs.

=> 这是一个象征,尽管我们有所不同,巴萨姆!你好女士。


=> 夏皮罗。

I'm sorry to call so early Doctor but Danny's been coughing all night.

=> 我很抱歉打这么早,医生,但丹尼整晚都在咳嗽。

Uh well uh Dr.

=> 呃,呃,Dr.

Chang is covering my patients this week so let me give you his service number.

=> Chang本周正在报道我的病人,所以让我给你提供他的服务号码。

I'm sure he'll do fine but I just trust you.

=> 我相信他会做得很好,但我只相信你。

I'm glad you trust me but he's an excellent doctor and I'm about to leave town I get that you're busy but what if he has strep? No I uh I understand.

=> 我很高兴你相信我,但他是一个优秀的医生,我即将离开这个城市,我知道你很忙,但是如果他有链接?不,我明白了。

I do uh I'll be at my office in 10 minutes.

=> 我呢,我会在十分钟内到我的办公室。

- Thank you Dr.

=> - 谢谢你,博士


=> 铝Fayeed。

- Okay bye.

=> - 好的再见。

I can't believe you're making us go to this wedding - when they're burning pictures of Grandpa on the street.

=> 我不敢相信你让我们去参加这个婚礼 - 当他们在大街上烧着爷爷的照片的时候。

- Emma get off the Internet.

=> - 艾玛,下网吧。

And they burned down the bakery where the wedding cake was being made.

=> 他们烧毁了正在制作结婚蛋糕的面包店。

And you think this is funny? What if they attack us? - No one's attacking us.

=> 你觉得这很有趣?如果他们攻击我们呢? - 没有人攻击我们

- And if they do we'll have armed escorts.

=> - 如果他们这样做,我们会有武装护送。

Dad's father is like a king.

=> 爸爸的父亲就像一个国王。

Em we're royalty over there.

=> 我们是那边的皇室

You know you'll be like Kate Middleton.

=> 你知道,你会像凯特米德尔顿。

Just fat.

=> 只是胖。

Don't talk to your sister like that.

=> 不要这样跟你姐姐说话

Come on.

=> 来吧。

What part of what I said isn't true? - Emma - Aw it's cute.

=> 我说的是什么不是真的? - 艾玛 - 噢,真可爱

Seriously can you just stop with the attitude - and try to appreciate what an amazing opportunity this is? - Yeah.

=> 说真的,你能停下来的态度吗?试着去体会一下这是一个怎样的机会? - 是的。

It's not just me you know.

=> 你知道,不只是我。

Dad doesn't want to go either.

=> 爸爸也不想去

- He told you that? - He didn't have to.

=> 他告诉过你了吗? - 他不需要。

Isn't it obvious? Why do you think he hasn't been back in 20 years? He doesn't want to go and I don't want to go either.

=> 这不是很明显吗?你为什么觉得他20年没有回来?他不想去,我也不想去。

So I'm not going.

=> 所以我不去。

You're going.

=> 你要走了

That was a long run.

=> 那是一个长期的过程。

You missed all the fun.

=> 你错过了所有的乐趣。

- - Medical emergency.

=> - - 医疗紧急情况。

Danny Shapiro's got strep.

=> 丹尼夏皮罗得到了链球菌。

- That's why I don't give out my cell number to patients.

=> 这就是为什么我不把细胞数量给患者

- - Sammy clear your plate.

=> - 萨米,清理你的盘子。

- Gotta finish packing.

=> - 完成包装。

Honey you do realize Emma's manifesting your negativity? Maybe on the plane ride you could think of something nice to tell her about your family.

=> 亲爱的,你知道艾玛是否表现出你的消极吗?也许在坐飞机的时候,你可以想一些很好的事情来告诉她你的家人。

They're not my family.

=> 他们不是我的家人。

You're my family.

=> 你是我的家人

This is exactly what I'm talking about.

=> 这正是我所说的。

Of course she's acting out.

=> 当然,她正在表演。

All she hears about is how you don't want to go.

=> 她所听到的只是你不想去的地方。

- Just promise me we'll come back.

=> - 答应我,我们会回来的。

- What? Very funny.

=> - 什么?非常有趣。

I told you not to take the 405.

=> 我告诉过你不要拿405。

I mean come on who takes the 405? All right let's go.

=> 我是说,来吧,谁拿405?好,我们走吧

Let's move it.

=> 让我们移动它。

Come on! - Oh my God.

=> 来吧! - 哦,我的上帝。

- Great.

=> 太好了

You happy now? We missed our flight.

=> 你现在高兴了?我们错过了我们的航班

I'm sure there's another one.

=> 我确定还有一个。

Or maybe it's a sign from Allah that we should go to Disney World like every other family.

=> 或者,也许这是安拉的标志,我们应该像其他家庭一样去迪斯尼世界。

I'm gonna call the airline see if there's another flight.

=> 我打电话给航空公司,看看有没有另外的航班。

- Mr.

=> - 先生。

Al-Fayeed? - Yes.

=> 铝Fayeed? - 是的。

Are you ready to board? - The plane's still here? - Of course.

=> 你准备好登机了吗? - 飞机还在吗? - 当然。

I'm sorry.

