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必背商务英语(每日英语之--商务词汇系列)customers can pay with a cheque.4 cheque 支票 company must share the profits with bondholders.3 quality 质量 the quality of the products influences the sales volume销量.


Today we are going to learn some business words


1 monopolize 垄断;独占

the company has monopolized the vegetable market.

2 bondholder 债券持有人

company must share the profits with bondholders.

3 quality 质量

the quality of the products influences the sales volume销量.

4 cheque 支票

customers can pay with a cheque.

5 dynamic 动态的

entrepreneur(创业者) always meet a dynamic and unstable process.

6 justify 证明合法

no arguement can justify a war.

7 undercut 廉价出售

online bookstores can undercut retailers by up to 30%. 低于零售店30%出售。
