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英语u2知识点:北京版五上U2知识点归纳你能来我家吗?不好意思,我必须待在家里。Would you like to come to my house? Sorry I can’t .I must stay at home.tidy my room 打扫房间come to my house 来我的家hold the books 抱着书open the door 开门句型:

Lesson 5

词组:would like to=would love to 想要 stay at home 待在家 wait for 等待

read or play together 一起读书或一起玩pass me the crayon 递给我蜡笔

say that again 再说一遍be polite 礼貌的ask for help 需求帮助walk the dog 遛狗

tidy my room 打扫房间come to my house 来我的家hold the books 抱着书

open the door 开门


Would you like to come to my house? Sorry I can’t .I must stay at home.


Lesson 6

词组:use your computer 用你的电脑need to 需要finish homework 完成作业

after you finish 在你完成之后No problem. 没问题I’m done. 我做完了

half past four. 4:30 It’s getting late. 已经很晚了copy your work 抄你的作业

on your own 独立的go out an play 去外面玩watch the news 看新闻

a pair of scissors 剪刀open the gift box 打开礼物盒子It’s not for you. 不是给你的


Can I use your computer? Sorry I need to finish my homework first.




Lesson 7

词组:ask… to… 让某人做某事join us 加入我们water the plants 浇花

wash the socks 洗袜子keep your room tidy 保持你的房间干净整洁

fix the bike 修自行车clean the windows 擦窗户


clean 干净的bright 明亮的dirty 脏的tidy 整洁的dry 干的broken 坏的

句型:The window are dirty Shall we clean them this afternoon? Yes let’s.


Lesson 8

kid 孩子blanket 篮子do things together 一起做事情be kind to others 对其他人好

a good example for me 是我的好榜样


Maths 数学Chinese 语文English 英语science科学art美术music音乐

ME 品德computer 计算机