=> 对不起。

Has everyone else boarded? You are the only passengers sir.

=> 其他人登上了吗?先生,你是唯一的乘客。

Your father bought all the other seats on the plane.

=> 你父亲在飞机上买了所有其他的座位。

- Good morning.

=> - 早上好。

- Good morning.

=> - 早上好。

Oh wow.

=> 哦,哇。

Now this is what I'm talking about.

=> 这就是我正在谈论的。

I think I like this.

=> 我想我喜欢这个。

- A whole plane? - No no no.

=> - 整架飞机? - 不不不。

Wait wait.

=> 等等。

All right this one.

=> 好的,这个。


=> 噢。

Oh man.

=> 天啊。

Look at this.

=> 看这个。

Thank you Grandpa.

=> 谢谢爷爷

Okay guys get up Please.

=> 好的,伙计,请起床。

These aren't our seats.

=> 这些不是我们的座位。

Y-Y-You're kidding right? No.

=> Y-Y - 你在开玩笑吧?没有。

Get up.

=> 起床。

We're gonna sit in the seats that we paid for.

=> 我们要坐在我们付的座位上

- That's a little crazy? - This is what's crazy.

=> - 这有点疯狂? - 这是疯了。

I say no to his private jet so he does this.

=> 我对他的私人飞机说不,所以他这样做。

And I'm-I'm not gonna be manipulated like that.

=> 而我 - 我不会被这样操纵的。

No way.

=> 没门。

Honey your father will never know.

=> 亲爱的,你父亲永远不会知道。


=> 精细。

Sit wherever you want.

=> 坐你想要的地方。

It's okay.

=> 没关系。

I'll go sit with Dad.

=> 我会和爸爸坐在一起

No stay here.

=> 不,留在这里。

I'm in the window seat.

=> 我坐在靠窗的座位上

Oh How long have I been out? - Couple hours.

=> 哦,我出去多久了? - 几个小时。

- Mmm.

=> - 嗯。

So no turning back huh? If it makes a difference I'm really happy we're doing this.

=> 所以没有回头路,是吧?如果它有所作为,我真的很高兴我们正在这样做。

Well I'm happy when you're happy.

=> 那么,当你快乐的时候我很开心。

See I see a real opportunity here to finally sit down with your father tell him everything you've been carrying around in your head all these years.

=> 看,我看到了一个真正的机会,最终和你父亲坐下来,告诉他这些年来你脑子里一直带着的一切。

Yeah you don't know my father.

=> 是的,你不认识我的父亲。

I know you.

=> 我认识你。

I see you're awake.

=> 我看到你醒了。


=> 是。

What do you have there? Dom Pérignon Rosé Oenothèque 1990.

=> 你在那里有什么? DomPérignonRoséOenothèque,1990。

Your brother Jamal insisted we have it on board for you.

=> 你的兄弟贾马尔坚持要我们把它放在船上。

To your brother Jamal.

=> 给你的兄弟,贾马尔。

To my brother.

=> 给我的兄弟。

Why you didn't get me? My wife just called.

=> 为什么你没有得到我?我的妻子刚刚打来电话

My brother's landing in 10 minutes.

=> 我的兄弟在十分钟内着陆

Go inside.

=> 进去。

Oh yeah.


It's incredible.

=> 真不可思议

- Salaam alaikum.

=> - 萨拉姆alaikum。

- Wa alaikum assalam.

=> - a alaikum assalam。

So good to see you Bassam.

=> 很高兴见到你,巴萨姆。

So good you could all come.

=> 这么好,你们都可以来。

We've been looking forward to it.

=> 我们一直期待着它。

I trust the flight was satisfactory? There was uh plenty of legroom.

=> 我相信这个航班是满意的?有,呃,有足够的腿部空间。

Your father insisted.

=> 你的父亲坚持。

You are still an Al-Fayeed.

=> 你还是一个Al-Fayeed。

There are security considerations.

=> 有安全考虑。

Dream on dream on Dream on dream on dream on Aah-aah - Little brother.

=> 梦想,梦想梦想,梦想,梦想啊 - 啊 - 小弟弟。

- Jamal.

=> - 贾马尔

You look pale.

=> 你脸色苍白。

What's the matter? No sun in California? When we went to Disney there was plenty of sun.

=> 怎么了?在加州没有太阳?当我们去迪斯尼的时候,有太多的阳光。

- Molly.

=> - 莫莉。

- Hi Jamal.

=> - 嗨,贾马尔

- Miss America.

=> - 美国小姐

- Jamal.

=> - 贾马尔

- Beautiful as ever.

=> - 一如既往的美。

- Thank you.

=> - 谢谢。

- Emma.

=> - 艾玛

Come to your uncle.

=> 来到你的叔叔。

- Mmm.

=> - 嗯。

My little mermaid.

=> 我的小美人鱼

Sammy! Sammy my fishing buddy.

=> 萨米! Sammy,我的钓鱼伙伴

- Hey Uncle Jamal.

=> - 嘿,贾马尔叔叔

- So tall.

=> - 很高。

I just bought a Mikelson Nomad.

=> 我刚刚买了一个米克尔森游牧民。

- Have you heard of this boat? - Uh-uh.

