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英文寓言故事100篇:双语寓言故事三百零四十当狮子大王看见驴子伙同其他动物来到自己身边,商量踢它哪个部位更好一点的时候,狮子大王大喊了一声:“天哪!” 接着,它就用自己极其微弱的声音乞求道:“上帝啊,求求你快点结束我的生命吧,我不想苟延残喘地活在这个世界上!我不想让自己受侮辱!我不惧怕死亡!与其让我挨驴子一脚,还不如尽快让我死去!狮子大王身上的毛再也不像以前那样鲜亮了。现在他的身上满是伤痕,既被马蹄狠狠地踢了一脚,又被狼血红的牙齿咬得肿起来了,连皮都被尖锐的牛角戳破了。这时候,无论大家怎样地攻击狮子大王,狮子大王都不会和大家动怒了。它只是安安静静地蜷缩在一角,痛苦地等待着最残忍的腥风血雨过去。有时候,当它实在受不了痛苦的折磨时,它也只是在低沉而悲伤的吼声中透露出它的悲哀。Everyone in the world no matter he is poor or rich high or low status we should

The Lion is Old

The once mighty Lion is now old and seems to have lost all his strength. His broad claws could hold nothing now; He had lost almost all of his once sharp teeth; Its powerful legs were now beginning to wobble. To top it all off the neighbors that the lion had previously controlled began to attack him as well.

The Lion's fur was no longer as bright as it used to be. His body was now covered with bruises swollen by a sharp kick from a horse's hoof swollen by a Wolf's blood-red teeth and his skin punctured by sharp horns. At this time no matter how they attack the Lion King the Lion King will not be angry with everyone. It just crouched quietly in a corner waiting painfully for the worst of the storm to pass. Sometimes when the pain was too much for him he only revealed his sorrow in a low sad roar.

When the Lion saw the donkey and all the other animals coming up to him to decide which part of the donkey should be kicked he cried out "Good heavens!" Then in a very weak voice he begged "God please end my life quickly. I don't want to live in this world! I don't want to be insulted! I'm not afraid of death! I'd rather die as soon as possible than be kicked by a donkey!

Everyone in the world no matter he is poor or rich high or low status we should treat them equally respect others can win the respect of others.





当狮子大王看见驴子伙同其他动物来到自己身边,商量踢它哪个部位更好一点的时候,狮子大王大喊了一声:“天哪!” 接着,它就用自己极其微弱的声音乞求道:“上帝啊,求求你快点结束我的生命吧,我不想苟延残喘地活在这个世界上!我不想让自己受侮辱!我不惧怕死亡!与其让我挨驴子一脚,还不如尽快让我死去!

