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ps练习掌握图像大小命令(lt谈ps系列35)What Xiaobian brings to you today is<Talk about ps series (35) |Explanation of PS Image Size KnowledgeDear you this is LearningYard Academy.今天小编为大家带来的是<谈ps系列(35)|ps图像大小知识讲解。Share interest spread happinessIncrease knowledge and leave good news!






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Dear you this is LearningYard Academy.

What Xiaobian brings to you today is<Talk about ps series (35) |Explanation of PS Image Size Knowledge




在我们学习今天的知识前,回顾下上期所学的知识点:画布大小及裁剪知识。所谓画布大小,即为可被我们操作的区域大小为多少,摁ctrl alt c,可以打开画布属性的面板,可以看见整个画布的大小,可以进行单位的转换,如厘米,英寸,毫米等,可以调整画布的大小,注意调小时,图层里图片的位置是不会改变的。



1、 Review

Before we learn today's knowledge review the knowledge points learned in the previous period: Canvas size and cutting knowledge. The so-called canvas size refers to the size of the area that can be manipulated by us. By pressing ctrl alt c you can open the canvas properties panel and see the entire canvas size. You can convert units such as centimeters inches millimeters and so on. You can adjust the size of the canvas. Note that when adjusted the position of the image in the layer will not change.

Crop Tool: Shortcut: C

When selecting the cropping tool there are adjustable white dots around the canvas. You can adjust the size of the canvas or press the alt key to adjust to the center point and the shift key to adjust proportionally. The crop tool can also be used with the frame selection tool. You can use the frame selection tool to accurately frame the selected area before using the crop tool to crop.



画布属性栏快捷键:ctrl alt c;

如何打开图像属性框快捷键:CTRL alt I;



PART2. Explanation of image size knowledge

Last time we talked about canvas size this time we'll talk about image size.

Canvas property bar shortcut key: ctrl alt c;

How to open the image property box shortcut key: CTRL alt I;

The difference between canvas size and image size:

Image size is an attribute of an image itself including parameters such as pixels size and resolution. Changing image size is achieved by changing these parameters. The canvas is the working area of the entire document that is the display area of the image. The canvas can be increased decreased or rotated as needed. Increasing the canvas size can add blank areas around the image while reducing the canvas size can crop the image.





PART 3. example demonstration

To better understand the differences between the two let's take a look at an example.

1. First create multiple layers create a rectangle and ellipse and label the image size canvas size and font size for future changes. Create a 200 * 100 rectangle and a 100 * 100 circle set the font to 60 pixels in imitation Song and set the canvas size to 2000 * 1600;



2. Next adjust the image size to 1000 * 800 and check the changes in various values. First it is found that the font has changed to 30 pixels; The canvas size becomes 1000 * 800 and a rectangle needs to be selected using the path selection tool or the direct selection tool. When the direct size is selected it becomes 100 * 50 and the circle becomes 50 * 50. This indicates that adjusting the image size will affect the size of the layer in an equal proportion and will change in a certain proportion. The size of the canvas changes the size of the canvas without changing the size of the layer; Changing the image will change the size of the entire drawing board while adjusting the image scale.


That's all for today's sharing. If you have a unique idea for today's article please leave us a message and let us meet tomorrow. I wish you a happy and happy life today!




