食品安全箴言,每日一词食品安全——2017年1月3日,对食品安全工作作出重要指示Party committees and governments at all levels should invest more efforts to ensure food safety with the most rigorous standards the most stringent regulation the most severe punishment and the most serious accountability. There needs to be a more unified and professional supervision system that is capable of enforcing food safety rules.本次专项行动要求 “最严谨的标准、最严格的监管、最严厉的处罚、最严
2019年9月至2020年12月,最高人民检察院、国家市场监督管理总局、国家药品监督管理局在全国联合开展落实食品药品安全专项行动,落实最严格的监管及最严厉的处罚。Chinese authorities have launched a national food safety campaign requiring the "strictest" supervision over the food sector and the "harshest" penalties for violations. The crackdown which runs from September 2019 to December 2020 was initiated by the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) in collaboration with the State Administration for Market Regulation and the National Medical Products Administration.
本次专项行动要求 “最严谨的标准、最严格的监管、最严厉的处罚、最严肃的问责”,将重点打击发生在校园及其周边、餐饮聚集区、农贸批发市场、种养殖生产基地、菜篮子产品主产区、农村和城乡接合部、食品和副食品批发市场、冷库物流中心等区域的案件;呈现规模化、组织化、链条化的案件;涉及婴幼儿食品和药品的案件;利用网络、电商平台、社交媒体、电视购物栏目等实施的案件;人民群众反映强烈、社会影响恶劣、舆论高度关注的案件等。
Party committees and governments at all levels should invest more efforts to ensure food safety with the most rigorous standards the most stringent regulation the most severe punishment and the most serious accountability. There needs to be a more unified and professional supervision system that is capable of enforcing food safety rules.
菜篮子工程 non-staple food project
非法食品添加剂 illegal food additives
农药残留 pesticide residues