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蓝色的用英语怎么讲?其他地道英语用法你会么注释:I love my doodling T-shirt because I drew it by myself. There is a comet on it and you know it’s a once-in-a-blue-moon chance to see a comet. That’s why every big day like my birthday or anniversary I would like to put it on. It means a lot to me.do a favor 帮个忙a request for a loan 借钱的请求a bit iffy 有点可疑


My cousin Leo came to see me out of the blue. We haven’t seen each other for years. So I think he wants to ask me to do a favor like a request for a loan something like that. All in all it seems a little bit iffy.


out of the blue 突然

do a favor 帮个忙

a request for a loan 借钱的请求

a bit iffy 有点可疑

I love my doodling T-shirt because I drew it by myself. There is a comet on it and you know it’s a once-in-a-blue-moon chance to see a comet. That’s why every big day like my birthday or anniversary I would like to put it on. It means a lot to me.


doodling T-shirt 涂鸦T恤

a comet 一颗彗星

A once-in-a-blue-moon chance 千载难逢的机会


