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英语专业8级备考:备战英语专业八级的经验分享语言知识是由一篇短文组成,学生需要根据“增添”、“删除”或“改变其中的某一个单词或短语”进行改错。这道题要求学生拥有扎实的语法知识和句型结构知识。关于语法的学习,学生可以通过买专业的语法书把语法知识系统梳理一遍。当然,通过历年真题,学生也可以整理出解题思路从而提高答题正确率。3. 语言知识讲座听力:这个题目是一项填空任务,学生需要边听边做笔记,听完后完成填空任务。长对话听力:学生听完会话后需要做多项选择题。在备考阶段,学生需要每天加强听力,BBC和VOA是重要听力材料。每天睡前可以听听英语广播和文章,锻炼语感和习惯不同国家英语发音。平时练习的时候,尝试把一段文章的听力听写下来。当然,真题的练习也是必不可少,掌握做讲座听力的技巧,不要求每个单词都听懂,但需要听懂文章大意。2. 阅读理解(多项选择题和简答题)阅读理解是英语能力测试考试必不可少的一部。 首先学生应该迅速把整篇文章阅读一遍,理解文




1. 听力(讲座听力和长对话听力)


2. 阅读理解(多项选择题和简答题)

阅读理解是英语能力测试考试必不可少的一部。 首先学生应该迅速把整篇文章阅读一遍,理解文章大意并了解文章结构。再者,学生应快速提取每个部分的中心意思并找出相应表达的句子。学生务必记住,不要纠结于几个自己不懂的单词而浪费时间。常见的快读方法有以下几种,计时阅读、略读、寻读、意群阅读等。当然,提高自己的词汇量和阅读能力也是十分重要的,在平时的学习积累中,学生需要丰富自己的阅读资料,提高阅读速度和能力。

3. 语言知识


4. 翻译(汉译英)


5. 写作(300个单词)




Experience sharing in preparing for TEM 8

TEM 8 Students in English major can only take the test twice. Seizing the opportunity and passing the exam can not only help the improvement of personal ability but also play an indispensable role in the career development of students after graduation. The following are my experiences in preparing for TEM 8 which I would like to share here:

1. Listening (Lecture listening and long dialogue listening)

Lecture listening: this topic is a blank filling task. Students need to take notes while listening. After listening they need to complete the blank filling task. Long dialogue listening: students need to do multiple-choice questions after listening to the conversation. In the preparation stage students need to strengthen their listening every day. BBC and VOA are important listening materials. Before going to bed every day you can listen to English radio and articles in this way you can exercise your sense of language and get used to English pronunciation from different countries. When practicing you can also try to dictate a passage. Of course the practice of pass papers is also essential. To master the listening skills of lectures it is not required to understand every word but it is necessary to understand the general idea of the article.

2. Reading comprehension (multiple choice questions and short answer questions)

Reading comprehension is an essential part of English proficiency test. First of all students should read the whole article quickly understand the general idea of the article and the structure of the article. Moreover students should quickly extract the central meaning of each part and find the corresponding sentences. Students should remember not to waste time on words they don't understand. The common fast reading methods are as follows: timed reading skimming reading searching reading group reading etc. Of course it is also very important to improve their vocabulary and reading ability. In the normal accumulation of learning students need to enrich their reading materials and improve their reading speed and ability.

3. Language knowledge

Language knowledge consists of a short passage. Students need to correct their mistakes according to "add" "delete" or "change a word or phrase". This question requires students to have a solid knowledge of grammar and sentence structure. As for grammar learning students can sort out the grammar knowledge system by buying a professional grammar book. Of course going through the past papers students can also sort out the ideas to improve the accuracy of the answers.

4. Translation (Chinese to English)

English translation is an important part of the career development of English majors so students should master translation skills no matter for the sake of examination or future career development. Common translation techniques include: adding translation (adding words or phrases to express the meaning of the original text more accurately) saving translation (deleting words and phrases that do not conform to the thinking and language habits of the target text so as to avoid the translation redundancy) conversion (converting parts of speech and voice in the original text to conform to the expression habits and methods of the target language) and disassembly (putting a complex Split the sentence into several shorter sentences; merge (merge several simple sentences into one long sentence); forward translation and reverse translation (translate the sentence according to the same or opposite expression word order of Chinese); reverse translation (reverse the word order of the original text such as changing the position of attribute modifier and adverbial modifier)

5. Writing (300 words)

In order to improve the ability of English writing students should first enhance their reading capacity and ensure enough input to improve their output. Secondly students can try to imitate excellent English writing examples and extract beautiful sentences or famous sayings. Students can also keep an English diary in English every day so as to consolidate and apply the knowledge they have learned. Finally students should strengthen the consolidation of grammar knowledge. This can ensure the quality and readability of writing.

Finally I wish you all the best preparation and success in the exam.