=> - 你听说过这条船吗? - 呃。

Fastest thing you've ever seen.

=> 你见过的最快的东西

After the wedding we'll take her out and catch some tuna.

=> 婚礼结束后,我们会带她出去吃一些金枪鱼。


=> 来。

Let's go to the palace.

=> 我们去宫殿吧

Look Em there's a Subway.

=> 看,我有一个地铁。

And I read they just built a great mall downtown.

=> 我读他们刚刚建立了一个伟大的商场市中心。

It's really not that different from home.

=> 这和家里没什么两样。

Except there's no traffic.

=> 除了没有交通。

They're holding it stupid because of us.

=> 他们拿着它,愚蠢的,因为我们。


=> 甜。

Check out Grandpa on the billboard.

=> 看看广告牌上的爷爷。

You can't kill me! Here I am! I'm right here! You can't kill me! Holy shit.

=> 你不能杀我!我在这里!我在这儿!你不能杀我!神圣的狗屎。

You grew up here? - Yeah.

=> 你在这里长大? - 是的。

- I can't believe you'd ever leave.

=> 我不相信你会离开

I was already at the airport when you called.

=> 当你打电话时,我已经在机场了。


=> MM-嗯。

- Hello Bassam.

=> - 你好,巴萨姆

- Leila.

=> - 莱拉


=> 莫莉。


=> 欢迎。

Congratulations on the wedding.

=> 祝贺你的婚礼。

- You must be so proud.

=> - 你一定很自豪。

- We are very proud yes.

=> - 我们很自豪,是的。

And we're so happy you've come.

=> 我们很高兴你来了。

All of you.

=> 你们全部

Your father is waiting.

=> 你爸爸在等

We're fine.

=> 我们很好。

Go ahead.

=> 前进。

Who wants to jump in the pool? I don't mind.

=> 谁想跳进游泳池?我不介意

I could do that.

=> 我可以做到。


=> 巴萨姆。


=> 父亲。

You look well.

=> 你看起来很好

Been so long.

=> 这么久了。

Too long.

=> 太长。

Well um between between work and the kids' schedules - it's um - I'm sure.

=> 那么,呃,在工作和孩子们的时间表之间 - 这是,呃 - 我敢肯定。

You're a busy man.

=> 你是一个忙碌的人。

Your father's been so excited to see you he's barely slept.

=> 你父亲很高兴见到你,他几乎睡不着。

I need a moment with Jamal.

=> 我需要一个与贾马尔的时刻。

Then we'll take a walk.

=> 那我们就散步吧

Just you and me.

=> 就咱俩。


=> 贾马尔。

We just heard from our sources in Ma'an.

=> 我们刚刚从马安的消息来源得知。

Terrorists are planning to attack the wedding.

=> 恐怖分子正计划攻击婚礼。

I don't understand.

=> 我不明白。

I told Yussef to pay Walid to keep them quiet.

=> 我告诉Yussef支付Walid保持安静。

Did I ask you for excuses? I'll have Ziad round up the troublemakers.

=> 我有没有要求你找借口?我会让Ziad围住麻烦制造者。

And tomorrow 10 000 people will be protesting in the square.

=> 明天将有一万人在广场抗议。

Don't be a fool Jamal.

=> 不要傻,贾马尔。

Talk to Walid yourself.

=> 和Walid自己交谈。

Make sure he understands there will be consequences if he can't control his own people.

=> 确保他明白,如果他不能控制自己的人,会有后果。

And bring your brother.

=> 带上你的兄弟

- Why? - Because I told you to.

=> - 为什么? - 因为我告诉过你

I wish you'd reconsider.

=> 我希望你能重新考虑。

You're You're here for such a short time.

=> 你是你在这么短的时间。

It seems silly for you to be staying in a hotel.

=> 你住在酒店似乎很愚蠢。

Well we uh We already made the - the reservations - Cancel them.

=> 那么,我们,呃我们已经做了 - 保留 - 取消它们。

Mother please you You asked me to come here and I'm here.

=> 妈妈,请你,你你让我来这里,我在这里。

He's changed Bassam.

=> 他变了,巴萨姆。

As hard as that may be for you to accept it's true.

=> 尽可能地让你接受它是真实的。

How does it feel being uh home after all these years? Coming through the city I barely recognized the place.

=> 这么多年以后,这个感觉怎么样?来到这个城市,我几乎没有意识到这个地方。

Everything's changed.

=> 一切都变了

Yes it has.

=> 是的,它已经。

Saddam and Gadhafi are dead.

=> 萨达姆和卡扎菲死了。

Mubarak is on trial Ben Ali in exile.

=> 本·阿里在流亡审判穆巴拉克。

You're still here.

=> 你还在这里。

For now.

=> 目前。


=> Inshallah。

After everything I've given the people they're still not satisfied.

=> 在我给予人们的一切之后,他们仍然不满意。

They say they want freedom.

=> 他们说他们想要自由。


=> 自由。

To do what? To kill each other? I give them order and prosperity and all they want is chaos.

=> 做什么?为了杀死对方?我给他们订单和繁荣,他们只想要混乱。

Listen um Molly and the kids are still waiting for me.

