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男人爱你入骨说什么傻话?男人真正想说的是什么What I hear: "You're so beautiful!"我听到的是:“你真漂亮!”What he says: "You're so hot!"他说:“你真性感!”What he says: "I'm really not ready for a relationship."他说:“我真的没有做好恋爱的准备。”What I hear: "Hang in there baby. We have a future together."我听到的是:“坚持下去,宝贝,将来我们会在一起的。”What he really means: "I don't want to be in a relationship. At least not with you."他真正想说的是:“我不想谈恋爱,至少不是和你谈。”


Novelist and official Southern Belle Loraine Despres used to warn me to be wary of men who say "When I'm done with you…" As in "When I'm done with you you'll know Paris like the back of your hand " or "By the time I'm done with you you'll have a wardrobe of real silk lingerie." It means she says he expects to be done with you. Me all I hear is Paris and [w=panty]panties.小说家洛兰·德普雷是一位真正的南方淑女,她过去常警告我要小心那些说“……我才会和你分开”的男人,比如“你对巴黎了如指掌的时候,我才会和你分开”,或者“你拥有一整柜真丝内衣的时候,我才会和你分开” 。洛兰认为男人说这些话的意思是他想和你分手。而我呢,只听到巴黎和裤裤。

What he says: "I love you... just not in the way you want to be loved."他说:“我爱你……只是与你希望被爱的方式不同。”

What I hear: "I love you."我听到的是:“我爱你。”

What he really means: "I love having a friend with benefits."他真正想说的是:“我好想找个炮友。”

What he says: "I'm really not ready for a relationship."他说:“我真的没有做好恋爱的准备。”

What I hear: "Hang in there baby. We have a future together."我听到的是:“坚持下去,宝贝,将来我们会在一起的。”

What he really means: "I don't want to be in a relationship. At least not with you."他真正想说的是:“我不想谈恋爱,至少不是和你谈。”

What he says: "You're so hot!"他说:“你真性感!”

What I hear: "You're so beautiful!"我听到的是:“你真漂亮!”

What he really means: "Take off your clothes."他真正想说的是:“脱吧!”

What he says: "This is getting too intense too fast. We should make some space."他说:“一切来得太快太突然,我们应该留点空间。”

What I hear: "The depth of my passion for you scares me."我听到的是:“我对你火热的激情让我不知所措。”

What he really means: "I'm interested in seeing someone else."他真正想说的是:“我想再找别人。”

What he says: "It's not you it's me."他说:“不怪你,怪我。”

What I hear: "You are perfect I am broken. Will you fix me?"我听到的是:“你很完美,而我有问题。你能治愈我吗?”

What he really means: "I'm already seeing someone else."他真正想说的是:“我已经看上别人了。”

