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小猪佩奇英语台词练习(跟小猪佩奇学英语)Musical Instruments!And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。This is my little brother George.这是我的弟弟乔治。This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第16话

16. Musical Instruments! 乐器

旁白(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。


Musical Instruments!


Can anyone guess what’s inside?

Narrator: Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have been tidying the house. 猪妈妈和猪爸爸今天在收拾屋子。

Daddy Pig: Mummy Pig and I found this old box in the attic! 我们在阁楼上发现了这个旧箱子!【attic [ˈætɪk] n. 阁楼,顶楼;】

Peppa & George: Oh! 哦

Daddy Pig: Can anyone guess what’s inside? 谁能猜到里面有什么吗?

Peppa: Hmmm nope! 嗯,猜不出!【nope adv.〈美俚〉不】

Mummy Pig: It’s full of musical instruments! 这里面都是演奏用的乐器!

Peppa & George: Wow! 哇哦

Daddy Pig: They are a bit old and dusty.灰尘好像有点多啊。


Mummy Pig: This is the violin I used to play when I was little! 这把是我小时候拉过的小提琴!

Peppa: Mummy can you play your violin? 妈妈,那你能拉给我们听吗?

Mummy Pig: I haven’t played it for a long time! 我已经很久没有拉过它了!

Peppa: Please Mummy! Please play it! 求你了妈妈!拉给我们听听吧!

Mummy Pig: I hope I haven’t forgotten how... 希望我还记得怎么拉

Daddy Pig: Bravo! 好棒!

Peppa: Hurray! 好棒!

Peppa: Mummy can I play the violin? 妈妈,能让我来试试吗?

Mummy Pig: Hold it like this. 你要这样拿着。

Peppa: Yes Mummy. 好的妈妈。

Daddy Pig & Mummy Pig: Oh! 哦

Narrator: Oh dear. I do not think it is meant to sound like that.哦,天哪。我想小提琴的声音可不该是这样的。[be meant to do是“应做;照道理、照规矩应该做;注定要”]

Narrator: George wants to try. 乔治也想试试。

Peppa: Hold it like this George. 你要这样拿着,乔治。

Daddy Pig & Mummy Pig & Peppa: Oh! 哦!

Narrator: That does not sound quite right either. 乔治拉出来的声音也不对。

Peppa: The violin is too hard to play. 想要拉好小提琴好像太难了!

Daddy Pig: Peppa! Maybe you would do better with this tin drum. 佩奇,说不定你更适合去打鼓。[tin drum 铁皮鼓]

Peppa: Thank you Daddy. 谢谢你爸爸。

Narrator: That sounds better! Peppa loves playing the drum. 听上去好多了! 看来佩奇很喜欢打鼓。

Mummy Pig: Lovely. 真不错。

Daddy Pig: Yes That sounds very nice. 是的,听上去真的很不错。

Mummy Pig: This is Daddy Pig’s old accordion [əˈkɔːrdiən]. 这是猪爸爸的旧手风琴。

Daddy Pig: I used to play this to Mummy Pig when we first met. 我和猪妈妈第一次见面时就是拉的手风琴

Mummy Pig: Oh…Daddy Pig. I remember this tune. 哦,猪爸爸。我记得这个曲调。

Narrator: George wants to play the accordion too. 乔治也想拉手风琴。

Daddy Pig: Are you sure George? The accordion is quite difficult. 你确定吗乔治?拉手风琴可没那么容易。

Peppa: George the a-cor-dion is almost as difficult to play as my drum. 乔治,想要拉好手风琴,这就和想要打好我的鼓一样有难度哦

Daddy Pig: Okay George. 好的,乔治。

George: Oh. 哦

Narrator: Maybe George is a bit too little to play the accordion. 也许乔治还太小了,没法拉手风琴。

Peppa: Daddy what other instruments are in the box? 爸爸,盒子里面还有其它什么乐器吗?

Daddy Pig: Just this horn [hɔːrn]. 只有这只号角了。

Peppa: Can I try? 我能试试吗?