=> 听着,莫莉和孩子们还在等我。

- We need to check into the hotel.

=> - 我们需要进入酒店。

- Of course.

=> - 当然。

You didn't come all this way to hear an old man complain.

=> 听到一个老人抱怨,你不是这么想的。

It's good to have you home again Bassam.

=> Bassam再次回到家,真好。

We've been living here for five years - and as far as we're concerned it's paradise right baby? - Mm-hmm.

=> 我们在这里住了五年 - 就我们而言,这是天堂,对,宝贝? - 嗯。

Beaches best in the world.

=> 海滩,在世界上最好的。


=> 马匹。

They've got a racetrack that blows away Churchill Downs.

=> 他们有一个吹跑丘吉尔唐斯的跑道。

We could make a day of it.

=> 我们可以做一天的。

- Hey how was it? - It was good.

=> - 嘿,怎么样? - 这很好。

John Tucker.

=> 约翰·塔克

I'm with the embassy.

=> 我在大使馆。

- Nice to finally meet you.

=> - 很高兴终于见到你。

- Finally? Your father talks about you all the time.

=> - 最后?你的父亲一直在谈你。

I'm Dana.

=> 我是达娜

I'm with him.

=> 我和他在一起。

- Hi.

=> - 嗨。

- Hi.

=> - 嗨。

- Uh we should get to the hotel.

=> - 呃,我们应该去酒店。

- Oh sure.

=> - 哦没问题。


=> 好的。

See you at the wedding right? Hey guys time to go.

=> 在婚礼上见,对吗?嘿,伙计,该走了。

Sammy out of the pool please.

=> 萨米,请出去吧。

- They're staying at a hotel? - I just got in! It's complicated.

=> - 他们住在旅馆? - 我刚刚进来!这很复杂。

So how was it to see your father? I told you.

=> 那么怎么看你父亲?我告诉过你。

It was good.

=> 这很好。

- It was good? - Yeah we um we went for a walk.

=> - 这很好? - 是的,我们去散步了。

- And? - He got old.

=> - 而且?他变老了

I'm not sure what else you want me to say.

=> 我不确定你还想要我说什么。

Sammy get out of the pool! Sammy you heard your father.

=> 萨米,离开游泳池!萨米,你听说你的父亲。

Let's go.

=> 我们走吧。

Oh Well this is This is so much better than the palace.

=> 哦,这是这比宫殿好多了。

Look a minibar.

=> 看,迷你吧。

I don't really want to go to this thing tonight.

=> 今晚我真的不想去这件事。

I'm kind of tired.

=> 我有点累

Come on Emma it'll be fun.

=> 来吧,艾玛,它会很有趣。

We'll get our hands and feet painted.

=> 我们会得到我们的手和脚画。

You always say you want a tattoo.

=> 你总是说你想要纹身。

Yeah on my own terms not as some creepy patriarchal tradition.

=> 是的,按照我自己的说法,不是一些令人毛骨悚然的父权制传统。

Okay it's a bachelorette party.

=> 好吧,这是一个单身派对。

There's nothing patriarchal about it.

=> 这里没有任何父权制。

If you're gonna be unbearable at least be accurate.

=> 如果你会难以忍受,至少要准确。

Does that mean our thing is the bachelor party? Yeah.

=> 这是否意味着我们的事情是单身派对?是啊。

Without the strippers and the booze.

=> 没有脱衣舞娘和酒。

It's uh It's pretty much a bunch of guys in a steam room watching the groom get shaved.

=> 呃,这几乎是一堆蒸汽房里的人,看着新郎剃光。

Tip the bellboy when he comes.

=> 当他来的时候提醒侍者。

- Hating.

=> - 恨。

Bunch of guys in a steam room.

=> 一群人在蒸汽房。


=> 游民。

You better be careful.

=> 你最好小心点。

This isn't America.

=> 这不是美国。

Thanks Mom.

=> 谢谢妈妈。

Arabic Traditional] See? It's pretty.

=> 阿拉伯语,传统]请参阅?好漂亮啊。

She says it's your turn.

=> 她说轮到你了。

Oh that's okay.

=> 哦,没关系。

I'm good.

=> 我很好。

Go ahead.

=> 前进。

It doesn't hurt.

=> 它没有伤害。

- So tell me.

=> - 所以告诉我。

- Hmm? How did you finally convince Bassam to come? I told him it's crazy.

=> - 嗯?你是怎么终于说服巴萨姆来的?我告诉他这很疯狂

We've been married for 19 years and I've never seen where he's from.

=> 我们已经结婚19年了,我从来没有见过他从哪里来。

He doesn't like to talk about his childhood much.

=> 他不喜欢多谈论他的童年。

I thought by coming here maybe Bassam has always been a very private person.

=> 我以为来到这里,也许Bassam一直是一个非常私人的人。

Remember Sammy the whole time we were catching fish and your father was standing over the railing and Like it? Good huh? Bassam come with me.

=> 请记住,萨米,我们一直捕鱼的时候,你父亲站在栏杆上,喜欢吗?好,嗯?巴萨姆,跟我来。

Where are we going? To talk to a tribal leader from Ma'an which is still the asshole of the country.

