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rely单词记忆法(每日单词rally)(4) His sudden rally surprised the doctor.(3) After a brief rally share fall back to a new low.◉常用例句(1) They will hold a peace rally.(2) Countless people joined the rally at the square.



英 ['ræli] 美 ['ræli]

n.集会;(价值等)回升;回合 vi.重整旗鼓;恢复精神;(人)集合起来 vt.嘲弄;重新召集;激励



(1) They will hold a peace rally.

(2) Countless people joined the rally at the square.

(3) After a brief rally share fall back to a new low.

(4) His sudden rally surprised the doctor.

(5) Boston won that game with a 3-run rally in the bottom of the 9th inning.

(6) The team was thrown onto the defensive as their opponents rallied.

(7) You should rally your courage.

(8) Her spirits rallied on hearing the good news.

(9) They rallied to their leader's cause.

(10) The commander was able to rally the fleeing troops.

(11) I rally you to this noble cause.

(12) It was time to rally our own defense force.

(13) The team captain vainly tried to rally his troops.

(1) 他们要举行一个拥护和平的大会。

(2) 不计其数的人参加了广场上的集会。

(3) 股票经过一次短暂回升后回落到一个新的低点。

(4) 他的突然复元使医生大为惊奇。

(5) 在第9局的下半场,波士顿队以一个三分回合赢得了比赛。

(6) 该队在对手重整旗鼓后 被迫采取守势。

(7) 你应该鼓起勇气。

(8) 她听到这个好消息精神又振作起来。

(9) 他们团结一致支持领袖的事业。

(10) 指挥官能够重整其溃散的部队。

(11) 我召集您加入到这一伟大行动中来。

(12) 是时候组织我们自己的防卫队了。

(13) 队长试图振作部队的士气,但没有成功。


rally : re(again) ally(unite: al(ad) ly(lig: to bind)) -> to unite again


rally1 /ˈræli/ ●○○ noun (plural rallies) [C]

1. a large public meeting especially one that is held outdoors to support a political idea protest etc 大型公众集会〔尤指为支持某政治观点、抗议等在户外举行的集会〕

① About 1 000 people attended the rally in Hyde Park.

大约有1 000人参加了海德公园的集会。

② We decided to hold a rally to put pressure on the government.


③ a mass rally (=large rally) in support of the pay claim


political/election/peace etc rally

④ He was shot dead while addressing an election rally.


→ pep rally► see thesaurus at meeting

2. a car race on public roads 汽车拉力赛,公路汽车赛

a rally driver


3. an occasion when something especially the value of shares becomes stronger again after a period of weakness or defeat 〔尤指股价的〕止跌回升

a late rally in the Tokyo stock market


4. a continuous series of hits of the ball between players in a game such as tennis 〔网球等的〕连续对打,拉锯战

rally2 verb (rallied rallying rallies)

1. [I T] to come together or to bring people together to support an idea a political party etc 集合;召集〔以支持某个观点、政党等〕

rally to

Fellow Republicans rallied to the president’s defense.


rally to do something

Surely the local business community could have rallied to raise the cash.


an attempt to rally support for the party


2. [I] to become stronger again after a period of weakness or defeat 复原;恢复;重新振作 → recover

After a shaky start he rallied and won the title in style.


The Tokyo stock market rallied later in the day.


3. rally around (somebody) (also rally round (somebody) British English) phr v informal if a group of people rally round they all try to help you when you are in a difficult situation 齐心协力帮助(处于困境的人)

Her friends all rallied round when she was ill.


Origin rally2 (1500-1600) French rallier “to reunite” from Old French alier; → ALLY2
