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怎么看待美国疾控中心(美疾控中心承认了)美联社报道截图"We clearly didn't recognize the full importations that were happening" Schuchat told The Associated Press.The US government was slow to understand how much coronavirus was spreading from Europe which helped drive the acceleration of outbreaks across the nation a top health official said Friday.美联社援引舒查特的话称,2月下旬,美国的检测能力有限,并且迟迟未宣布对欧洲等国家的旅行禁令,这些原因都导致了美国病例的激增。“我们显然没有意识到当时的全部输入型病例。”Limited tes

5月1日,美国疾控中心官网发布首席副主任安妮·舒查特(Anne Schuchat)撰写的报告。



△美国疾控中心发表的报告《2020年2月24日至4月21日 美国新冠疫情开始和扩散时期的公共卫生应对措施》


The US government was slow to understand how much coronavirus was spreading from Europe which helped drive the acceleration of outbreaks across the nation a top health official said Friday.


Limited testing and delayed travel alerts for areas outside China contributed to the jump in US cases starting in late February said Dr. Anne Schuchat the No. 2 official at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"We clearly didn't recognize the full importations that were happening" Schuchat told The Associated Press.




But in her article Schuchat noted that nearly 2 million travelers arrived in the US from Italy and other European countries during February. The US government didn't block travel from there until March 11.


美国疾控中心官网发布首席副主任安妮·舒查特 图源:美联社


"The extensive travel from Europe once Europe was having outbreaks really accelerated our importations and the rapid spread " she told the AP. "I think the timing of our travel alerts should have been earlier."


She also noted in the article that more than 100 people who had been on nine separate Nile River cruises during February and early March had come to the US and tested positive for the virus nearly doubling the number of known US cases at that time.


Schuchat said: "I think in retrospect taking action earlier could have delayed further amplification (of the US outbreak) or delayed the speed of it."


Various gatherings of persons from different locations followed by return to their home communities played a notable role in the early US spread of COVID-19. During February 2020 the number of confirmed cases originating in the United States was low and appeared contained; thus federal and local jurisdictions did not recommend restrictions on gatherings.



Unrecognized transmission played a key role in the initiation and acceleration phases of the US outbreak. Cases were not detected during this time for various reasons. First introduction of the virus into the United States occurred during the annual influenza season.


It suggests the nation's top public health agency missed opportunities to slow the spread.


The CDC is responsible for the recognition tracking and prevention of just such a disease. But the agency has had a low profile during this pandemic with White House officials controlling communications and leading most press briefings.

耶鲁大学公共卫生学院卫生政策助理教授杰森·施瓦兹(Jason Schwartz)表示:“疾病中心(CDC)的公开参与程度被如此大大削弱,这是联邦政府应对措施中最惊人也是最令人困惑的方面之一。”

"The degree to which CDC's public presence has been so diminished ... is one of the most striking and frankly puzzling aspects of the federal government's response " said Jason Schwartz assistant professor of health policy at the Yale School of Public Health.