=> 我们去哪?与一个仍然是这个国家混蛋的马安部落领导谈话。

Yussef paid him to keep things quiet during the wedding but it didn't work.

=> 优素福支付他在婚礼期间保持安静,但没有奏效。

And now I have to handle it.

=> 现在我必须处理它。

What do you mean it didn't work? Walid's terrorist nephew Ihab he's been causing trouble ever since he came back from Syria.

=> 你是什么意思,它没有工作?瓦利德的恐怖主义侄子,伊哈卜从叙利亚回来以来,一直在闹事。

Now he's threatening to blow up the wedding.

=> 现在他威胁要炸毁婚礼。

Blow up the wedding? Jamal I brought my whole family here.

=> 吹了婚礼?贾马尔,我把全家带到这里来了。

No worries Bassam.

=> 别担心,Bassam。

I'll handle it.

=> 我会处理它。

My friend the minute I heard you wanted to see me I dropped everything and came here.

=> 我的朋友,当我听到你想见我时,我放下了一切,然后来到这里。

You didn't come Walid.

=> 你没有来,瓦利德。

My men brought you.

=> 我的手下带了你

- And here I am.

=> - 我在这里

- My father is troubled by what he's been hearing about your terrorist nephew Ihab.

=> - 我的父亲对他所听到的关于你的恐怖分子的侄子伊哈卜的事情感到困惑。

People are always spreading rumors about Ihab.

=> 人们总是散布有关伊哈的传言。

So he has no plans to blow up my son's wedding? N-Not that I've heard.

=> 所以他不打算炸掉我儿子的婚礼? N-没有我听说过。

But you don't know for sure.

=> 但你肯定不知道。

Well look it's true that Ihab doesn't share my goodwill for your son's wedding.

=> 呃,看,哈哈,你的儿子的婚礼是不会分享我的善意的。

- I pay you to control him.

=> - 我付你钱来控制他

- I can only do what I can do.

=> - 我只能做我能做的事情。

- L-I tried talking to him.

=> - 我试着和他说话。

- Not hard enough.

=> - 不够难

No! No! No! Ow! No! No! No! No! Please! - You think you can take our money Walid.

=> 没有!没有!没有!噢!没有!没有!没有!没有!请!你认为你可以拿走我们的钱Walid

- Jamal.

=> - 贾马尔

I'll take your fingers one at a time.

=> 我会一次拿你的手指。

Jamal stop! Stop! Stop! Listen to me! You're giving him more reason to attack than he already has.

=> 贾马尔,停下来!停止!停止!听我说!你给他更多的理由来攻击他已经有的。

You don't understand Bassam.

=> 你不明白,巴萨姆。

You've been gone too long.

=> 你已经走了太久了

This asshole and his nephew need to learn - there are consequences.

=> 这个混蛋和他的侄子需要学习 - 有后果。

- Okay but not like this.

=> - 好吧,但不是这样。

Then how? Tell me.

=> 那么怎么样?告诉我。

I'm listening.

=> 我在听。

- Talk to him.

=> - 跟他说话。

- Talk to him? You mean like Oprah? "How do you feel Walid? You had a bad childhood? - Oh me too.

=> - 跟他说话?你是说像奥普拉? “瓦利德,你感觉怎么样?童年时代很糟糕 - 噢,我也是。

Let's hug it out.

=> 让我们拥抱它。

" - No that's not what I mean.

=>“ - 不,那不是我的意思。

- Then what do you mean? - Invite him to the wedding.

=> - 那你是什么意思? - 邀请他参加婚礼

Him and his nephew Ihab.

=> 他和他的侄子,伊哈。

Invite his whole family and put one of them at every single table.

=> 邀请他的全家,并把他们在每一张桌子。

He'll find a way to make sure no one attacks.

=> 他会找到一种方法来确保没有人受到攻击。

My brother Bassam would like you and your family to come to the wedding as his honored guests.

=> 我的兄弟巴萨姆希望你和你的家人作为尊贵的客人来参加婚礼。


=> 巴萨姆。

What the hell are you doing here? She's beautiful.

=> 你到底在这干什么?她很漂亮。

- Looks just like her mom.

=> - 看起来就像她妈妈

- Thank you.

=> - 谢谢。

She's very intelligent.

=> 她很聪明。

So how come you never called me back? Do you have any idea what's happening here Bassam? I read what you write if that's what you're asking.

=> 那你怎么再也不回电话了?你有什么想法发生在这里,巴萨姆?我读了你写的东西,如果这就是你要求的。


=> 嗯。

After the protests started last year your father sent his tanks into Ma'an.

=> 去年抗议开始后,你的父亲把他的坦克送到马安。

Dozens of people were killed hundreds wounded.

=> 数十人遇难,数百人受伤。

All the international Web sites and papers carried my articles yet I never heard anything from you.

=> 所有的国际网站和论文都刊登了我的文章,但我从来没有听到过你的消息。

- We never talk about politics.

=> - 我们从不谈政治。

- 'Cause you don't want to.

=> - 因为你不想。

If there was ever a time to come back it was then.

=> 如果有一段时间回来,那就是了。

Instead you come back for a wedding.

=> 相反,你回来参加婚礼。

A wedding that's costing £10 million.

