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麦基今夏增了多少肌肉(麦基称所谓哮喘根本不重)McGee who has not averaged more than 18.1 minutes per game in his previous six seasons believes the narrative of him having to play in shorter stints due to asthma came when he spent three seasons in Denver from 2012 to 2015.“人们总是说:‘哦麦基每场只能打20分钟,因为他有哮喘。’胡扯,联盟中有很多人都有哮喘。我感觉大家已经习惯主动帮我找借口了:‘麦基有哮喘,所以我们让他少打会儿。’全文背景如下:在接受赛后采访时,麦基被问到有关他哮喘的问题,他如此回应:“关于哮喘,我要说的是:别没完没了地提了,搞得好像我在球场上喘不上来气呼吸困难一样。我这辈子就从来没有过哮喘发作


Javale McGee: "This is what I want to say about the asthma. Stop bringing that up like I'm out here wheezing and having asthma attacks. I've never had an asthma attack in my life. I feel like that's definitely lowered my value as a basketball player."


Full context:

"This is what I want to say about the asthma " McGee said when asked about it after the game. "Stop bringing that up like I'm out here wheezing and having asthma attacks. I've never had an asthma attack in my life. I feel like that's definitely lowered my value as a basketball player.



"People say 'Oh he only can play 20 minutes because he has asthma.' No. there's a lot of people with asthma in the league. I feel like somebody stamped that excuse on me like 'Cool we can play him low minutes because he has asthma.'"


McGee who has not averaged more than 18.1 minutes per game in his previous six seasons believes the narrative of him having to play in shorter stints due to asthma came when he spent three seasons in Denver from 2012 to 2015.


"Probably Denver because of altitude " McGee said. "Anybody has a problem breathing in Denver."


"They have asthma medicine " he added. "There's a reason I take it so I don't have asthma when I take my asthma medicine."



[–]poopfeast180 2252 指標 9小時前

Yeah this asthma excuse is so dumb.

I know richard jefferson has asthma and he played plenty of minutes in his prime.



[–]CelticsHighlighterTed 880 指標 9小時前*

It would be funny to see prime Richard Jefferson going up getting his head above the rim slamming down a massive tomahawk dunk... and then heading over to the sidelines to take a hit from an inhaler


[–]Wizardsjyukuilzdf 667 指標 8小時前

JR Smith used to do exactly this except it was a hit of the Henny


[–]docpyro1 144 指標 7小時前

used to? he did it last night vs Brooklyn


[–]Knicksjordansideas 181 指標 6小時前

he still does henny but he used to too


[–]RocketsBwuk-Im-Zyzz 184 指標 9小時前

Harden has asthma as well.


[–]NBAsnapundersteer 58 指標 9小時前

Galen Rupp Olympic medalist in the 10 000 and marathon has asthma. Chris Froome one of the all time great cyclists has asthma. If treated its not a problem.

Galen Rupp是奥运会万米以及马拉松奖牌获得者,他也有哮喘病。Chris Froome是最伟大的自行车手之一,他也有哮喘。如果妥善治疗,哮喘根本不算事儿。

[–]beebop222222 27 指標 7小時前

if treated its not a problem.

lol come on this is definitely not true for everyone with asthma. It depends so much on the severity patient factors comorbidities other lifestyle factors etc. The people you mentioned may just have had very mild asthma.



[–]Lakershardy_v1 85 指標 9小時前

Guess his minutes will be controlled in Denver road games


[–]RaptorsDeArmani_DeBooker 229 指標 9小時前

revenge game today?



[–][DEN] Roy HibbertSiegeGod 121 指標 8小時前

If Javale plays in Denver like he did when he played for Denver Jokić will score 50 points

掘金球迷:如果麦基做客丹佛时的表现得就像他当年为我们效力时那么烂,约老师大概能在他头上砍个50 。

[–]Wizardswhite_light-king 1042 指標 9小時前


It's his fouls per 36 minutes that keep him off the court not the asthma. If you average 5 fouls per 36 it's really tough to be counted on for more than 20 minutes.



Wizards games he used to come in make highlight plays get two fouls and go back out to wait out his foul trouble.


[–][DET] Ben Wallacejohnazoidberg- 589 指標 8小時前

Holy shit actual analysis in a Javale thread?


[–]Wizardswhite_light-king 276 指標 8小時前

I have always been interested in Javale as a basketball player not a meme since he was on the Wizards. He's legitimately interesting because he has both real strengths and real flaws.


[–]WizardsFat314 157 指標 8小時前

I kinda liked him and was upset when Blake won the Dunk contest over him just cuz of Kia.. He was never as bad as people portraited him. I mean yeah he had some dumb plays but if you watch those dumb plays most of them are out of hustle and passion without recognizing that sometimes he doesn't have the skill for it.


If we had a good development coach at the time when he was young and good vets he could've been a great player.


Only thing that shocks me is how does he have such a low BBIQ when his mother who is a very smart ex-WNBA star player who recently got into the W Hall of Fame and he has a sister that is currently playing in the WNBA that also has quite good BBIQ.


[–][SAS] Manu GinobiliDctr_K 300 指標 9小時前

He looks fine playing a lot of mins. Not sure what you guys were talking about around here


[–]Lakersvizzlypoof 223 指標 9小時前

And he’s going BALLS OUT for those minutes. He is defending the rim so well and sprinting to the basket for put backs and alley oops. It’ll be incredible if he does get to 30 mpg for all that he does on the court.

湖人球迷:而且那些比赛,麦基完全是打!疯!了!他能很好地保护自家篮筐,在进攻端可以冲刺完成补篮或者空接啥的。如果麦基能在30 的上场时间中一直做到这些,那就太棒了。

[–][TOR] Fred VanVleetplushPudding 96 指標 9小時前

Doubt any 7 footer can do what McGee is doing rn for 30


[–]Lakersvizzlypoof 135 指標 8小時前

Capela and Deandre Jordan do it and do it better. But that’s why they’re paid the way they’re paid and why McGee hasn’t cashed in.

But if McGee gets to 25-30 mpg by the end of the season on the same really good efficiency he’s gonna get a fat pay day.

湖人球迷:卡佩拉和小乔丹可以,而且他们还能做得更好 。但话说回来了,这也是为什么他们能拿到大合同而麦基不行。


[–]LakersTheLeBrontoRaptors 184 指標 9小時前

"You think I won Shaqtin a fool MVP with Asthma? Hell no!"


[–][GSW] Stephen CurryTheMountainThatBalls 115 指標 8小時前

Asthma and Shaq have cost McGee millions. He is way better and more capable than his reputation would lead you to believe. I’m glad the Lakers seem to be giving him a chance to prove that.


[–]RaptorsShadowghost1020 23 指標 7小時前

I find the image of professional scouts and GMs in a room talking about which players to acquire and they gloss over Javale because his file says: "the internet says his asthma is a problem and shaq thinks hes dumb." Its not that simple lol head offices dont take that shit into account


[–]Bulls_devildinosaur 25 指標 6小時前

the argument is that these things bleed into the decisionmaking as unconscious bias.

I think we tend to overrate how smart or plugged in front offices are to everything in the NBA. We know that GMs and front offices absolutely take these kinds of rumors into consideration because Danny Ferry a GM that a lot of people liked got fired for reciting a bunch of them about Luol Deng.



