倒斜状英语(翻白眼皱眉盘腿)我问老板是否喜欢喜欢我的建议,他摇头否定。I asked my boss if he liked my idea and he shook his head.nod your headHe nodded his head in greeting. 他向我点头打招呼。
body languages
下面,张老师 为大家分享几个在日常生活中最常见的“身体语言”英语短语。
点头/摇头:Nod your head / Shake your headnod your head
He nodded his head in greeting.
I asked my boss if he liked my idea and he shook his head.
转头:Turn your head当你 turn your head的时候,你会把头转向一边。
turn your head
翻白眼:Roll your eyes当你很生气的时候,或觉得某事很愚蠢时,你可以roll your eyes
The teacher rolled her eyes when the class asked for the tenth time what page the homework was on.
roll your eyes
眨眼:Blink your eyes / Winkwink:眨一只眼(一只眼闭上,在打开)blink:眨双眼
皱眉:Raise an eyebrow / Raise your eyebrows当你 raise an eyebrow (皱一边眉)时,意味着:好奇、怀疑
当你 raise your eyebrows (皱两边眉)时 意味着:惊讶
raise an eyebrow
raise your eyebrows
擤鼻涕:Blow noseblow your nose
吐舌头:Stick out your tongueAn old man was staring at her so she stuck her tongue out at him.
Stick out your tongue
清嗓子:Clear your throat许多人clear their throat是因为生病,但还有许多人是为了引起别人的注意
Clear your throat
耸肩:Shrug your shoulders当你 shrug your shoulders时,意思是:我不知道,或我在乎,或不重要等
Shrug your shoulders
盘腿:Cross your legs
Cross your legs
双手抱胸前:Cross your armsCross your arms
双指交叉:Keep your fingers crossed当你Keep your fingers crossed,是在祈求好运
She has her exam this morning so cross your fingers.
We're keeping our fingers crossed that the weather stays nice.
Keep your fingers crossed
竖中指:Give the finger注意:向某人竖中指,手背朝外,表示愤怒,具有冒犯性
Give sb the finger
向上/下竖大拇指:Give a thumbs up / thumbs down如果你 give a thumbs up 你在表示赞成和支持
如果你 give a thumbs down,意味着你在反对
Give a thumbs up / thumbs down
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