Daddy Pig: You have to blow it very hard. 可以,但你得使劲地吹。


Narrator: That does not sound right. 这个声音好像不太对吧。

Peppa: It's impossible! 这个太难了。

Mummy Pig: I think I used to be able to play it.我记得我以前好像吹过这个。

Narrator: That really does not sound right. 这个声音也不太对。

Daddy Pig: Maybe it just needs someone big and strong like me! 也许这个需要 像我这样强壮的人来吹才行。


Narrator: That does not sound right either. 这个声音也还是不对。

Daddy Pig: Peppa's right. it is impossible to play. 佩奇说的对。可能真的没人能吹好它。

Mummy Pig: Never mind Daddy Pig. 没关系的,猪爸爸。

Just stick to the accordion. You play it beautifully! 你只需拉好手风琴,你拉得非常地好听。[stick to 坚持 继续]

Daddy Pig: Well I do play it quite nicely even if I say so myself. 我的手风琴拉得确实不错。即使只是我自己这么说。

Mummy Pig: And I'll play my violin! 那我来拉我的小提琴。

Peppa: And I will play my drum! 那我来打我的鼓。

Narrator: Mummy Pig plays the violin. 猪妈妈拉起小提琴。

Daddy Pig plays the accordion. 猪爸爸拉起了手风琴。

Peppa plays the drum. 佩奇打起了鼓。

But what instrument will George play? 但是乔治该用什么乐器呢?

George is blowing the horn! 乔治他在吹那只号角。

Peppa: Mummy couldn't play the horn. 妈妈吹不了那只号角。

And Daddy couldn't play it. 爸爸也吹不了那只号角。

And even I couldn't play it! 而我也没办法吹响它。

But George can play it. 但是乔治吹响了。

[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第16集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal


This is the violin I used to play when I was little!


That sounds better! Peppa loves playing the drum.




Violin [ˌvaɪə'lɪn] 小提琴

Accordion [ə'kɔːrdiən] 手风琴

Drum [drʌm] 鼓

Horn [hɔːrn] 小号


keyboard ['kiːbɔːrd] 电子琴

xylophone ['zaɪləfoʊn] 木琴

piano [pi'ɑnoʊ] 钢琴

guitar [ɡɪ'tɑːr] 吉他

flute [fluːt] 长笛

2. Used to

妈妈找到了一把小提琴,说This is the violin I used to play when I was little. 这把小提琴是我小时候用过的。

Used to play曾经用过的。


You used to play this toy when you were a little baby.当你还是一个小婴儿的时候,你曾经玩过这个玩具。

3.Play your violin

Peppa问妈妈,Can you play your violin? 你能拉一下小提琴吗?

Play the violin 拉小提琴。这里值得注意的是,只要是使用乐器,都是用play这个词。

比如这集里出现了play the violin play the accordion等等。

Play 乐器的用法,在本集中一共出现了25次!只要孩子认真看了或者听了动画片,一定对这个用法会有印象。

怎么讲?怎么让孩子更准确的了解使用乐器要用play呢?其实不需要专门去灌输,只需要你给孩子介绍完乐器玩具之后,再说一句Can you play the drum? 或者I want to play the drum. Can you show me how to play?



George想拉手风琴,Peppa说你要想清楚啊,The accordion is almost as difficult to play as my drum. 拉手风琴可是几乎跟我打鼓一样难哦。

As difficult to play as my drum 和我的鼓一样难打。

5.Never mind

猪爸爸怎么都没办法把小号吹响,猪妈妈说,Never mind Daddy Pig. 没关系的,猪爸爸。

Never mind. 没关系。

我们在自行车那集中曾经见过Never mind the pumpkin the important thing… 别管南瓜了,重要的是…

这一集中Never mind作为一个句子单独出现,意思是没关系。


爸妈:Ouch! (孩子走路踩到你的脚了)


爸妈:Never mind.

6.Even if

猪妈妈表扬猪爸爸拉琴拉得好。然后爸爸就一边拉着手风琴,一边说I do play it quite nicely even if I say so myself. 如果要我自己说嘛,我的确拉得很好。

Even if是哪怕、即使的意思。


Well I do play it quite nicely even if I say so myself.


1.musical: n.音乐片,音乐舞台剧

adj. 音乐的,声音美妙的,喜爱音乐的

instrument: 器具,器械,仪器

musical instrument: 乐器

2. tidy: 使整洁,使整齐,使有条理,整理

例句:Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have been tidying the house. 妈妈猪和爸爸猪正在打扫房间。

3. attic: (紧靠屋顶的)阁楼,顶楼

4. nope: 不行,没有

5. dusty: 布满灰尘的,灰尘弥漫的

例句:They are a bit old and dusty.它们有一点老,又布满了灰尘。

6.violin: 小提琴

7.bravo: (喝彩声、叫好声)好哇

8. tin: 锡制的 drum:鼓


10. tune: 曲调,曲子,主旋律

11.horn: 爵士音乐中的,管乐器,小号


And even I couldn't play it! But George can play it.

-The End-
