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四六级听力考试常用词(四六级30天冲刺挑战赛)(持续关注公众号,明日揭晓)你猜得到吗?还是说酷学搞到了今年四六级的卷子开始放福利了?线索提醒①四六级 ②6小时 ③思思大王









①四六级 ②6小时 ③思思大王











hospital ['hɒspɪt(ə)l] 医院

[真题例句] He was kept inhospitalfor a long time.

clinic ['klɪnɪk] 小诊所

[真题例句] She has been working at a clinic.

emergency room [ɪ'mɜːdʒ(ə)nsɪ] 急诊室

[真题例句] They think working in emergency rooms tedious.

drug store 药店

[真题例句] He had forgotten to pick up some medicine at the drug store.

physician [fɪ'zɪʃ(ə)n] 内科医生

[真题例句] As nurses we are licensed to provide nursing care only. We do not have any legal or moral obligation to any physician.

surgeon ['sɜːdʒ(ə)n] 外科医生

[真题例句] The computer provides feedback to the surgeon on force textures and sound.

dentist ['dentɪst] 牙医

[真题例句] Well I am not going to stop by the post office but I can buy you some at the bookstore after I see the dentist on Market street.

psychologist [saɪ'kɒlədʒɪst] 心理医生

[真题例句] Doctors lawyers psychologists and others have rules governing confidentiality that are intended to prevent information about their clients’ personal situations form becoming known to others

nurse [nɜːs] 护士

[真题例句] But if trends continue as predicted they will find that most critical hospital care will be provided by new inexperienced and sometimes inadequately-trained nurses.

patient/the sick 病人

[真题例句] It reduces the chance of death for heart surgery patients.

fever ['fiːvə] 发烧

[真题例句] They ran a high fever.

cold [kəʊld] 感冒

[真题例句] I’m sorry I missed the football game but I had a terrible cold.

pain [peɪn] 疼痛

[真题例句] Several weeks ago Joe’s mother began feeling sharp chest pains.

headache ['hedeɪk] 头疼

[真题例句] My headaches are terribly. Maybe I need more sleep.

stomachache/ stomach pain 胃疼

[真题例句] His illness first manifested itself as severe stomach pains and headaches.

toothache ['tuːθeɪk] 牙疼

[真题例句] In any case neither toothache or a visit to a dentist is very pleasant.

skin rash 皮疹

[真题例句] This usually causes only minor discomfort such as ask in rash headache or sleepiness.

cancer ['kænsə] 癌症

[真题例句] It could help people of all ages to avoid cancer.

heart disease 慢性心脏病

[真题例句] It is a possible cure for heart disease.

heart attack 心脏病发作

[真题例句]They suffered from heart attack.

excessive bleeding 流血过多

[真题例句] They died from excessive bleeding.

twisted ankle 扭伤脚踝

[真题例句] Today is a bad day for me. I fell off a step and twisted my ankle.

slightly injured 轻伤

[真题例句] He was slightly injured in a traffic accident.

serious injury / seriously wounded 重伤

[真题例句]He was seriously wounded in a mine explosion.

black and blue 遍体鳞伤

[真题例句]She is black and blue all over.

disease [dɪ'ziːz] 疾病

[真题例句] Increased susceptibility to disease.

discomfort [dɪs'kʌmfət] 不舒服

[真题例句] They will suffer from minor discomfort.

virus ['vaɪrəs] 病毒

[真题例句] Three are too many kinds of cold viruses for them to identify.

prevent [prɪ'vent] 预防

[真题例句] Many cancer cases could be prevented.

keep fit 保持健康

[真题例句] Her effort to keep fit is really praiseworthy.

medication/ medicine/drug 药物

[真题例句]The medications helped relieve the pain but caused other problems that could be worse than the pain itself.
