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14天阅读打卡结束后感言,中心词居然还有这作用Ⅰ ①The longest bull run in a century of art-market history ended on a dramatic note with a sale of 56 works by Damien Hirst Beautiful Inside My Head Forever at Sotheby’s in London on September 15th 2008. ...... ④As the auctioneer called out bids in New York one of the oldest banks on Wall Street Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy. 但中心词通常不会一成不变地出现,在阅读过程中要多留意同义改写后的中心词。寻找中心词并非漫无目标,重点应放在各段的重要位



Part Two





2010英语二Text 1

Ⅰ ①The longest bull run in a century of art-market history ended on a dramatic note with a sale of 56 works by Damien Hirst Beautiful Inside My Head Forever at Sotheby’s in London on September 15th 2008. ...... ④As the auctioneer called out bids in New York one of the oldest banks on Wall Street Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy.

Ⅱ ①The world art market had already been losing momentum for a while after rising bewilderingly since 2003. ......

Ⅲ ①In the weeks and months that followed Mr Hirst’s sale spending of any sort became deeply unfashionable. ②In the art world that meant collectors stayed away from galleries and salerooms. ③Sales of contemporary art fell by two-thirds and in the most overheated sector they were down by nearly 90% in the year to November 2008. ......

Ⅳ ①The current downturn in the art market is the worst since the Japanese stopped buying Impressionists at the end of 1989. ②This time experts reckon that prices are about 40% down on their peak on average though some have been far more fluctuant. ③But Edward Dolman Christie’s chief executive says: “I’m pretty confident we’re at the bottom.”

Ⅴ ①What makes this slump different from the last he says is that there are still buyers in the market. ....... ③The three Ds—death debt and divorce—still deliver works of art to the market. ......

题目 The most appropriate title for this text could be _______.

[A] Fluctuation of Art Prices

[B] Up-to-date Art Auctions

[C] Art Market in Decline

[D] Shifted Interest in Arts


这篇文章的中心词很突出 中心词我已经在原文中加粗标出。


比如第一段中的art-market,第二段中的the world art market,第三段中的in the art world和contemporary art,第四段中art market,第五段中的works of art。


比如第一段中的ended和bankruptcy,第二段中的losing momentum,第三段中的deeply unfashionable、fell by two-thirds和down by nearly 90%,第四段中“current downturn … is the worst”、40% down和at the bottom,以及第五段中的slump (骤降,猛跌,不景气)。