=> 一场花费1000万英镑的婚礼。

Your father claims that he's defending us from the infidels the Brotherhood and the Zionists.

=> 你的父亲声称他是捍卫我们的兄弟会和犹太复国主义的异教徒。

- While the people in Ma'an go hungry.

=> - 马安人饿了。

- Come on.

=> - 来吧。

You know how corrupt they are there.

=> 你知道他们有多腐败

My father is not the only one to blame.

=> 我的父亲不是唯一的责难。

Of course you're defending him.

=> 当然,你在捍卫他。

Fauzi what do you want from me? I-I'm a pediatrician.

=> 法西,你想从我这里得到什么?我是儿科医生

You're an Al-Fayeed.

=> 你是Al-Fayeed。

- They are your family.

=> - 他们是你的家人

- Yes.

=> - 是的。

That's why I left.

=> 这就是我离开的原因。

After I wrote about the protests the Mukhabarat took me in the middle of the night and kept me in prison for three days.

=> 在我写下这些抗议活动后,穆哈巴拉特半夜带我进入监狱三天。

While you're living your American dream I dream about this.

=> 当你在美国梦中生活时,我梦想着这一点。

I'm sorry if I interfered with your nostalgia Bassam.

=> 对不起,如果我干涉你的怀旧,巴萨姆。

You should finish your tea.

=> 你应该喝完你的茶。

I have a deadline.

=> 我有期限。

And you have a wedding.

=> 你有婚礼。

It's a little over the top don't you think? Are you kidding? Barry.

=> 这是一个顶部,你不觉得吗?你在开玩笑吗?巴里。

People can see these fireworks from 20 miles away.

=> 人们可以从20英里外看到这些烟花。

The fireworks are the key to the whole thing.

=> 烟花是整个事情的关键。

Forget those pricks from Amnesty.

=> 忘记大赦的刺激

What your father's done here is a miracle.

=> 你父亲在这里做的是一个奇迹。

Not counting the Saudis the mean per capita income's 18% higher here than any other country in the Arab League.

=> 不计算沙特人,平均人均收入比阿拉伯联盟任何其他国家高出18%。

Syria Egypt firefights.

=> 叙利亚,埃及的消防。

Here fireworks.

=> 这里是烟花。

Me I'll take fireworks.

=> 我,我会拿烟花。

My name's Sammy by the way.

=> 顺便说一下,我叫萨米。

I know who you are.

=> 我知道你是谁。


=> 阿卜杜勒。

So what's your connection? My father runs security for your grandfather.

=> 那么,你的联系是什么?我的父亲为你的祖父运行安全。

My grandfather was the head of security for your great-grandfather.

=> 我的祖父是你的曾祖父的安全首脑。

And my great-grandfather was the head of security for your great-great I get it.

=> 而我的曾祖父是你的伟大的安全首脑,我明白了。

I was just making sure we're not related.

=> 我只是确定我们不相关。

Whoa! There he is my man.

=> 哇!他在那里,我的男人。


=> 瓦利德。

It's good you are here.

=> 你在这里很好。

May Allah keep the bride and groom in prosperity and confer his blessings upon them.

=> 愿真主保持新郎和新娘繁荣,并赐福于他们。

And you both know my wife Nadia.


- And my nephew.

=> - 还有我的侄子

- Ihab.

=> - 伊哈。

- Did you enjoy the fireworks? - Of course.

=> - 你喜欢烟花吗? - 当然。

Who doesn't enjoy fireworks? Boom boom boom.

=> 谁不喜欢烟花?繁荣,繁荣,繁荣。

Bassam! Come.

=> 巴萨姆!来。

- Let's go.

=> - 我们走吧。

- No no.

=> - 不,不。

I'm good.

=> 我很好。


=> 嘿。

You've come all this way after 20 years.

=> 20年后,你们已经走到了尽头。

Go on.

=> 继续。

You were right.

=> 你是对的。

- About what? - No attacks.

=> - 关于什么? - 没有攻击。

Look at Walid and his terrorist nephew standing like scarecrows.

=> 看看Walid和他的恐怖分子的侄子,像稻草人一样站立。

It's because of you.

=> 这是因为你。

You did this.

=> 你做到了

Wait! Wait! Wait! Take him.

=> 等待!等待!等待!带他。

Take him.

=> 带他。

Jamal! Jamal.

=> 贾马尔!贾马尔。

Come out here.

=> 出来吧

Come here.

=> 过来。

Come out here Jamal! Come out here.

=> 出来,贾马尔!出来吧

Sometimes you have to make hard choices to be a good leader.

=> 有时你必须做出艰难的选择,成为一个好的领导者。

These are the people who shelter these dogs these traitors who tried to kill us.

=> 这些是庇护这些狗的人,这些试图杀死我们的叛徒。

Give me this.

=> 给我这个

Take this.

=> 拿着它。

Do it.

=> 这样做。


=> 请。

- Do it Jamal.

=> - 做吧,贾马尔。

- Please.

=> - 请。

I have a family.

=> 我有一个家庭。

Your turn.

=> 到你了。

Uh excuse me.

=> 呃,对不起。

Where are you going? Uh just uh Just uh getting some air.

