与夏天有关的英文(与夏天summer相关的习语)Not all autumn days are cool and crisp. In late autumn there is a warm gentle time known asIndian summer. 由于夏天的高温,每棵树都要天天浇水。During the dog days of summer it’s too hot to do anything but relax and go swimming.三伏天太热了,除了放松和游泳,啥都做不了。Owing to the heat of summer each tree has to be watered every day.
光军语言文化:夏季来袭,有酷暑难当,也有浪漫时光,一起来学学这些与summer相关的习语吧。 a summer fling 夏日休闲时光;夏日恋情My summer fling turned into a major love fest.
one swallow doesn't make a summer 独燕不成夏(指一件好事发生并不意味着整体情况会好转)He said that the Africa-China and South Africa-China cooperation is extensive. Others should pay more attention to the content of our bilateral cooperation and one swallow doesn't make asummer.
The dog days of summer 三伏天,夏季最热的一段时间During the dog days of summer it’s too hot to do anything but relax and go swimming.
The heat of summer 夏季的高温,酷暑Owing to the heat of summer each tree has to be watered every day.
Indian summer 秋老虎的天气,小阳春Not all autumn days are cool and crisp. In late autumn there is a warm gentle time known asIndian summer.