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鸟原文及译文(译文解析飞鸟)warbler为“黄眉莺”;curlew sandpiper是“弯嘴滨鹬,鹬”;host“寄主”;Arctic tundra意思为“北极苔原”。本段共三个句子,第二句较长,我们可以采取断句的方式译成三个小句子:such as Hong Kong's Deep Bay - which hosts over 100 000 shorebirds each year 译成“比如,香港深水湾每年就寄栖着十多万只海滨鸟”;主句(The curlew sandpipers)breed on Arctic tundra译成“而鹬的繁殖地却在北极冻原”。句子They provide more than just a twittering musical backdrop.(鸟不仅奏出的美妙交响曲“奏出”,backdrop(背景)一词省译。The yellow browed warblers tha

The migrating birds that do survive return by early summer. At the height of the season there are an estimated 20 billion birds in North America alone. They provide more than just a twittering musical backdrop. They are messengers of the world's environmental health tying the countries of the world together with ribbons of flight.



短语at the height of的意思是“在……顶点;在……的顶峰或鼎盛时期”,因此,at the height of the season译为“盛夏时节”。


句子They provide more than just a twittering musical backdrop.(鸟不仅奏出的美妙交响曲“奏出”,backdrop(背景)一词省译。


The yellow browed warblers that winter in parks from Taiwan to Thailand nest in pine forests in the northern former Soviet Union. The curlew sandpipers seen at Asian marshes and estuaries such as Hong Kong's Deep Bay - which hosts over 100 000 shorebirds each year - breed on Arctic tundra. More than 65 species that spend their winter in southern Asia breed in Siberia.



本段共三个句子,第二句较长,我们可以采取断句的方式译成三个小句子:such as Hong Kong's Deep Bay - which hosts over 100 000 shorebirds each year 译成“比如,香港深水湾每年就寄栖着十多万只海滨鸟”;主句(The curlew sandpipers)breed on Arctic tundra译成“而鹬的繁殖地却在北极冻原”。


warbler为“黄眉莺”;curlew sandpiper是“弯嘴滨鹬,鹬”;host“寄主”;Arctic tundra意思为“北极苔原”。

In this way the fate of these birds is irrevocably linked to the ecological fates of places few of us could find on a map. The frailness of these ribbons of flight is startling. A recent study showed that just five migration stopover points in North America support more than a million shorebirds each year.


本段的第一句是定语从句,我们可以分译成两个句子:将从句few of us could find on a map单独译成“这些地方只有少数人才能在地图上查找到”。irrevocably 意为“不可改变的”;affirmation意思是“证实、断言。”


With so much riding on so few areas efforts are under way by organizations such as the Audubon Society to ensure that the circle is never broken in a world stitched together with wing beats.

That the birds go is a part of our dream-- that they return is an affirmation of our hope.




第一句的介词短语部分With so much riding on so few areas是表原因的,riding on是“依靠”的意思,areas指的是鸟儿栖息落脚点,so much riding on 指很多的鸟儿。因此,这个介词短语部分就不能按照字面意思翻译,而是译成“由于鸟多栖息地少”。

stitch的意思是“缝合”,wing beats字面意思是翅膀的拍打,振颤,实际指的是鸟的飞翔。翻译时可把它译成“飞禽,鸟类”。