=> 你要去哪里?呃,只是,呃,有空气。

You were just on the dance floor with your brother.

=> 你刚和你哥哥在舞池里。

What happened? - It doesn't matter.

=> 发生了什么? - 没关系。

- Barry please stop telling me it doesn't matter.

=> - 巴里,请停止告诉我没关系。

He's a good boy my Ahmed.

=> 他是个好孩子,我的艾哈迈德。

You love him? That's good.

=> 你爱他?那很好。


=> 好。

Girl this beautiful I'm sure you had many suitors.

=> 女孩这个美丽我相信你有很多追求者。

The wedding night is very special.

=> 新婚之夜很特别。

It's important to be pure.

=> 纯粹是重要的。

It would break Ahmed's heart if the woman he married wasn't pure.

=> 如果他娶的女人不纯洁的话,那将会伤害艾哈迈德的心。


=> 那里。

There it is.

=> 在那里。

Good girl.

=> 好女孩

Good girl.

=> 好女孩

I'm beginning to think he's insane.

=> 我开始觉得他疯了。

The thing is I don't even blame Jamal.

=> 事情是,我什至不责怪贾马尔。

I blame our father.

=> 我怪我们的父亲。

The reason that Jamal is so broken is because my father broke him.

=> 贾马尔如此破碎的原因是因为我的父亲打破了他。

That's what he does.

=> 他就是这样做的。

And I'm sorry l - I don't want to dump all this on you.

=> 对不起,我 - 我不想把这一切倒在你身上。

- No this is good.

=> - 不,这很好。

It's good that you did.

=> 你做得很好。

Now you need to tell your father.

=> 现在你需要告诉你的父亲。

- Tell him what? - Everything.

=> - 告诉他什么? - 一切。

It's not gonna change anything.

=> 这不会改变任何事情。

It's certainly not gonna change him.

=> 这当然不会改变他。

I'm not asking you to do it for him.

=> 我不是要求你为他做。

I'm asking you to do it for you.

=> 我要求你为你做。

- For us.

=> - 为了我们。

- Us? Barry you ran away from your father when you were 16 and you're still running.

=> - 我们?巴里,你16岁时离开父亲,你还在跑步。

Since I've known you you've been carrying around this weight that's just gotten heavier and it's left you joyless.

=> 自从我认识你以来,你一直带着这重量变得越来越重,这让你不快乐。

I don't know how else to say it.

=> 我不知道怎么说呢。

And if you think that hasn't affected your relationship with Emma and Sammy with me Bassam.

=> 如果你认为这并没有影响你和爱玛和萨米的关系,

It's your father.

=> 这是你的父亲。

He's collapsed.

=> 他倒了。

I am afraid the president has suffered a cerebrovascular injury.

=> 恐怕总统脑血管受伤了。

What does that mean? - It means a stroke.

=> 那是什么意思? - 这意味着中风。

- Yes.

=> - 是的。

- He'll be fine.

=> 他会没事的

- We are doing everything we can.

=> - 我们正在尽我们所能。

If he dies you die.

=> 如果他死了,你就死了。

You are a doctor.

=> 你是医生。

You fix him.

=> 你修理他

Your father asked to see you.

=> 你的父亲要求见你

My son will cut the ribbon.

=> 我的儿子会剪彩。

I'm right here! You can't kill me! Bassam.

=> 我在这儿!你不能杀我!巴萨姆。


=> 巴萨姆。

It's okay.

=> 没关系。

- Don't try to talk.

=> - 不要试图说话。

- Listen to me.

=> - 听我说。

Without you they'll kill us all.

=> 没有你,他们会杀了我们所有人。

I was wrong.

=> 我错了。

It should have been you.

=> 应该是你。

It should have been you Bassam.

=> 应该是你,巴萨姆。

How is he? What did he say? He wants to talk to you.

=> 他怎么样?他说什么?他想和你谈谈。

You and Mother.

=> 你和妈妈。

You okay? Barry? You should check on the kids.

=> 你好吗?巴里?你应该检查孩子。


=> 好的。

He's gone.

=> 他走了。

He's gone.

=> 他走了。


=> 贾马尔。

Jamal come.

=> 贾马尔,来吧。

Where are you going? Look at me.

=> 你要去哪里?看着我。

Look at me.

=> 看着我。

Now you are in charge.

=> 现在你负责。

Okay? Now it's your time.

=> 好的?现在是你的时间。

You need to be a man.

=> 你需要成为一个男人

You're telling me to be a man? When was the last time you were a woman to me? - Stop it.

=> 你告诉我是个男人?你最后一次是我的女人是什么时候? - 停下来。

- You hate me.

=> - 你恨我。

I know that.

=> 我知道。

I love you.

=> 我爱你。

- And you hate me.

=> - 你恨我。

- This is Jamal! Jamal.

=> - 这是贾马尔!贾马尔。

Jamal! President Khaled Al-Fayeed's condition is still unknown at this time.

=> 贾马尔!哈立德·法耶德总统的情况目前还不得而知。

No official word from the presidential palace.

=> 总统府没有官方的话。

The president collapsed at his grandson's wedding celebration five hours ago He's dead.

