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心理学结构主义概念:心理学概念心理过程(Housed within the protective covering of the skull the brain is the most complex organ in the body. It controls thought behavior emotions and memory as well as basic life functions such as breathing and heart rate.)"大脑"位于头骨的保护层内,是人体最复杂的器官。它控制思想 行为 情绪 记忆,以及生活的基本功能,如呼吸和心率。['心理'和'行为'的差异与联系] - 他手里拿着一根芹菜,脑子里却想着汉堡。"Behavior"(行为)的概念是“通过个体操作可以被直接观察的任何显性行为” (any dir

① 心理学概念 || Mental Process

"Mental Process"(心理过程) 这个概念是非常好理解的,并且我相信非心理学专业的小伙伴们都可以通过多年的生活经历通过自己的语言完美的解释出“心理过程”这个概念;但是今天,我想和大家分享一下在系统和科学的角度下,“心路历程”是被怎么定义的?


Mental Process (心理过程),表示通过大脑的处理去认识客观世界的活动。

Cognitive process (认知过程) 属于更高级的“心理过程”(higher mental process) 这个过程包括:

  • perception (对事物的感知)
  • memory (记忆)
  • language (语言)
  • problem solving (个体对问题情境的适当的反应过程)
  • abstract thinking (抽象思维)

换句话说呢,“心理过程” 就是可以导致最终结果的在大脑里首先操作的一系列步骤


['心理'和'行为'的差异与联系] - 他手里拿着一根芹菜,脑子里却想着汉堡。

与 "Mental Process" 相对的一个心理学概念"Behavior" (行为):

"Behavior"(行为)的概念是“通过个体操作可以被直接观察的任何显性行为” (any direct observable action made by a living person overt)

"Mental process"更多的是指个人的 不能被直接观察到的 且隐蔽的思想和感情 (an individuals thoughts and feelings that are personal and cannot be directly observed covert)



"大脑"位于头骨保护层内,是人体最复杂的器官。它控制思想 行为 情绪 记忆,以及生活的基本功能,如呼吸心率

(Housed within the protective covering of the skull the brain is the most complex organ in the body. It controls thought behavior emotions and memory as well as basic life functions such as breathing and heart rate.)


大脑是身体的中央处理单元 通过大脑内部的神经细胞将你的思维 (比如说思想、感觉、态度、信念、记忆和想象等等) 转化为神经冲动和神经递质 在这一过程中大脑起着关键性作用。这些复杂的神经细胞释放出“神经递质”的过程被称为“神经信号”的释放,它们紧密影响着身体和大脑之间的关系。

(The brain is the central processing unit of the body and plays a key role (起着关键性作用) in translating (转换) the content (内容) of the mind (your thoughts feelings attitudes beliefs memories and imagination) into complex patterns of nerve cell firing & neurotransmitter (神经递质) release. These complex patterns of nerve cell firing and chemical release are called neurosignatures and they intimately affect the physiology and biochemistry of the body.)


(The relationship between the brain and the mind is complex. The human brain is a three-pound cantaloupe-sized (哈密瓜大小) organ whose external surface has many folded and convoluted contours (卷曲的沟壑). These folds and convolutions increase the surface area of the brain vastly increasing the number of possible connections between brain cells and thereby increasing the computing power (大脑的计算能力/信息处理能力) of the brain. Examined under a microscope each of the brain's 100 billion cells makes approximately (大约) 1000 connections (连接) -- called synapses (突触) -- with other brain cells. These synapses weave (编织出) an intricate (错综复杂的) tapestry (壁毯/织锦 这里指大脑表层)of living brain cell fibers creating the rich and complex communications network called the brain.)


