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耐克充电鞋有什么功能(原以为耐克免提鞋是给懒人设计的)Though Nike was able to create a custom shoe to meet Walzer’s immediate needs Hatfield knew the design could be improved. He and his team spent the next few years refining the shoe sending each version to Walzer for approval. They tested various no-lace solutions including velcro zippers and cable dials and also drew inspiration from existing Nike shoes such as the Nike Hyperdunk and the Ni


Go FlyEase系列是耐克的首款完全免提的无鞋带运动鞋

Matthew Walzer who was born with cerebral palsy had overcome most of the mobility and motor skills challenges associated with the congenital disorder by the time he turned 16 in 2012. However with limited dexterity in his right hand one essential task remained elusive — tying his shoelaces. Realizing there were probably millions of others facing a similar challenge he reached out to his favorite shoe company Nike for help. Little did the teenager know that his heartfelt request would lead to the creation of Go FlyEase — the world’s first fully hands-free sneaker.

马修·沃尔泽 (Matthew Walzer) 出生时患有脑瘫,2012年16岁时,他已经克服了这种先天性疾病带来的大部分行动和运动技能挑战。然而,由于他右手的灵活性有限,有一项基本任务仍然难以完成——系鞋带。意识到可能还有数百万人面临着类似的挑战,他向自己最喜欢的耐克鞋业公司寻求帮助。这个少年不知道的是,他衷心的请求促成了Go FlyEase的诞生——世界上第一款完全免提的运动鞋。


Matthew Walzer

“My dream is to go to the college of my choice without having to worry about someone coming to tie my shoes every day ” Walzer wrote. “I’ve worn Nike basketball shoes all my life. I can only wear this type of shoe because I need ankle support to walk. At 16 years old I am able to completely dress myself but my parents still have to tie my shoes. As a teenager who is striving to become totally self-sufficient I find this extremely frustrating and at times embarrassing.”


The letter posted on Twitter soon went viral and caught the attention of Tobie Hatfield the brainchild behind some of Nike’s most popular athletic shoes including the iconic Air Jordan models. As luck would have it the legendary designer had been working with Special Olympians to overcome similar challenges and was thrilled to help Walzer.

这封发在推特上的信迅速走红,引起了托比·哈特菲尔德 (Tobie Hatfield) 的注意。哈特菲尔德是耐克一些最受欢迎运动鞋的创意创造者,其中包括标志性的飞人乔丹 (Air Jordan) 运动鞋。幸运的是,这位传奇设计师一直在与特奥会运动员合作,克服类似的挑战,他很高兴能帮助沃尔泽。

Though Nike was able to create a custom shoe to meet Walzer’s immediate needs Hatfield knew the design could be improved. He and his team spent the next few years refining the shoe sending each version to Walzer for approval. They tested various no-lace solutions including velcro zippers and cable dials and also drew inspiration from existing Nike shoes such as the Nike Hyperdunk and the Nike Zoom Soldier created in collaboration with LeBron James — Walzer’s favorite basketball player.

虽然耐克能够定制鞋子来满足沃尔泽的迫切需求,但哈特菲尔德知道设计还可以改进。在接下来的几年里,他和他的团队对这款鞋进行了改进,并将每一款鞋都交给沃尔泽征求他的建议。他们测试了各种无鞋带的解决方案,包括尼龙搭扣、拉链和缆绳调节,也从现有的耐克鞋中获得了灵感,比如耐克 Hyperdunk和耐克Zoom Soldier,这两款鞋是与沃尔泽最喜欢的篮球运动员勒布朗·詹姆斯 (LeBron James) 合作开发的。



Hatfield says “LeBron’s footwear provided the ankle support Matthew needed but of course getting into and out of high-top shoes can present its own challenges so we focused not just on replacing the lacing system but also creating an easier entry system for the foot.”


In 2015 Nike released the first version of the Flyease — a stylish sneaker that could be zipped on and velcroed shut. Though it allowed the wearer to put on and take off with ease it still required the use of at least one hand to zip tie or strap the shoe shut. Hatfield and his team have been tinkering with the design ever since to create a completely hands-free FlyEase model.


Unveiled on February 1 2021 the revolutionary shoe features a bistable hinge — one that toggles between two different positions. When not worn the hinge props up creating a sort of “clog” shape. Angled at about thirty degrees it allows the foot to slide in easily. Once the foot is in the hinge snaps shut and the shoe tightly grasps onto the foot with a suctioning motion. The “clog” arch flattens out to provide cushioning and heel support.


The footwear can just as easily be removed with an action we are all familiar with — holding on to the heel with the opposite foot’s toes. The GO FlyEase’s “kickstand heel” makes the action even easier while simultaneously sliding the hinge to prop the shoes up and ready for the next outing.

脱鞋的动作我们都很熟悉——用另一只脚的脚趾抓住脚后跟。GO FlyEase的“kickstand heel”使动作更加容易,同时滑动铰链支撑鞋子,为下一次出行做好准备。

The Nike team says that while GO FlyEase sneakers were initially conceived to help those unable to tie their laces they will resonate with anyone who wants to easily slip into their shoes. “We often listen to the extreme athletes to bring us these benefits. We’ve looked at Lebron as an extreme athlete. If we can design for him we can solve for the high school basketball player ” says Sarah Reinertsen the Senior Director of Nike Ease. “What I love about this shoe in particular is we listened to the extreme needs of [people with specific limitations]. But with this solution we feel like it’s a universal proposition.”

耐克团队表示,虽然GO FlyEase运动鞋最初的构想是为了帮助那些不能系鞋带的人,但它们会与那些想轻松穿上它们的鞋子的人产生共鸣。“我们经常听极限运动员给我们带来这些好处。我们把勒布朗看作是一名极限运动员。如果我们能为他设计,我们就能为高中篮球运动员解决问题,”耐克Ease的高级总监萨拉·赖纳特森说。“我特别喜欢这款鞋,因为我们倾听了(有特定限制的人)的极为特殊的需求。但有了这个解决方案,我们觉得这是一个普遍的命题。”

最终,托比把采用 环绕式拉链设计的 Zoom Soldier 8 FlyEase,请勒布朗交到沃尔泽手上,并为他打气鼓励。




这双鞋也成功获得美国《时代周刊》“2015年度创新大奖”提名,海外知名博客网站 Mashable.com 评选出的“2015改变世界创新大奖”。














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