=> 总统在5个小时前的孙子的婚礼上倒塌了,他已经死了。

I'm so sorry.

=> 我很抱歉。

- Come on.

=> - 来吧。

Let's go.

=> 我们走吧。

- Okay.

=> - 好的。

Back to the hotel? To the airport.

=> 回到酒店?去机场。

- We're leaving.

=> - 我们要走了

- What are you talking about? - We're going home.

=> - 你在说什么?我们要回家了

- Barry.

=> - 巴里。

- We can't just leave.

=> - 我们不能离开。

- Come on.

=> - 来吧。

Get up.

=> 起床。

- Honey we don't have our passports.

=> 亲爱的,我们没有护照。

- That's fine.

=> - 没关系。

We'll stop at the hotel.

=> 我们会在酒店停下来

Get up Sammy.

=> 起来,萨米


=> 现在。

So what we're not even staying for Grandpa's funeral? Sammy for once you do what I tell you.

=> 那么,怎么样,我们连爷爷的葬礼都没有呢?萨米,一次,你做我告诉你的。

- I want to see Uncle Jamal.

=> - 我想见杰米尔叔叔

- No.

=> - 没有

I said we're going now.

=> 我说我们现在要走了

- Sammy listen to Dad.

=> - 萨米,听爸爸

- I'm not leaving here until I see Uncle Jamal.

=> - 我不能离开这里,直到我看到贾马尔叔叔。

- Forget Uncle Jamal.

=> 忘记贾玛尔叔叔

- No! I'm staying here.

=> - 不!我待在这里


=> 现在。

What is the matter with you? Meet me downstairs.

=> 你怎么了?在楼下和我见面

I need four seats on the next flight to Los Angeles.

=> 下一班飞往洛杉矶需要四个座位。

In coach please.

=> 请教练。

- Any airline? - Yeah.

=> - 任何航空公司? - 是的。


=> 护照。

Come on.

=> 来吧。

What are you looking at? You want to look at something? Look at this.

=> 你在看什么?你想看什么?看这个。

Look at this.

=> 看这个。

Come on.

=> 来吧。


=> 是啊。


=> 嗯。


=> 是啊。

Good girl.

=> 好女孩


=> 是啊。

That's good.

=> 那很好。


=> 是啊。

What is this? Fasten your seat belt please.

=> 这是什么?请系好安全带。

Once we've reached an altitude of 10 000 feet you'll be able to use all approved electronic devices.

=> 一旦我们达到了10 000英尺的高度,您就可以使用所有认可的电子设备。

Okay we're on the plane.

=> 好吧,我们在飞机上。

We're going home.

=> 我们要回家了

Are you ready to explain to me what that was about? - Barry.

=> 你准备好向我解释那是关于什么的? - 巴里。

- Not now.

=> - 不是现在。

What do you mean "Not now"? You leave without saying good-bye to your family after your father dies.

=> 你是什么意思,“不是现在”?你父亲去世后,你离开时不必告别家人。

I'm - They're not my family.

=> 我 - 他们不是我的家人

- You hit our son.

=> - 你打我们的儿子

- Molly not now.

=> 莫莉,不是现在。

- No.

=> - 没有

I'm sick of it.

=> 我烦死了。

I never know what you're thinking.

=> 我永远不知道你在想什么。

I never know how you feel because you never tell me.

=> 我永远不知道你的感受,因为你永远不会告诉我。

We've been married for 19 years.

=> 我们已经结婚19年了。

And you force me to be like some kind of a mind reader.

=> 而你迫使我成为某种心灵读者。

Please look at me.

=> 请看看我。

I feel like I don't know who you are anymore.

=> 我觉得我不知道你是谁了。

- Do it.

=> - 做吧。

Shoot him.

=> 射他。

- Please.

=> - 请。

I have a family.

=> 我有一个家庭。

Please no.

=> 请不。


=> 请。

Do it Jamal.

=> 做吧,贾马尔。

Please no.

=> 请不。

Jamal! Jamal! Come back here! Jamal! Get out right now! Get out! Right now.

=> 贾马尔!贾马尔!回到这来!贾马尔!马上出去!出去!马上。

Get out of the car.

=> 从车里出去。

- No please please.

=> - 不,请。

- Jamal! Do as I say.

=> - 贾马尔!照我说的做。

Get out of the car Jamal.

=> 下车,贾马尔。

Out of the car! - Get out Jamal! - No no no! It should have been you Bassam.

=> 出车! - 出去,贾马尔! - 不不不!应该是你,巴萨姆。

I mean it Barry.

=> 我的意思是,巴里。

I can't do this anymore.

=> 我不能这样做了。

If you don't tell me what's going on I don't know what I'm gonna do.

=> 如果你不告诉我发生了什么,我不知道我会怎么做。

I don't know what we're gonna do.

=> 我不知道我们会怎么做。

- - Hello this is your captain speaking.

=> - 你好,这是你的船长发言。

I'm sorry for the delay but the tower has asked us to sit tight for a few minutes.

=> 我很抱歉拖延,但塔要求我们坐几分钟。


=> 先生。

Al-Fayeed? I told you we shouldn't have come.

=> 铝Fayeed?我告诉过你我们不应该来
