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穿孔石膏板与吸音板(提升声学舒适性能的神器)穿孔率越高,吸声效率越好Tipos de perforaciones. Image Cortesía de Romeral石膏板主要应用在学校、办公室、购物中心、餐厅、大厅,以及医院,这种材料的安装非常方便,还可以提升美学效果。There are many ways to solve the acoustic comfort of the interior spaces we design using materials and solutions of different prices and appearances. Perforated cardboard gypsum boards are an economical and efficient option to incorporate into projects absorbing the sound and reducin


Cortesía de Romeral


How To Improve Acoustic Comfort with Perforated Cardboard Plasterboards



There are many ways to solve the acoustic comfort of the interior spaces we design using materials and solutions of different prices and appearances. Perforated cardboard gypsum boards are an economical and efficient option to incorporate into projects absorbing the sound and reducing the noise level generated by the reverberation through different patterns and shapes.

Applied mainly in schools offices shopping centers restaurants lobbies and hospitals gypsum boards are easy to install and can deliver high-quality aesthetic results in ceilings and coatings.


Tipos de perforaciones. Image Cortesía de Romeral



The Higher The Perforation Percentage The Greater The Sound Absorption

The perforations themselves contribute to the absorption of sound working as a resonator. In this way the sound loses energy when entering the formed chamber for example between the ceiling and the slab. It is important to consider that the result will depend on the height of the plates in the case of ceilings; and on the thickness of the air chamber in the case of the linings.


Placa Acústica ExSound® modelo L5X80 N8. Image Cortesía de Romeral



There Is A Wide Range Of Drilling Patterns

Gypsum boards are industrially perforated delivering a wide range of perforation patterns and designs. These patterns will influence the level of acoustic comfort delivered offering high absorptions especially for low and medium frequencies a range in which the human voice is found.


Placa Acústica ExSound® Modelo C12N8. Image Cortesía de Romeral


Placa Acústica ExSound® modelo L5X80 N8. Image Cortesía de Romeral


Placa Acústica ExSound® modelo R15N1. Image Cortesía de Romeral


Placa Acústica ExSound® modelo R12N2. Image Cortesía de Romeral



The Perforated Plates Can Be Located Horizontally And Vertically And Even On Curved Surfaces

Perforated cardboard gypsum boards can be installed on different supports ceilings partitions stairs and more. Depending on the acoustic needs of the space the plates can be placed horizontally and/or vertically delivering a greater acoustic comfort when applying a mixed solution.


Sistema de Montaje. Image Cortesía de Romeral


Sistema de Montaje. Image Cortesía de Romeral



Perforated Sheets can be Part of the Overall Aesthetic Solution of a Space

By being designed and correctly chosen the plasterboard can completely cover the surfaces of an enclosure generating infinite combinations of design for example when interspersed with smooth plates.


Cortesía de Romeral



Its Installation is Similar to That of Traditional Cardboard Plasterboards

Perforated cardboard gypsum boards are very easy to install since they require the same procedures tools joint treatments and skills as traditional cardboard gypsum boards.


Esquema de alineación de las perforaciones. Image Cortesía de Romeral


  • 在天花板之中,石膏板必须垂直于框架而固定,而这种框架常常为金属结构,并且一般使用1 "长的喇叭头螺钉固定起来。石膏板一般间隔60厘米固定在金属结构或是Omega材料中。
  • 石膏板应该以十字交叉的方式连接起来,从而确保穿孔的连续性。
  • 对于连接处,必须要注意不要用腻子覆盖穿孔,尽量将它们铲除干净。
  • 在油漆时,可以选用不同类型的油漆,但是选用材料不应该降低其声音质量,因此建议选用浅色的油漆,这样能够减少对比。
  • 正确地设计方案,充分利用材料特性,减少音质损耗。

General Installation Recommendations

  • In the case of ceilings the plates must be fixed perpendicular to the frame generally metal structures using trumpet head screws 1 "long and fixed perimetral and in the center. Plates are fixed to metal structures or Omega profiles spaced 60 cm apart.
  • The plates should be joined in the form of a cross without overlapping to ensure the continuity of the perforations.
  • For the treatment of joints special care must be taken not to cover the perforations with putty and it is recommended to use a spatula.
  • For painting you can choose any type of paint and you should use a roller to not reduce the acoustic qualities of the product. Light colors are recommended so as not to contrast excessively with perforations.
  • It is recommended to correctly design your disposal to take advantage of the material and make the least amount of cuts.


Cortesía de Romeral


Cortesía de Romeral


Cortesía de Romeral


Cortesía de Romeral


