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别让别人尴尬别让自己尴尬:敢让你出丑的人If you strike back or you can even make them painful probably they will respect you a lot.对于那些人来讲,他们是不讲道德的,他们只相信实力!如果你不反击,那他们会接着让你在大庭广众之下出丑。明白吗?Just make them embarrassed in public. You don’t have to care about that ok.你就让他们当众出丑。你不必在意这些。明白吗?For those people they don’t believe in morality they only believe in power. If you don’t strike back then they will keep making you being embarrassed in p

Hi my friends. Not all people believe in morality. Not all people are the nice people. ok.



Some people always try all the ways to make you embarrassed. What are you gonna do with that? strike back.


Just make them embarrassed in public. You don’t have to care about that ok.


For those people they don’t believe in morality they only believe in power. If you don’t strike back then they will keep making you being embarrassed in public ok.


If you strike back or you can even make them painful probably they will respect you a lot.

